“Separation of the head” or a question of the requirements of corporate sites.

    Any business, any activity can be analyzed. Management \ ownership structure, financial indicators, nomenclature of production, etc. Is an objective reality, and you can work with it. The key problem is that the requirements of customers for corporate projects in the vast majority of cases are divorced from this objective reality. I don’t really want to use terms like “doggy delirium”, “persimmon full”, “put out the light” - let’s dwell on the fact that the gap in requirements is significant.

    The performer faces a dilemma - to fulfill implicitly or to try to combine the reality of the customer with objective reality. In this matter, several patterns of behavior have developed on the market.

    1. Do not wash it so much. The contractor is trying to equalize the difference of realities with harsh bureaucratic means. You know, "doggy delirium" on paper is more obvious to many. Especially when you need to decorate it with your signature. The problem of the method is that it compares everything - and leads the project to an even consistency of the rational and its complete opposite.
    2. Glamor. Even if your “bar” is made of shit, you can solve the situation with a thick layer of chocolate and glaze. It will look great, smell too. Except that the shape of the product will most often be guessed.

    3. Walk through the forest. You can carefully avoid the gray wolf and work only with a red cap. In times when hats become scarce, wolves will also be used. After all, you can pretend that the wolf can actually instill traits of good breeding and nobility. Even if we use "fucking", then we put a comma. Well, if the wolf is greyhound and stands his ground, then he can always be publicly in the clearing to give a knee under the ass.

    4. Naivnyanka. Or you can not know the problem, or pretend that she is not familiar to you. Do it your own way, and then get "nanashki" from harsh uncles.

    Of course, these are all very large touches, without claiming to be objective. But I will add one thing - in general, according to my observations, the situation of requirements is getting worse. Good luck in your work.

    Exercise for the attentive reader:
    Choose a few examples from each of the studios / companies working in the corporate website development market for each behavior model.

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