IoT standards, networks, three tables

    The topic of the Internet of things has previously slipped at RIT ++ and HighLoad ++ conferences, but usually with an emphasis on the usual issues of data warehousing or programming. But last year, we decided that it was time to seriously discuss IoT: hardware, data networks, industrial applications, and held the first InoThings ++ 2018 conference .

    According to the participants' feedback, we realized that we need not just a conference on the Internet of things - there are quite a few of them - the community needs an event completely free from marketing and stories about rainbow horizons, but aimed at solving problems of real projects.

    InoThings ++ 2018 showed that expectations are justified, the event was 5 out of 5 points. As it was, look and read in the article by Oleg Artamonov, head of the program committee and participant in all events. This year, on April 4 , we will do even better. Our speakers are exclusively practices, and the program has only important topics. Which ones, read under the cut.

    At InoThings ++, developers, architects and managers of all levels speak and communicate, those who work with hands and head, who build, develop, implement and sell IoT systems. This year there will be even more practitioners: technical directors of leading companies and telecom corporations, leading analysts, experts, doctors of sciences, heads of laboratories and government representatives. From the regalia dizzy, so we will not list all. Just come to the conference - you will see everyone yourself.

    IoT in practice

    The general idea of ​​the whole event is the Internet of things in practice : the practice of implementing IoT projects at the level of telecom operators, integrators, end customers and developers. Accordingly, we will discuss everything on IoT and around: devices, software, testing, cryptography, protocols, business and legal aspects. Geyser Telecom, PVS Studio, Contactless, Sierra Wireless, GoodWAN, Samsung Electronics, Lartech and many others will come to perform.

    At InoThings ++, 20 reports and  3 round tables are scheduled from 10 to 19 hours. The program is as tight as parking in a residential area, but we promise respite - extra time and breaks. Reports will go in three rooms: in large, medium and small. In large - 6 reports, in the rest - 7.

    The interactive version of the schedule is here .

    The interest in the speeches does not depend on the size of the room, but the topic depends. Thematically, the Program Committee divided the conference into three parts. Three multi-colored tracks are three themes: standards and state regulation, implementation of projects and development of devices and systems . Each part has its own theme color on the  schedule .

    One round table was planned for each room to discuss pain points in IoT, get expert opinion and talk with speakers - prepare questions. About the round tables later, but for now let's go over the topics of the reports, which are conditionally divided into  6 blocks .

    InoThings ++ in blocks

    In the block “Security and cryptography” we will talk about authentication and threats. Why traditional methods are vulnerable to attacks and are not particularly convenient to deploy. We will discuss the main threats to IoT devices, the scenarios of confronting them, why cryptography in IoT is inevitable and how to ensure the security of the entire IoT through legal regulation, regulations and industry expert associations.

    Technology is ahead of regulation. While relative vacuum prevails in IoT, there are few norms, restrictions and attention from regulators. It will end soon. In the block “Legal Aspect” we will talk about what norms, restrictions and standards exist, what should be in the Russian Federation, what are in the world and how not to quarrel with the state using IoT.

    In the block "Data Networks, Protocols, Radio Communications" there are two reports and they are related to LPWAN: classification, problems, opportunities, review of solutions, power. About power supply in more detail in the next block "Hardware" . It contains only one report , but which one is “Proper nutrition is the key to the long and successful operation of electronic devices” . It is a review about the external conditions that you should pay attention to when designing and about a set of internal criteria: efficiency, power, dimensions.

    There are 5 reports in the “Software” block : from choosing a programming language to choosing between a remote and a full-time command.

    The “IOT in business” block is the largest - with 6 reports. Let's start with the satellite IoT, move on to IoT examples at Air Telecom and the unusual LoRa application cases, learn how to create something useful for business and educate staff, and let's end with the traditional salvation of the planet. Everything as we love.

    Round tables

    Each round table is tied to one of the blocks, but we will talk about them separately. The first table  is, in principle, the first in Russia to discuss government participation in the IoT market. All interested parties will be present: developers, companies and the state. Oleg Artamonov spoke in detail about the event in a separate article : the background of the issue, the motives for organizing a large-scale public discussion and a long, long list of experts and figures in the IoT environment, from doctors of technical sciences to directors of telecom corporations.

    The second  is about a paradigm shift : why the classic approach to deliver finished equipment and standard communication services does not work, who is to blame and what to do. Sibintek, Geyser Telecom, MTS, and Goodwin Concern are participating.

    The third table is about microelectronics . About domestic microelectronics and its prospects. The round table has not yet been finalized, but Baikal Electronics and NPC Elvis will be preliminarily.

    Tables do not intersect with each other, so you can have time to ask tricky questions to experts at all.

    There are only a few days left for the InoThings ++ Internet of Things Developers Conference . The program is ready, the schedule has been finalized, badges have been printed out, coffee has been ground, we are waiting only for you. See you!

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