Creating a global knowledge base on batteries

I'm testing batteries on professional equipment. The goal is to cover a large part of the European and Russian battery market.

Currently tested more than 230 batteries and batteries. More than 1000 tests made. Used up 4 battery boxes and several months of life.

The result of this work was the knowledge base on batteries and batteries. Under the cat, I tell you why I decided to create a knowledge base and how it was done.

What I missed in existing tests

  1. Testing is done with household chargers such as OPUS BT-C3100, IMAX or similar. The error of such devices is too large for reliable battery analysis.

    Example, Roskontrol conducted a study of the battery market. Only 15 AA batteries have been tested. At the same time, testing was carried out using a toy train and a multimeter for 2 bucks.
  2. A limited group of batteries and batteries are tested. Studies that include a wide range of nutritional elements are vanishingly small.
  3. Charts are most often published as graphic files. Usually these are screenshots of graphs from EXCEL.
  4. The measurement results are presented in static text.
  5. There are not many tests of High Drain batteries with currents of 20-40A. Few household charges allow you to discharge batteries with a current of 40A. At the same time, testing High Drain batteries with currents up to 10A does not allow an objective assessment of battery quality.

How did i

  1. I bought professional equipment ZKETECH . These devices are used by many Chinese manufacturers and distributors of electronics.
    The main measurements were taken with the ZKETECH EBC-A40L. ZKETECH EBD Mini V3, EBD-USB + and ZKETECH EBC-A01 models were also used.
  2. Investigated more than 230 batteries of various form factors. The study included both disposable batteries and rechargeable batteries.
  3. For plotting, the Highcharts library was used. Using Highcharts made the graphics interactive.
  4. Data is stored as a complete database. Due to this, it is possible to search by research, sort and select items by parameters. And also selectively compare features and graphics.
  5. Tests High Drain batteries made currents from 20 to 30A. The ZKETECH EBC-A40L device allows measurements with currents up to 40A.

Implemented by

  1. Selection of batteries in accordance with the specified parameters.

    Suppose you want to replace the battery in a screwdriver. It is necessary to choose a Li-ion battery with a 18650 form factor that can withstand a discharge current of more than 15A. Clickable

  2. Sort items. It is possible to create your own battery rating. For example, to find out which batteries to buy the most profitable. Cheap Alkaline with an average capacity or Lithium with record levels, but also at the same high price. Clickable

  3. Comparison of discharge graphs in one coordinate system. Clickable

  4. Comparison of battery characteristics. Clickable

  5. Make a list of your favorite items.
  6. The personal page of the element on which you can find out the specifications declared by the manufacturer, download the manufacturer's documentation, and also see the measurement results.

In the plans

  1. Buy a freezer and do the same tests, but in different temperature conditions.
  2. Add temperature graphs.
  3. Make PowerBank tests.

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