BigStreet - Return
“BigStreet - return”

Well, less than six months have passed and again, again! in action, one of the best Russian webdvanol engines - BigStreet. The official website of this CMS has been open for a long time, and the author of the engine - redhummer asked me not to tell anyone, but:
1) I want to quickly “use the engine”
2) I'm not good at php and MySQL, but there are many HabrPolshovateli who can help with creation of CMS.
3) I'm just a fan of this social “tool”
The engine is not available for download (because it is not finished yet), and as before, all the information of interest can be found on the site - BigStreet .
PSAuthor of the engine, I ask you not to scold me, because I really want HabraUsers to help you create this wonderful CMS.

Well, less than six months have passed and again, again! in action, one of the best Russian webdvanol engines - BigStreet. The official website of this CMS has been open for a long time, and the author of the engine - redhummer asked me not to tell anyone, but:
1) I want to quickly “use the engine”
2) I'm not good at php and MySQL, but there are many HabrPolshovateli who can help with creation of CMS.
3) I'm just a fan of this social “tool”
The engine is not available for download (because it is not finished yet), and as before, all the information of interest can be found on the site - BigStreet .
PSAuthor of the engine, I ask you not to scold me, because I really want HabraUsers to help you create this wonderful CMS.