An example of calculating an IT employee's pension from Moscow

    Today, I suddenly wanted to know what kind of pension I would receive if I retired this 2019. I’m still 25-30 years old before retiring, but still I wonder how much pension I have accumulated over 15 years of work in IT (of which I have been working in Moscow for 12 years).


    I went into public services, received an extract. According to my statement:

    IIC (individual retirement rate) - 67.169
    PN (amount of insurance contributions to finance the funded pension) - 145,375.57 rubles.

    The insurance part of the pension = IPK * SIPK + FV
    SIPK (the cost of 1 coefficient of IPK) now, in 2019 is 87.24
    FV (fixed payment) now, in 2019 is 5334.19 rubles
    Total I have the insurance part = 67.169 * 87 , 24 + 5334.19 = 11 194 rubles

    The funded part of the pension = PN / T
    PN (total amount of funds in the pension savings account)
    T (number of months of the expected payment period) now in 2019 - 252
    Total, I have the funded part = 145375.57 / 252 = 576.88 rubles

    i.e. my pension will be 11,770 rubles - which is an order of magnitude less than my salary over the past few years ... It is clear that in 25-30 years of work the pension will increase by a factor of 2-3, but this amount may not even be enough to rent an apartment in Moscow .

    So you need to think now about additional sources of passive income.

    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.

    What are your sources of passive income for the next 50 years?

    • 25.4% Bank account: deposit / savings account 290
    • 15.9% Securities: stocks / bonds / mutual funds 182
    • 20% Property: rent / letting 229
    • 13.6% Pension: state / non-state 156
    • 2% Life insurance: investment (IJL) / funded (IJL) 23
    • 1.4% Royalty: royalties on license / intellectual property 16
    • 6% Investing in real business 69
    • 1.1% Income from MLM / income from network business / income from referrals 13
    • 3.9% Income from cryptocurrencies, mining and other variations of income from crypto 45
    • 1.8% Income from other markets: metals, collecting, etc. 21
    • 1.1% Income from loans / interest from transfers / brokerage commission 13
    • 1.5% Another passive income, I will write in the comments 18
    • 56.9% I do not have passive income 649

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