The Truth About XML: From History

    Back in 1969 one of the company's development teams, IBM developed a generalized markup language ( Generalized Markup the Language - the GML ), which was used for the exchange of official records in law firms.
    in 1974 Charles Goldfarb transformed GML in a new universal markup language nazvynny standard generalized markup language ( Standart Generalized Markup the Language - of SGML ), which is difficult to ISO adopted in 1986, referring to its complexity.

    Having set the task to simplify SGML for use in Internet technical documents, Tim Berners-Leeand Anders Berglund created HTML .

    Finally, in 1998 alone, W3C has agreed to introduce a new standard Extensible Markup Language - the Extensible Markup the Language ( the XML ). XML is a text-based format for storing structured data. Its purpose was to ensure compatibility when transmitting structured data between different information processing systems, especially when transmitting such data over the Internet. Now on the Internet there is a whole family of XML formats for data transfer, such as RDF, RSS, MathML, XHTML, SVG .

    XML at first glance resembles HTML, but its main feature is the ability to create your own set of tags. Therefore, it can be used to create your own markup language.
    The main advantage of XML is that it is a text document containing data and markup tags used to describe the data. An application working with an XML document extracts data from it using parsing.

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