America has not gone under the hammer

    The results of the auction held last week, the main lot on which the sonorous domain was exposed, disappointed the seller. The Sedo registrar, conducting tenders on behalf of the unnamed owner of this Internet mansion, managed to get maximum bidders of only $ 1.7 million from potential buyers. Trades were conducted without a minimum bid limit and ended without reaching the mark for which the seller was ready give way to the lot. A week earlier, however, there were rumors that the deal would have to exceed that of the domain, which at one time amounted to $ 12.5 million.

    Despite the fact that experts call the seller’s high expectations the main reason for the failure of the auction, opinions began to be expressed here and there that this is the first “bell” that the global financial crisis has taken root in the domain market. The fact is that the value of a web address for an online business is comparable to the value of real estate as a main asset for an offline business. This simple (and slightly paranoid) analogy has excited the minds of many industry participants.

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