Passion for webOS, now a prototype

    Continuation of this thought outburst.

    In the previous topic, I shared with habraludby thoughts about a certain WebOS, as a platform for building Rich Web Applications, a little richer than now.

    In this topic, I will show what happened from the development of so far only one idea.

    Please look through the slides at this link ( Presentation at Google Docs ). Attention, the English language, well, not so direct English, but mine. I won’t translate, everything is written very simply there. English is not my whim, I just prepared slides for my boss (he liked it) and decided to show it to the hara-humans


    This is not a chat, but a prototype of the behavior of web applications that can restore their state between browser sessions. No more. Chat is an application written in an hour on the knee

    Desktop version
    Mobile version (iPhone)

    There are two applications, one simple, address book, another fun, you can send messages to each other, they are offline. My session is there kostya.

    There is no registration as such, enter any name / password, the session will live until the server is restarted, there is not even a database there.

    We kindly request, if you do not use the prototype, close the window so that the connection to the server does not hang out, otherwise the server is so powerful, but the channel is not very good. Fill up shorter.

    Design - no matter how it is (as usual with me), everything is pretty sketchy, show your imagination. Sometimes when you open the page there is a glitch (cropped). Press F5.

    Works in browsers:

    Chanterelle 3
    Chrome (like)
    Safari (like)
    Opera 9-10 (so-so)
    Explorer 7 (bueeee, slows down)
    iPhone (like)

    Ready to answer any questions, jabber, twitter, juic, mail. If you break the server, write, I will raise.

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