October 25 - free Symfony conference in Cherkasy (Ukraine)

    On Saturday, October 25, in Cherkasy (2.5 hours by minibus from Kiev) a conference of developers will be held on the Symfony PHP framework .

    Considering the experience of the previous transfer, we reviewed the organizational mistakes and can guarantee that the conference will take place in any case.

    The event will be held at the address Cherkasy, st. Universitetskaya, 33, office 53 (BTI building). To contact the organizers and to confirm participation, you can call: 8 (0472) 56-15-88 - Roman Movchan 8 093 845-44-04 - Vladimir Dybenko The program for today looks like this: * 10:00 - 10: thirty. Opening remarks from the organizers


    * 10:30 - 11:30. Demchenko Alexander: “Routing in Symfony 1.1 and higher”
    * 11:30 - 12:30. Igor Brovchenko “Internationalization in Symfony”
    * 12:30 - 13:30. Alexander Demchenko: “New features of Symfony 1.2”
    * 13:30 - 14:30. Coffee Break
    * 14:30 - 16.00. Discussions.

    The program is very approximate, we will try to increase the number of reports and reduce the time of speech to 20 minutes.

    The cost of participation in the conference is 0 UAH 00 kopecks.

    For participants from Kiev: minibuses depart every half hour from the metro station Chernihiv and Vokzalnaya. Drive 2.5 hours.

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