Open letter to the Main Assyzator News2.ru: Do not bury Web2.0!
To appeal to such an unusual genre of Open blog posts I was made by two circumstances that somehow coincided in time. According to CNews (http://internet.cnews.ru/news/top/index.shtml?2007/04/19/246652), studies by Hitwise analysts indicate that the vast majority of users of Web 2.0 sites that are user-oriented -generated content, have no desire to create this content on their own. On the other hand, my experience with News2.ru has shown that with the efforts of some of its leaders (top participants), such resources can be abandoned by this very small percentage of self-respecting users. Those who just fill the site with links to their blogs and / or their comments make substantive discussions around other materials. A striking example of the above is two reviewsnews2.ru/story/35727 to my article “Why News2.ru a shovel?”, a link to which I posted on this site. Its author, Dimanach, is the Chief Cesspooler of News2. ru, as I understand it. Little Evil Man - so, having slightly changed his proposed motto, I will continue to magnify my addressee. At his personal request, I clarify: it occupies the first place in the News2.ru rating. Frankly, I would never have fallen into polemics (if this word is acceptable here) with such men, if I had not seen in them a huge threat to public (social) information self-service sites, and maybe the whole direction of Web 2.0.It is they, first of all, and not the spammers with whom people pretend that they are fighting, and, unfortunately, give reason to assert, as Cnews refers to it, that “Web 2.0 is another soap bubble ... with a failed main idea (user -generated content). " Not so naive as to hope in his letter to re-educate the uneducated. It was written, of course, for those who can somehow excommunicate the “lapatoma hunters” from the Internet and prevent them from burying Web 2.0. And now the letter itself ...
Dear Little Evil Man.
I’m used to keep my promises and I answer your detailed review, or whatever you like to call it. I hope from the appeal itself it is clear that I do not accept your proposal to switch to “you” and, at the same time, do not relate you to those with whom you can talk on “You (with a capital letter)”. I think you will not mind such a compromise.
I must say right away that your indignation about my note is understandable. The note turned out to be the most intensively read on the blog and was among the recommended ones. For her during her peak hours (I will explain below why I emphasize this) 2/3 of News2.ru visitors who read the material voted. At the same time, it seemed to me that at least half of those who agreed with me, like you, immediately recognized one of the main anonymous characters of the article. And this is doubly disappointing. Hence your repeated “idiot”, “garbage”, “stupidity”, “dregs”, “der * mo” and the like. It’s weak to prove that contrary, therefore, the classic trick of the little men has been applied to translate the discussion into the plane they are accustomed to: “Fool yourself!” Thank you, at least this time we regretted it and decided “not to hit” “in the snout”. You have dealt even more fiercely with many others. By the way, a passing question to your review. In what "context" can one "drop into the snout", and in which it is impossible? Here and everywhere further in quotes I tried to enclose only your phrases. An interested outsider who has a gas mask will easily find them (and many similar ones) at the above addresses or after going over the full collection of your essays in News2.ru. (sorry, comments - your own original content, alas, did not find)
I’m not a deputy; I don’t intend to sue you. Although Alknisa in this (!) Issue I understand well. Of course, I’ll survive all your pearls. Firstly, because life has tempered me in polemics with much stronger opponents than you. True, the intelligence of those of my opponents did not allow them to become personal in the most violent disputes. Secondly, because I am confident in myself and believe in my analytical capabilities. I have done and achieved behind my back, one tenth of which for you would already mean living a good life for nothing. I’ll survive, but how many specialists, including real or potential “content carriers”, faced with such “criticism” will not want to work with News2.ru anymore (in any case, actively work)?
Our “gang” (your characteristic of News2.ru felts, in general, the felts of the group of its top members, did not understand) will cost, you say. I have no doubt, and I’m afraid of this. I'm afraid that such sites will soon turn into an element of adolescent culture and the patrimony of various IT men.However, youth fashion comes and goes, and on little men, even if they consider themselves programmers, you can’t do business. Public networks and so on are sheer losses. Moreover, given the tendency for more youth-oriented projects such as MySpace to appear, mechanisms for entering, ranking and tracking news. All this is beginning to be understood by most professionals. I already spoke somewhere in my blog about the clan problems that digg began to encounter. As well as about another problem of this site, conceived as a resource of high-quality news for educated people and gradually slipping from this niche.
I also understand that critics are by definition tough people. But I had never before encountered a situation where the cesspool workers work part-time as critics. Probably, the daily “raking out of dirt (information)” - so, approximately, you yourself described your professional activities, nevertheless it leaves a mark on the little men. So maybe Caesar’s Caesar’s? And then such a performance - more than 3,000 votes only in the recommended news, about the same number of comments, and all for 9 months! You carry a heavy cross, only sympathy is possible.
Could advise you to read the recently published draft Code of Honor for bloggers. With some modification, it is easy to extend to the entire Web 2.0. However, I do not think it will help. Codes of Honor are not for little evil men. After all, onlyTheir thoughts deserve to be considered an “opinion”. The thoughts of all the others are a “stupid drive of stupid” people, which, naturally, should be kept with you. It is these little men, crawling out of the virtual world into the real one, who begin to beat people of Caucasian nationality or who else is there to save Russia (your passage about “forged boots”, remember?). Or shoot their classmates in educational institutions in America.
By the way, as the lessons of the latest American tragedy showed, little men love to "PR" themselves. For this, they are even ready to accept death. Alas, you must thank me for my efforts to save you from such a sad outcome. And most importantly, for free ...
I admit, at first I wanted to call this note "Jupiter, you are angry ...". Everything but one came up to the situation. I did not want to insult the memory, although pagan, but still God by comparison with the Little Evil Man. But it’s a shame for the Internet!
Without any respect,
amilner The
full text of the letter (with all links) is published at www.itechbridge.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13003
Dear Little Evil Man.
I’m used to keep my promises and I answer your detailed review, or whatever you like to call it. I hope from the appeal itself it is clear that I do not accept your proposal to switch to “you” and, at the same time, do not relate you to those with whom you can talk on “You (with a capital letter)”. I think you will not mind such a compromise.
I must say right away that your indignation about my note is understandable. The note turned out to be the most intensively read on the blog and was among the recommended ones. For her during her peak hours (I will explain below why I emphasize this) 2/3 of News2.ru visitors who read the material voted. At the same time, it seemed to me that at least half of those who agreed with me, like you, immediately recognized one of the main anonymous characters of the article. And this is doubly disappointing. Hence your repeated “idiot”, “garbage”, “stupidity”, “dregs”, “der * mo” and the like. It’s weak to prove that contrary, therefore, the classic trick of the little men has been applied to translate the discussion into the plane they are accustomed to: “Fool yourself!” Thank you, at least this time we regretted it and decided “not to hit” “in the snout”. You have dealt even more fiercely with many others. By the way, a passing question to your review. In what "context" can one "drop into the snout", and in which it is impossible? Here and everywhere further in quotes I tried to enclose only your phrases. An interested outsider who has a gas mask will easily find them (and many similar ones) at the above addresses or after going over the full collection of your essays in News2.ru. (sorry, comments - your own original content, alas, did not find)
I’m not a deputy; I don’t intend to sue you. Although Alknisa in this (!) Issue I understand well. Of course, I’ll survive all your pearls. Firstly, because life has tempered me in polemics with much stronger opponents than you. True, the intelligence of those of my opponents did not allow them to become personal in the most violent disputes. Secondly, because I am confident in myself and believe in my analytical capabilities. I have done and achieved behind my back, one tenth of which for you would already mean living a good life for nothing. I’ll survive, but how many specialists, including real or potential “content carriers”, faced with such “criticism” will not want to work with News2.ru anymore (in any case, actively work)?
Our “gang” (your characteristic of News2.ru felts, in general, the felts of the group of its top members, did not understand) will cost, you say. I have no doubt, and I’m afraid of this. I'm afraid that such sites will soon turn into an element of adolescent culture and the patrimony of various IT men.However, youth fashion comes and goes, and on little men, even if they consider themselves programmers, you can’t do business. Public networks and so on are sheer losses. Moreover, given the tendency for more youth-oriented projects such as MySpace to appear, mechanisms for entering, ranking and tracking news. All this is beginning to be understood by most professionals. I already spoke somewhere in my blog about the clan problems that digg began to encounter. As well as about another problem of this site, conceived as a resource of high-quality news for educated people and gradually slipping from this niche.
I also understand that critics are by definition tough people. But I had never before encountered a situation where the cesspool workers work part-time as critics. Probably, the daily “raking out of dirt (information)” - so, approximately, you yourself described your professional activities, nevertheless it leaves a mark on the little men. So maybe Caesar’s Caesar’s? And then such a performance - more than 3,000 votes only in the recommended news, about the same number of comments, and all for 9 months! You carry a heavy cross, only sympathy is possible.
Could advise you to read the recently published draft Code of Honor for bloggers. With some modification, it is easy to extend to the entire Web 2.0. However, I do not think it will help. Codes of Honor are not for little evil men. After all, onlyTheir thoughts deserve to be considered an “opinion”. The thoughts of all the others are a “stupid drive of stupid” people, which, naturally, should be kept with you. It is these little men, crawling out of the virtual world into the real one, who begin to beat people of Caucasian nationality or who else is there to save Russia (your passage about “forged boots”, remember?). Or shoot their classmates in educational institutions in America.
By the way, as the lessons of the latest American tragedy showed, little men love to "PR" themselves. For this, they are even ready to accept death. Alas, you must thank me for my efforts to save you from such a sad outcome. And most importantly, for free ...
I admit, at first I wanted to call this note "Jupiter, you are angry ...". Everything but one came up to the situation. I did not want to insult the memory, although pagan, but still God by comparison with the Little Evil Man. But it’s a shame for the Internet!
Without any respect,
amilner The
full text of the letter (with all links) is published at www.itechbridge.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13003