GoGo.Ru can search for synonyms of words
Today, a search engine for potential synonyms of words has been introduced on the GoGo.ru search service. The expanding database of synonyms will allow you to find the information you need even when you enter not the most common variant of the word. The dictionary of synonyms is updated with the help of special software that analyzes the requests of the same user for a certain short period of time. The resulting list is then moderated manually, and matching word chains complete the list. This technology has no analogues in the Runet /
Dictionary of synonyms GoGo.ru includes not only synonyms in the usual sense of the word, but also various spellings of words that have the same meaning ("Chrysler" and "chrysler", "anime" and " anime ", etc.)
All synonyms in the dictionary can be divided into 3 groups: Russian-language spelling of a foreign brand (webmoney - webmoney), words borrowed from foreign languages, which have different spellings (karate - karate) and the most common mistakes in words (cottage - cottage).
If searching by synonyms is undesirable - you can easily disable it with the “!” Operator, presenting the request in the form of “! word".
“The quality of the Internet search is determined not only by the correct ranking of the web pages found upon request,” says Dmitry Grishin, Mail.Ru CEO. - The task of the modern search engine is to try to guess "what the user had in mind" and give him the correct answer. Working with synonyms is just one of these “tips” that we plan to implement on GoGo.Ru ”.
via Mail.ru
Dictionary of synonyms GoGo.ru includes not only synonyms in the usual sense of the word, but also various spellings of words that have the same meaning ("Chrysler" and "chrysler", "anime" and " anime ", etc.)
All synonyms in the dictionary can be divided into 3 groups: Russian-language spelling of a foreign brand (webmoney - webmoney), words borrowed from foreign languages, which have different spellings (karate - karate) and the most common mistakes in words (cottage - cottage).
If searching by synonyms is undesirable - you can easily disable it with the “!” Operator, presenting the request in the form of “! word".
“The quality of the Internet search is determined not only by the correct ranking of the web pages found upon request,” says Dmitry Grishin, Mail.Ru CEO. - The task of the modern search engine is to try to guess "what the user had in mind" and give him the correct answer. Working with synonyms is just one of these “tips” that we plan to implement on GoGo.Ru ”.
via Mail.ru