Training Library

    As part of the MSDN Academic Alliance , a resource such as a course library is available .


    This site is addressed to teachers, graduate students, students and enthusiasts who teach and study modern information technology. It houses training courses developed at universities and training centers that use Microsoft technology in their learning process. Currently on the site you can find more than 100 courses, study guides, books, laboratory works, most of which are written and developed by teachers of Russian universities .

    The library contains materials in the following areas:
    • Basics of programming
    • Software Development Technology
    • High performance computing
    • Operating Systems
    • Programming languages
    • Web development
    • Object oriented programming
    • Information Security
    • Computer networks
    • Programming theory
    • Information management
    • Computer graphics
    • Office programming
    • Functional programming
    • Automatic programming
    • Partnership in Education Series for Secondary School
    • Teaching aids for continuing education courses for teaching staff
    • Laboratory works
    • Microsoft Open Lectures
    • Articles
    The library is constantly updated. Recently added materials:
    • Course IT Project Management SV Zherdeva, Nizhny Novgorod State University (see the section Software Development Technology)
      The aim of the course is to consider the basics of various project management methodologies, the specifics of project management in the field of information technology. The course is based on international project management recommendations (PMBOK, Project Management Body of Knowledge) of the Project Management Institute. The main objective of the course is the initial training of students in the field of organizing the development of complex software systems, familiarizing them with modern approaches and international experience in this field.
    • The book Introduction to Microsoft® Silverlight ™ 2 by Lawrence Moroni (see the Web development section), which was already written about in Habré .
    • Windows PowerShell Book - An Introduction to Script Language Technologies for Users Without Basic Knowledge of Frack Koch (see Computer Networks).
      This book is an introduction to Windows PowerShell and contains practical examples that teach you how to write scripts that automate your daily tasks, even if you have no serious experience in this field. First of all, the book is intended for beginners. It has everything you need to learn more about the scripts. After reading this book, you will learn how to use Powershell to its full potential.
    • Book Introduction to XNA S. Gaidukova (see. Computer Graphics section).
      The book is addressed to students and novice developers who want to use high-performance graphics in their projects. The book is intended for readers already familiar with the basics of C # and the .NET platform. The first chapter introduces the reader to the XNA Framework. The second chapter is devoted to visualization of the basic primitives of the XNA Framework. The third chapter discusses more complex visualization issues: using full-screen mode, smooth animation of primitives and simulating transparency. In the fourth chapter, all previously studied material is brought together by the example of creating a full-fledged screen saver with a distribution kit, if necessary, automatically installing the XNA Framework user on the computer. The fifth and final chapter addresses the topic of a programmable graphics pipeline, but at a much deeper level;
    In the future, we will try to regularly report new arrivals to the library.

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