What to read in March: 22 new books for marketers, managers, developers and designers

    They collected and briefly described 22 book novelties that were published in leading book publishers in Russia.

    Developers and Analysts

    “Mastering Kubernetes. Orchestration of container architectures ” , by Gigi Saifan

    Book about Kubernetes - a platform for working with container applications. Allows you to learn the latest version of Kubernetes from scratch, teach you how to create stateful microservices and introduce you to the platform’s unique features. For programmers, developers and anyone interested in the Kubernetes platform.

    “Applied text data analysis in Python. Machine Learning and Creating Natural Language Processing Applications ” , Benjamin Bengfort, Rebecca Bilbro, Tony Ojeda

    The authors of the book teach the reader to use machine learning to analyze text using Python. After carefully reading and fixing the material, you can use deep learning to analyze the text. For programmers, developers, and data professionals.
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    “CSS for the pros” , Keith Grant

    CSS (cascading style sheet) is a formal language that is responsible for the appearance of a site: colors, font, design of various elements. Keith Grant's book is a good tutorial on how to work with CSS. The author introduces the reader to the course of business, going from simple to complex. It will be interesting to programmers, developers and designers.

    “React fast. Web applications in React, JSX, Redux and GraphQL ” , Azat Mardan

    A year and a half, Azat Mardan, together with other specialists, worked on a book on the JavaScript library React. The book will teach frontend developers to create interesting and fast user interfaces using React. The book contains many comments from the author, which simplify the work and make the process more clear.

    “Distributed systems. Design Patterns ” , Brendan Burns              

    Book - a textbook on distribution systems. Cloud Specialist Brendan Burns shares his experience in the design of distribution systems that will help to create and efficiently convert such systems. For programmers and developers.      

    “Taming of infinity. The history of mathematics from the first numbers to chaos theory ” , Ian Stewart

    Book of mathematician, popularizer of science - Ian Stewart. Together with the author, we trace the history of the emergence of mathematics from clay tablets to complex computing, learn about how science has affected the world. For mathematicians and anyone interested in numbers.  

    “Agile testing. Training course for the whole team », Janet Gregory, Lisa Crispin

    Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin have been testing Agile for many years. The authors examined key issues and new practices related to Agile testing. The book has a lot of images, diagrams, graphs. It will be interesting for testers, programmers, and anyone interested in Agile processes.
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    Marketers and Executives

    “It is impossible, but it is possible” , Evgenia Pishchikova, Anastasia Tatulova, Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich

    This book is the history of the emergence and development of the Russian AnderSon cafe network. In the first part of the book, journalist Yevgenia Pishchikova talks about the company's internal kitchen. The second part is the story of the founder of the network Anastasia Tataulova about the entrepreneurial path, mistakes and lessons learned. It will be interesting to entrepreneurs and those who want to open their own business.

    Taming the Tigers , Todd Henry

    Book by Accidental Creative founder Todd Henry. The author talks about the difficulties that novice managers face. Being cool performers, they pumped out all the necessary skills and learned how to build relationships within the team. Moving to a leadership position, they are lost due to the changed rules of the game. Todd Henry gives advice on how a novice manager can build relationships with his subordinates, establish contact with superiors, and successfully move from work to managing the process. The book will be interesting to young leaders and leaders of creative teams.

    “The inspirers. How to Become a Leader That Can Strengthen a Team, ” Liz Wiseman

    Leadership Advisor Liz Wiseman identified two types of leadership - the Inspirers and the Suppressors. The former support employees and help to open up, the latter oppress and subordinate to their will. The author helps to determine which leader you are and gives important tips on building relationships with subordinates. The book is based on real stories from the activities of successful global companies. It will be interesting to company leaders, managers and businessmen.

    “A radical change in the business model. Adaptation and survival in a competitive environment ” , Karsten Linz, Gunter Muller-Stevens, Alexander Zimmerman

    Over time, business models become obsolete, and companies are forced to radically change their strategies or leave the market. The authors of the book summarized the experience of 380 companies and gave advice on changing the business model. For businessmen and executives.

    "HBR Guide. Emotional Intelligence ” , Harvard Business Review

    Emotional Intelligence (EQ) - the ability to manage emotions, perceive feelings and understand others. This book is a collection of Harvard Business Review articles on emotional intelligence. It will help you learn how to manage your emotions, adequately respond to stress, find a common language with colleagues and be flexible in difficult circumstances. For everyone who works with people and wants to upgrade EQ.
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    “Secrets of facilitation. SMART Guidelines for Working with Groups ” , Michael Wilkinson

    The author of the book provides the reader with a guide on facilitating sessions. The facilitator and founder of The Facilitation Company told how to formulate a goal, what to ask questions and how to visually reflect ideas. The book will help improve communication skills and teach you how to conduct meetings more effectively. It will be useful to managers who want to improve communication in the team and increase productivity.

    “Close the deal. Five Skills for Great Sales Results. ” Craig Christensen, Sean Frontz, Dennis Seuss

    The book is about how to learn how to sell more efficiently and successfully close deals. The authors believe that the main secret of successful sales is customer care. The book will help improve interaction with the client, increase the speed of decision-making and increase the proportion of closed transactions. It will be useful to everyone involved in sales.

    “Business from nothing or How to build an Internet company and not lose your mind” , Vladislav Moiseev

    Author of the book Vladislav Moiseev collected seven success stories of Russian IT entrepreneurs. You will learn about the mistakes of the heroes of the book and how they managed to get out of difficult situations. This will help to understand what barriers a Russian IT entrepreneur faces. A book for entrepreneurs and those interested in online business.

    “E-commerce. How to win a client and not lose money ”, Alexey Kazakevich

    The author of the book shares his many years of experience in the digital sphere. Alexei Kazakevich simply and succinctly tells how to increase the profits of the online store and improve the lives of customers. The book is useful to businessmen and those who want to start a business on the Internet.

    To designers

    “Come up. Do It. Break. Repeat ” , Martin Tomic, Carla Wrigley, Madeleine Bortwick and others.

    The authors of the book offer the reader 60 techniques and design thinking techniques that can be applied in any innovative project. For each method, the authors developed effective exercises, templates, tools, and a reference tool. For anyone interested in design.

    “The origin of creativity. A provocative study of why people strive to create beauty. ” Edward O. Wilson

    Edward Osborne Wilson is a biologist and professor at Harvard University. You will learn from the book when and why a person began to create, what place art occupies in people's lives, whether other animals are capable of conscious creativity. For anyone interested in art.

    To everyone

    “Master of his craft,” Morten Hansen

    Morten Hansen studied 5,000 employees and managers over five years. This helped to find out why some work more productively than others. The author of the book identified seven practices of productive work that will help work less, but more efficiently. The author illustrated each practice with a story of heroes. The book is for everyone who wants to work more productively.

    “How to study abroad for free” , Maria Dolgopolova

    Book of journalist and teacher Maria Dolgopolova. The author talks about foreign education for Russians. You will learn how to choose an educational institution, what documents are needed for admission, how a Russian teacher differs from a foreign one. The book is equipped with a reference apparatus with the author's comments. For anyone who wants to study abroad.

    "Technology. Use them to realize your potential ” , Gerald Lynch

    Science does not stand still, and the latest technology from science fiction books migrated to reality. Robots, voice assistants, biometric facial recognition - a reality. Gerald Lynch, science journalist and technology innovator, talked about how to use technology to succeed and fulfill your potential. The book is for those who, with the help of modern technology, want to improve themselves and become more productive.

    Microtrends Changing the World Right Now , Mark Penn, Meredith Fineman

    The book is about how microtrends appear, what principles underlie them and how they affect the world. The author will help to understand which of the breakthrough ideas will become relevant and what a person will need in the future. For those who follow trends and want to be one step ahead.

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