Blogs Mail.Ru outstripped Livejournal in number but not activity

    The number of users of online diaries on the Russian service Blogs.Mail.Ru has reached 600 thousand. This is almost two times more than the Russian audience of the famous blog hosting (LJ), PR from Mail.Ru reports .

    Now the attendance of the project Blogs Mail.Ru is about 100 thousand people per day and more than 1.6 million per month, according to the company’s own data. Since the start of the project, users have made more than 2 million entries in their diaries.

    Interestingly, judging by the statistics of the Yandex blog search service, in a graphomanian sense, Mail.Ru blogs are still far from LJ: users are noticeably more active than users of Blog.Ru blogs, for example, yesterday they wrote 5 times more entries than users of the blogging service on Mail.Ru.

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