Downloading Mandriva ...
So stars have fallen from heaven, that my first distr turned out to be exactly mandriva. It was about a year - 1.5 years ago. So I put it pleased, I saw kde, and I remember linux like that. then I did not know how to work with it, there were problems with firewood and ntfs was not installed. True, the next day I opened the Windows section using a script. But Ineta never happened) I abandoned it) And now, after reading tons of liters about linux, I decided to install it as the 2nd wasp. I tested several distros like ubuntu, fedora, sam linux. Everything is done very well, but since my first one was mandriva, there’s nothing better for me (I used to think that this was a joke, then it turned out to be true, I won’t exchange anything for mandriva) I found a new versionat first I downloaded ftp and tried it from different servers - it downloads 300-400 meters and is cut down when the size is 4.5 gigabytes. I tried a bunch of rockers, the same thing. Ok, I decided to try it through torrent. I put it on the download, and here is the result: for 3 days 16.8%, speed - 1-10 kb / s. in the distribution - 3-5 people. Neta speed - 8 mb / s. So, does anyone need a mandriva? Yes, and they did paid. Honestly, this move from the red hat is not clear to me. Or did I decide to swing it late? because several months have passed since the release. What can you say about this move?