Group-IB Webinar June 27, “Countering Social Engineering Attacks: How to Recognize and Defend Against Hackers Tricks?”

    Over 80% of companies underwent social engineering attacks in 2018. The lack of a well-developed methodology for staff training and regular testing of their readiness for social and technical influences leads to the fact that employees are increasingly becoming victims of manipulations by intruders.

    Specialists from Audit and Consulting Group-IB, an international company specializing in the prevention of cyber attacks, prepared a webinar on the topic “Countering social engineering attacks: how to recognize hackers' tricks and defend against them?” .

    The webinar will begin on June 27, 2019 at 11:00 (Moscow time) , it will be held by Andrey Bryzgin, head of Audit and Consulting.

    What will be interesting at the webinar?

    At the webinar you will learn:

    • The main directions of socioengineering attacks: assessment of the preparedness of employees and protective equipment;
    • How to recognize the signs of social engineering and protect yourself from it;
    • Real Group-IB cases simulating social engineering attacks on personnel.


    We remind you that the webinar will begin on June 27, 2019 at 11:00 Moscow time .

    Please register only with corporate mail . Link to registration here .

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