Connecting a Wacom tablet to a serial (Com, Serial) port and working through a usb-com adapter.

    When switching from desktop to laptop, I had a problem connecting a Wacom Intuos tablet. My model is quite old and is connected via the COM port, which has not been used in laptops for a long time. Buying a new 6 × 8 inch tablet just because of usb makes no sense. It’s easier to buy a com-usb adapter. Wacom only guarantees working with  Keyspan , but they are quite expensive. But there are many cheap adapters, most of which are assembled on a Prolific chip . As a result, he took the TRENDnet TU-S9 . Everything worked with him, I think there shouldn’t be any problems with other "Prolifeics" either.

    Now about the difficulties of connecting the

    Internet is full of stories about black magic and dancing with a tambourine when connecting Wacom-s."Wacom Tablet Properties" in the Control Panel point blank does not see the tablet. Tormented all day, it finally worked. I took drivers for Wacom here . The entire 6.x series should work. I connected the adapter through com-usb, but, I think, through com the port will be the same.

    So what you need to do:
    1. We remove all Wacom drivers from the system .
    2. If usb-com adapter is used, install its driver.
    3. Install the Wacom driver .
    4. We create a file Wacom_Tablet.datwith the following contents: change the port number in  to the port used by the tablet. When using the usb-com adapter, the com port can be checked in the Control Panel, System, Hardware tab, Device manager there we look in Ports.
      PrefsFileVersion 4
      DriverOn1Off0 1
      DriverLanguage 13
      LeftHandedMouse 0
      FunkyButtonMode 0
      NoStartWarnings 0
      HowManyTablets 1
      TabletType 0
      TabletModel 201
      CommPort COM1
      TabletOn1Off0 1
      TabletPhysicallyOn 1
      TabletFlags 0
      HowManyTransducers 0

    5. Copy this file to
      %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\WTablet\Wacom_Tablet.dat
    6. We restart Wacom service.
      It is better to write a bat-file for this. It will be useful to us more than once. Let's say wacom.bat. We write there
      net stop "TabletServiceWacom"
      net start "TabletServiceWacom"
    7. If the tablet does not respond to the pen, we reboot the computer.

    If something still does not work, check the port number at  %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\WTablet\Wacom_Tablet.dat. Sometimes the driver changes it.

    After rebooting, Windows may offer to install new hardware, close this window and do not install anything. Sometimes nothing works from this.

    When you reconnect the tablet, most likely it will not work. Here you will need created earlier wacom.bat. Well, or just a reboot.

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