Zimbra and Zextras Suite are fully compatible with the operating systems STC IT DEW

    Zextras and ITC ROSA are pleased to announce the start of a full-fledged partnership and the successful completion of technological tests, during which the full compatibility of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite and Zextras Suite with the family of Russian operating systems ROSA was confirmed.


    In particular, Zimbra Collaboration Suite and Zextras Suite can fully work in domestic operating systems:

    • ROSA Enterprise Linux Desktop (RELD)
    • ROSA Enterprise Linux Server (RELS)
    • ROSA COBALT Workstation
    • ROSA COBALT server
    • Rosa virtualization

    Now, public and private organizations can create a full-fledged Zimbra Collaboration Suite mail server that provides a wide range of collaboration opportunities without using proprietary software, which carries both risks associated with licensing and risks associated with information security.

    In turn, the Zextras Suite modular extensions will help Zimbra adapt to the needs of SaaS providers, who will be able to provide access to a secure, email-based solution and collaboration as a service. In particular, Zextras Suite extensions allow Zimbra Open-Source Edition to add support for multi-tenancy, multi-level storage, real-time backup and advanced synchronization with mobile devices. In addition, Zextras Suite can help the infrastructure holder save up to 50% of used disk space by using compression and deduplication algorithms. And if you consider that Zimbra and Zextras Suite work fine in the ROSA Virtualization environment,

    Also, Zextras Suite extensions may be of interest to large enterprises that are interested in improving the reliability and security of their IT infrastructure.

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