Is it worth it to deal with mobile solar power plants?

Hello, my name is Victor, I have a higher technical education and experience in the design of outdoor advertising. I live in Orenburg.

The background is as follows: at work, customers increasingly began to turn to me with a request to mount solar panels on their billboards to illuminate advertising in the dark (connecting urban electricity is a big problem). Also, very often they began to contact us about mobile portable solar power plants for temporary settlements (for the summer): apiaries, pastures, campsites, recreation centers and so on. That is, the demand is good, even fishermen friends say that it would not be bad to have 220 volts on hand in nature.

I decided to make a test sample of a 300 W solar power plant. And even gave it right there to a friend on dr.

Here are some parameters and photos:

Unfortunately, a similar cabinet together with solar modules weighed 22 kg. Which, to put it mildly, is not very mobile. If only for transportation in the trunk.

And here are the existing “foreign” examples of such solutions.

But all of them are either expensive or low-power.

Dear Khabrovites, the question is: should I continue to do this? Indeed, to admit, my sample looks collective-farm, however - it’s cheap.

Of course, I understand that in the future it is possible to improve the project: make wheels, handles, folding panels (with a fan or a book). But is it worth it?

Do you think you would buy a similar solar power station?

In no case - not advertising. I will be glad to any constructive criticism.

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