IT transformation is inevitable: where to start
"It doesn't matter what you do, it matters how you do it." This simple observation of life is often applied to IT initiatives and technologies. The desire to do everything well and even very well, quickly and efficiently, is the first step towards digitalization. But, having decided to take this step, you still need to think about how to do it.
Everything is very simple: if you want the innovative idea to succeed, you need to prepare the ground for its successful implementation. Want your IT initiative to take off? Put things in order: plan and monitor existing IT; align IT strategy with business strategy and requirements; consider all risks, costs and needs when making decisions.

These actions help teams of planners, strategists, architects, portfolio managers, and the IT transformation IT service transform a business concept into successful projects and reliable operations.
The IT transformation program for business transformation is an advanced program, the essence of which is to introduce new IT services, optimize or delete existing ones, define new roles and responsibilities, and involve all interested parties in implementation. At a certain stage of maturity, IT transformation initiatives will require software to cope with the high level of complexity of the project. This raises the question of "buy or develop." Many will decide that they need to look for a standard solution, which in the conditions of the enterprise “usually” provides the following advantages:
- Faster achievement of desired results.
- Lower total cost of development and ownership.
- The best quality software.
- Consultants with experience in similar programs.
- Stable Deployment.
However, when using standard software that does not support individual settings for the needs of the company, you can be driven into a tight framework. There are several arguments why it makes sense to consider exclusively adaptive solutions in IT transformation:
Convenient setup of collaboration of all interested parties

In order to flexibly plan the work of the IT landscape, to competently manage the process, we need complete and up-to-date information collected from various sources. These are conclusions from business analysts, data from decision architects, tasks from project managers, risk forecasts and other information that are important for making managerial decisions.
The software for collecting and analyzing such information should:
- be convenient for all participants in the process;
- constantly update information;
- Perform tasks according to a clear algorithm.
Flexible configuration of different degrees of access to information

Many employees are involved in the implementation of IT transformation, and the system contains a large amount of confidential information related to business strategy and project management. Therefore, it is necessary to provide rules and restrictions for access, clearly define who can make changes to the data.
Set up automated workflows

Typical processes allow you to strictly follow the sequence of actions, clearly meet deadlines, and not violate corporate policy. On the other hand, the ability to change their configuration and expand familiar scenarios will help meet the requirements of the times. For example, you can set up custom reports for auditors. Almost fully automated reporting on IT audit is real.
To solve all these problems, Alfabet from Software AG is suitable . It is a multi-functional platform that can provide IT change management for any industry. The digital transformation solution must exactly meet the requirements of the company, and we at Software AG understand this. Alfabet platform includes a metamodel, a large set of sample reports, standardized workflows, ready-to-use templates and roles. And all this has great potential in terms of customizing personal configurations.
In our future articles, we plan to talk in detail about the capabilities of Alfabet and the platform settings. Subscribe in order not to miss.
And if you prefer personal communication with experts, we suggest you become a member of our webinar “ARIS 10 SR8 and Alfabet. New Opportunities ” , which will be held on April 10 at 15:00. You can find out about the latest product release and ask your questions to experts.