Art and Information Technology

    The development of Russian culture is impossible without a clear understanding of the importance of modern information technologies and the opportunities that they present today. Competent presentation and accessibility of information on the Internet about important events and cultural figures contributes to the creation of a positive image of academic art, expands and simplifies access to creative resources.

    With the help of the Internet, you can avoid the issue of empty rooms, because often with the help of search engines people are looking for the artist they are interested in, and maybe you are the one! Also, your audience will find out in time about the place and time of your next concert or theater performance.

    Previously, one could complain about the information vacuum, sometimes not allowing to convey even the most ingenious creations to the public. But now, interested subscribers, in a few seconds they will learn the news about you, and your upcoming performances. Seats at the concert can be booked with one click. And you know in advance whether there will be a full house today. All this is more than real, if you, of course, made sure that this information was on the World Wide Web.

    Information support of art with the help of modern technologies and electronic media, texts that can retain the attention of an Internet user - all this largely contributes to the balanced development of fundamental art in the regions of Russia and the awakening of public interest.

    For reference, who supports art on the Internet:
    FundRussian Performing Arts
    Web Designer Sergey Bryukhno
    Network resource (still in its infancy ) DaCamera Project

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