IKnowFuture - a social network of predictors

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    On April 2 (it’s good that it was not April 1) , the first social network in Runet unites people who predict the future — no matter how ridiculous it sounds. In fact, the word "predictors" is used not only in a mystical sense - predictors can be, for example, lovers of forecasts and analyzes. The project is based on the assumption that with statistics of correct predictions for each participant, it is possible to identify capable predictors and combining their answers, to predict the future with high probability!

    How should I predict the future?

    It doesn’t matter if you have a direct connection with the cosmos, the gift of clairvoyance, outstanding analytical abilities, or you are just lucky. You answer questions about the future, and we will calculate how good a predictor of you is.

    How it works?

    Each participant can ask a question that is relevant to any event of the future and offers answers. The remaining participants choose the answer that they consider to be true (or most likely). When the specified event occurs, the survey creator selects the correct answer and the poll participants are awarded points according to whether they correctly or incorrectly predicted this event. Based on the points scored, a rating of predictors is formed. The weight of the voice of each predictor depends on its rating. IKF automatically calculates the ratings of the predictors who participated in the survey and indicates the most likely (from the point of view of the system) answer.

    How to create a survey?

    You can create a poll by clicking on the main page the link “Create poll” or from your blog by selecting “Add poll”. The question should be related to any event of the FUTURE, the answer to which, at the moment, is unknown.

    Example: Who will win the US presidential election in 2008?
    - Barack Obama
    - John McCain

    It is better to ask such questions, the answers to which will become known within a maximum of a year. If you ask whether there will be a rainy summer in 2050, few will be interested in waiting so long to find out the right answer. ;) The optimal duration of the question should be from a week to a month.

    PS I think that the developers of the service will be happy with any wishes from the Habr-people - regarding the project. You can also support the news on News2if you liked the project. Thank you very much for your attention.

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