Sales statistics of electric vehicles and rechargeable hybrids in 2018 (in the US and around the world)

    In 2018, electric vehicles and rechargeable hybrids were sold 79,730 units more than in 2017, with sales increasing 64%.

    According to the publication in 2018, more than 2 million units of new electric vehicles and rechargeable hybrids (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) were sold worldwide .

    Twenty best-selling electric cars and rechargeable hybrids in the world (according to sales data in 2018) :

    Market statistics in 2018:

    • 1st place: China - sold over a million units, sales growth of more than 80%.
    • 2 place: Europe - sold more than 400,000 units, sales growth of more than 30%.
    • 3rd place: United States - sold more than 360,000 units, sales growth of more than 80%.

    Tesla Model 3 sold 145846 units worldwide, which put this model in first place in sales, although a year ago, in terms of the number of units sold, Tesla Model 3 was only in ... 106th place. Growth + 105 places per year.

    Chinese "electric industry" (2nd, 6-8, 14-17, 19-20 places) is also not lagging behind.

    Sales of Nissan Leaf are firmly at the level of the third (2018) and fourth (2017) places.

    In the top five best-selling electric cars Tesla Model S (lost 2 places, compared with 2017) and Tesla Model X (5th place in 2018 and 2017).

    Sales table of electric vehicles and rechargeable hybrids in the USA and the total for the world in 2018:

    Growth in sales of electric vehicles and rechargeable hybrids in the USA by months and years (2010-2018 / 19):

    Sales tables of electric vehicles and rechargeable hybrids years before
    2016 год:

    2015 год:

    2014 год:

    2013 год:

    2012 год:


    For comparison, the table of world sales in 2018 of cars with internal combustion engines (as a result, more than 90 million units):

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