National Photographic Bulletin

    JPG Mag is one of the few examples of successful projects that produce the product by the forces of its consumers. And certainly one of the units that were able to apply this model to the print edition.

    An excited audience today often thinks that between the Internet, as a source of information, and traditional paper media, there is a fierce struggle not for life but for death, and, as they say, “there should be only one”. However, as it always happens, there are people who manage to combine seemingly opposite things, taking from each of them all the best. Such people a couple of years ago were the spouses Derek and Heather Powazek ( Derek Powazek , Heather Powazek-Champ ).

    The magazine they founded is not published in millions of copies, it is printed on ordinary paper made from dead trees, and its motto, “The Journal of the Bold New Photography,” in general does not sparkle in the eyes of people who are not overly sensitive. But few people remain indifferent when they find out where this publication comes from for its numbers . And it takes them 100% from its website , where a devoted community of readers (and at the same time authors) of the magazine daily (actually almost every minute) puts their best photo-works, which form the basis of the magazine, as well as articles on photographic equipment and the art of photographing.

    The scheme here is simple, like mooing: a person (whether it is an amateur or a professional) uploads to the sitecadres that he considers worthy of publication, and places him on a specific topic ; if a topic is selected for printing in the next issue, all the photographs related to it are voted on by the people and some of the best are selected from them, which fall into the magazine; The editors reserve the functions of typesetting the number and choose which photo falls on the cover. After the magazine was put on sale (the circulation of the last issue was 20,000 copies), the authors of all published works receive $ 100 each (by US standards this is more of a symbolic amount) and an annual subscription to the publication.

    The magazine comes out every two months, and on December 8 the voting for the photos for the next issue ends. It will include photos about tourism and travel ,intimate moments of life and frozen moments . The themes of the previous ones were, for example, “Self-portrait”, “Oops!”, “Incredible” and others.

    If you feel sympathy for such a bit of anarchist enterprises and think that network social networks are too weightless matter, then why not participate? Perhaps this is just what you can tell your grandchildren.

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