SEO-optimization of product cards: step by step instructions + life hacks
- Tutorial
An important part of the online store is the product. But most SEO professionals do not pay enough attention to it. We have prepared for you a mandatory list of what should be in the product card and detailed information on its optimization.

We at AlkoDesign stand for proper and quality SEO. Earlier, we wrote about how to properly optimize category sections in an online store . Categories sections are not everything that an online store consists of. Its important part is the product. In this article, we have collected everything that should be in the product card of an online store, prepared a cheat sheet and a list of life hacks that will make your life easier.
Product Name
Of course, where without a product name. Still, visitors are not Wangs and they need to know what they will buy.
Indicate the name in the tag H1 (level 1 heading). We do not use the words “buy”, “price”, “qualitatively”, “quickly”, etc. Simply write the name of the product. And that’s all.
No way without it. The visitor should not only know what he is buying, but also how it looks. Agree, few are ready to buy a "pig in a poke".
Important rules for posting photos:
- Good quality;
- Lack of watermarks;
In some subjects, it is appropriate to place several photos from different angles (for example, jewelry or clothes).
Do not forget to add alternative text to the images so that the images are ranked in search engines.
Short description
This is the same text that the user sees immediately after entering the card.
Also, a brief description is often displayed in categories as a product description.
You can add “in stock” (text). Search will index it and bring you additional traffic.
Be sure to specify the price! And in local currency.
If there is no exact cost (for example, you need a calculation), then write the minimum cost: from N rubles.
Buy Button
You understand, you can’t do without this button.
Detailed description
We write this text with a heading of the second level.
An important nuance is uniqueness.
What to do with it if the text, for example, is technical? Nothing. We do not recommend reinventing the wheel and extorting what is not.
About clothes and household appliances a unique text with +100 characters can be made. On the screws - hardly. Therefore, we rely on the subject and act on the situation.
And if there are a lot of goods?
There is a little trick here: insert the name of the product in the text. Even if the text from the supplier is repeated on all sites (yes, this happens), the product name will be unique within the site.
+ You can increase the uniqueness of a card using reviews. Real reviews. But more on that later.
As well as a detailed description, we write them with a heading of the second level.
Again, do not come up with a bicycle. We write in the most understandable and user-friendly form and form.
From experience, the most convenient is the table.
The same "with this product they still buy." By the way, you mentioned it in the comments to the previous article.
So the rules are:
- Links are placed in the content part;
- Links must be useful.
Not just a block with goods from the same category, but really suitable ones.
How is documentation related to search engine promotion? The answer is simple: search engines rank higher those sites that have answers to a large number of possible user questions.
That is, if you have a technical online store and the user usually asks for a detailed description, specifications and instructions - make his life easier! Post this information on the site. It is advisable to file and with the ability to download it.
Reviews are a magical thing.
Firstly, they show that they are using the store. The user has increased confidence in the product and the site as a whole.
Secondly, reviews (if they are real) are a unique text. And it increases the uniqueness of the product card as a whole and positively affects its ranking.
- remove captcha for writing reviews.
- configure adding feedback through authorization in the social. networks
- make a rating on reviews.
- break reviews into cons, pros, and comments.
This will help users quickly leave a comment and get the full amount of product information.
Life hacks
There are no life hacks on the Internet. We also divided them into categories. Some of them may be familiar to you. But repetition is the mother of learning!
Items not in stock
Rule number 1: if the product is not in stock, then it can not be bought.
Rename the Buy button to Out of Stock.
- remove the product from the internal search;
- drag it down the category;
- Add a display of alternative products.
If there is no product and it is unlikely to appear, do not rush to delete the page!
Read the statistics carefully. If users are actively logging into the product’s card, leave similar products on the page (but do not delete the page).
If traffic does not go or it has decreased significantly, put a redirect to a similar product or product category.
Microdistribution of goods
We recommend using the Product microdistribution type.
Do not forget to specify microdata:
- Ratings / reviews;
- Price;
- Manufacturer;
- Currency;
- Picture.
Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool helps you check if you’ve formatted correctly.

Example of micro-marking:

Again: reviews are a magical thing.
Users love popular products and they want to know what those who have already bought it think about the product.
This increases the trust and uniqueness of the page, increases the loyalty of visitors to the site. Additionally, it helps the user decide whether to buy a product or not.

Recommendations for real reviews
- Post ALL reviews (even negative ones);
- respond to reviews: write “thank you”, collect feedback, promise to understand situations, etc.,
- motivate users to leave feedback: use contests, promotions, etc.
As mentioned above, make the process of adding comments as simple as possible.
If there are no comments
- Parsit reviews from Yandex.Market;
- Give the copywriter a job to rewrite reviews;
- Write your own reviews! And do not forget about specific characteristics.
And here is the cheat sheet: