Andrey Travin shared LiveJournal statistics announced at RIF-2007
volk Andrey Travin published in his "live journal" fresh information on the Russian audience of LiveJournal.
So, according to Sergey Kuznetsov , the civil society that is taking place in the USA back in the sixties of the last century is happening in LiveJournal, and LiveJournal itself takes the third place in attendance in Runet among the projects calculated by TNS Media. His weekly audience is about 900 thousand. Anton Nosik
also spoke at the forum , reporting the following: - Indigenous users (who started the magazine before 2000) - 95. Among them, the real “patriarchs” are only linker and at. The rest received such an account later from someone who does not need it.
- With a permanent account (permanenet) - 79 Cyrillic (those who gave $ 100 each to Brad Fitzpatrick's servers in difficult times, but then Brad himself used some of these accounts as a gift).
- Those who have a basic account (it’s also free without ads) - 572 thousand.
- Those who have a free account with advertising - 361 thousand.
- A paid account with 6,700 users (there were 5500 of them before getting into “Soup,” so Yandex.Money to pay for accounts still come in handy).
- Per day, users create about 100 thousand Cyrillic records (more precisely, 98928). This is two times more than indicated by Yandex.blogs.
- The first LiveJournal user registered on May 3, 1999. The first Russian user is November 27 of that year. By February 2001, when registration of LJ of his future propagandists (snorapp, skuzn, dolboeb, r_l, ivand) began, the service totaled a little more than 50 thousand accounts. At the end of March 2007, the world LJ accounted for 12.6 million accounts, of which 1.8 million were active (14%). The Cyrillic segment comprises 920 thousand accounts, of which 68.5% are active.
So, according to Sergey Kuznetsov , the civil society that is taking place in the USA back in the sixties of the last century is happening in LiveJournal, and LiveJournal itself takes the third place in attendance in Runet among the projects calculated by TNS Media. His weekly audience is about 900 thousand. Anton Nosik
also spoke at the forum , reporting the following: - Indigenous users (who started the magazine before 2000) - 95. Among them, the real “patriarchs” are only linker and at. The rest received such an account later from someone who does not need it.
- With a permanent account (permanenet) - 79 Cyrillic (those who gave $ 100 each to Brad Fitzpatrick's servers in difficult times, but then Brad himself used some of these accounts as a gift).
- Those who have a basic account (it’s also free without ads) - 572 thousand.
- Those who have a free account with advertising - 361 thousand.
- A paid account with 6,700 users (there were 5500 of them before getting into “Soup,” so Yandex.Money to pay for accounts still come in handy).
- Per day, users create about 100 thousand Cyrillic records (more precisely, 98928). This is two times more than indicated by Yandex.blogs.
- The first LiveJournal user registered on May 3, 1999. The first Russian user is November 27 of that year. By February 2001, when registration of LJ of his future propagandists (snorapp, skuzn, dolboeb, r_l, ivand) began, the service totaled a little more than 50 thousand accounts. At the end of March 2007, the world LJ accounted for 12.6 million accounts, of which 1.8 million were active (14%). The Cyrillic segment comprises 920 thousand accounts, of which 68.5% are active.