Frontend Weekly Digest (22 – 28 Apr 2019)

    This week we issue a really huge selection of all the essential news you might have missed on Front-end development. Make sure to check the latest updates on CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.


    CORS Tutorial: A Guide to Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
    Commit messages guide
    HTTP headers for the responsible developer
    Why Page Speed Scores can be Dangerous
    Naming things to improve accessibility


    Brand New Sass Docs
    You just need to know these properties to start loving CSS
    The CSS Handbook: a handy guide to CSS for developers
    Has CSS finally come of age?
    How to Build a Filtering Component in Pure CSS<
    Diagonal Containers in CSS
    Tailwind CSS: Is it tomorrow’s Bootstrap?
    Progressive Font Enrichment: reinventing web font performance
    Relative sizing with EM units


    Introducing Node.js 12
    After three years of silence, a new jQuery prototype pollution vulnerability emerges once again
    How to validate your GraphQL queries with ESLint
    Svelte 3: Rethinking reactivity
    How to Use Getters and Setters in JavaScript
    An Introduction To Storybook: Organize How You Build JS Components
    How to Build Runnable JavaScript Specifications
    Design Patterns Game — A game to test your familiarity with the ‘Gang of Four’ design patterns implemented in JavaScript.
    Faster input events with Facebook’s first browser API contribution


    New in Chrome 74
    What's New In DevTools (Chrome 75)
    New in Firefox 66: animating CSS Grid

     Thanks for reading! Feel free to send us your articles or fresh useful content you want to see in the next digest.

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