An overview of deep machine learning algorithms for robots

    The review will be useful for those who are engaged in physical robots and for whom arduino has become insufficient, as well as for people who would like to implement any of the functions of perception of the surrounding world in their robots or devices.
    Misty Robot from Misty Robotics presented at CES
    Misty Robotics from Misty Robotics presented at CES

    Depending on the purpose of the robot, it needs to solve various problems. It happens that a controller and, for example, the simplest sensors are enough to solve them. However, sometimes it is necessary that the robot could perform tasks not according to rigidly fixed coordinates, but depending on the state of the surrounding space or the work area. Then it becomes necessary to use more sophisticated sensors, such as cameras or lidars, and use special algorithms to process incoming information.

    Vision and understanding

    To see and understand what is seen is the first function that can come to mind.

    Object Detection

    Allows you to find in the field of vision objects of a given type.

    Algorithm Example

    Work example


    Object Tracking

    Allows you to track the movement of an object or objects in the field of vision.

    Algorithm Example

    Work example



    Allows pixel-by-pixel determination of the contents of the vision area.

    Algorithm Example

    Work example


    Depth estimate

    Allows you to identify obstacles in the path and distance to them using computer vision.

    An example of the algorithm

    Work example

    Sample algorithm for a conventional camera
    Sample algorithm for a stereo camera

    If your robot's working conditions allow using Depth cameras with active IR backlighting, such as Intel Realsense, then you can use the proprietary SDK .


    Moving and decision making

    Most physical robots, be it a manipulator, a mobile robot, or anything else, need to somehow move in space. And sometimes in the process of these movements, especially if the conditions or the environment of functioning can change significantly, the robot needs to change the trajectory and speed of movement.

    Orientation in space

    Allows you to determine the coordinates of the robot's own location in space, including inside buildings.

    Algorithm Example

    Work example


    Decision making when moving

    Allows the mobile robot to make decisions about the necessary maneuvers to optimize the trajectory of movement in a dynamic environment. The algorithm uses learning with reinforcement .

    Algorithm Example


    Capturing and manipulating objects

    Allows the robot manipulator to make decisions about the necessary actions needed to capture objects of various shapes. The algorithm also uses reinforced learning.

    Algorithm Example

    Work example


    Features of implementation for robots


    The algorithms described in this article are computationally voracious enough and most often require a GPU. Therefore, depending on the requirements for the operating conditions of the robot, the developer needs to choose a design variant and optimize the code.

    Possible options:

    • computing on a dedicated PC
    • cloud computing
    • calculations on board

    The choice made will dictate its requirements both to the equipment and to the optimization of the algorithms.


    One algorithm is often not enough to solve a problem. Therefore, when using algorithms in robots, developers will have to face an integration task, i.e. It is necessary to ensure interaction with other algorithms and software.

    Instead of output

    Working in a company developing software for robots, one often encounters various robots and algorithms, and also finds new approaches to solving complex problems. He drew attention to the fact that interest in functions related to safety and the possibility of autonomous operation of mechanisms, especially in close proximity to people, has recently increased.

    The presented review contains a far from exhaustive list of tasks and algorithms. The examples are given by one algorithm chosen by the author. Also note that any of the presented tasks can be solved in many other ways and / or using other algorithms. If you have any more examples of tasks with algorithms on hand, leave them in the comments.

    PS: For dessert - a beautiful video from the “heaven” with a wheeled robot and a decision-making system on board


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