Kremlin IPs
The Estonian State Prosecutor’s Office opened a criminal case on Wednesday in connection with the massive attacks on Estonian Internet resources, NewsruCom reports . The first reports of such attacks coincided with the start of riots in Tallinn. Then many of the country's servers, including the government, the president, other government agencies and a number of newspapers, were attacked by hackers. For example, on the website of the largest ruling Reform party, chaired by the initiator of the transfer of the monument to the Soviet Warrior-Liberator Andrus Ansip, an apology was posted in Russian on behalf of the head of government for everything that happens around the monument and for the unrest in Tallinn.
Attacks are carried out from the IP addresses of the Kremlin administration and some Russian government organizations,“Grani.ru” quotes the words of the Estonian Ambassador to Russia Marina Kalyurand. As Estonian Attorney General Norman Aas told reporters, a request for legal assistance from the Russian Federation has been drawn up as part of the investigation. “We expect fast and decisive help from Russia in solving cyber crimes,” Aas said. Those guilty of these crimes can be punished with imprisonment for up to three years. The Prosecutor General noted that the delegation of the State Duma of Russia, which visited Estonia on Monday and Tuesday, promised the Estonian law enforcement agencies comprehensive assistance.
I wonder how one can calculate IP'shnik’s affiliation with the Kremlin.
Attacks are carried out from the IP addresses of the Kremlin administration and some Russian government organizations,“Grani.ru” quotes the words of the Estonian Ambassador to Russia Marina Kalyurand. As Estonian Attorney General Norman Aas told reporters, a request for legal assistance from the Russian Federation has been drawn up as part of the investigation. “We expect fast and decisive help from Russia in solving cyber crimes,” Aas said. Those guilty of these crimes can be punished with imprisonment for up to three years. The Prosecutor General noted that the delegation of the State Duma of Russia, which visited Estonia on Monday and Tuesday, promised the Estonian law enforcement agencies comprehensive assistance.
I wonder how one can calculate IP'shnik’s affiliation with the Kremlin.