Holotof cocktail
Holotof , a creative-oriented community from the advertising business, which first made its name in May of this year, currently has more than 800 professionals and amateurs. Its members are people who, for various reasons, either do not want to devote themselves entirely to work in advertising, or want it easier and more convenient to find customers. If you have an idea that seems worthy of a better fate than lying in the Archive folder in the farthest corner of the hard drive, then the Holotof community site is one of the most suitable, in the future, places where you can search for an application for it and get well-deserved fee.
Holotof founder Robby Ralston describes the principle of his project: “Advertisers from around the world will offer us assignments, and we will give them our ideas in return. Then they will choose the winner who will receive the cash. ”
The first community test was given recently. November 22, codenamed Pitch Zero (“Step Zero”) and with the slogan “Monogamy is Over,” Robbie announced it on a special blog. You won’t be able to find out the details of the task, they are available only to creators who have joined the Network, but it is known that the customer is La Radio brand and the promised fee is $ 600. Acceptance of proposals from the authors will end on December 20.
According to the Holotof rules, if the customer for the work offers a fee in accordance with or greater than specified in the special price list , he is guaranteed that at least 10 work options will be submitted for consideration at the appointed time, otherwise all the money will be returned to the customer.
Thus, both parties are protected from fraud - the authors are guaranteed to receive payment, which the customer pays in advance to Holotof, and the customer - a large selection of ideas from which he will probably be able to choose the right one.
How successful this project will be, time will tell. In the meantime, interest in him is steadily growing. For example, Richard MacManus recently wrote about him on his popular Read / Write Web blog.
The process of work of Holotof is described by such a visual diagram made in its corporate style:

Holotof founder Robby Ralston describes the principle of his project: “Advertisers from around the world will offer us assignments, and we will give them our ideas in return. Then they will choose the winner who will receive the cash. ”
The first community test was given recently. November 22, codenamed Pitch Zero (“Step Zero”) and with the slogan “Monogamy is Over,” Robbie announced it on a special blog. You won’t be able to find out the details of the task, they are available only to creators who have joined the Network, but it is known that the customer is La Radio brand and the promised fee is $ 600. Acceptance of proposals from the authors will end on December 20.
According to the Holotof rules, if the customer for the work offers a fee in accordance with or greater than specified in the special price list , he is guaranteed that at least 10 work options will be submitted for consideration at the appointed time, otherwise all the money will be returned to the customer.
Thus, both parties are protected from fraud - the authors are guaranteed to receive payment, which the customer pays in advance to Holotof, and the customer - a large selection of ideas from which he will probably be able to choose the right one.
How successful this project will be, time will tell. In the meantime, interest in him is steadily growing. For example, Richard MacManus recently wrote about him on his popular Read / Write Web blog.
The process of work of Holotof is described by such a visual diagram made in its corporate style: