The administration of plans to obtain the domain

    If this happens, the blocked tracker will again be available in Russia.

    Photo: REUTERS / Mal Langsdon / Files

    Today it became known that the administration of the torrent tracker blocked in the Russian Federation is negotiating the acquisition of the domain. Now this domain name belongs to another torrent tracker, which has nothing to do with its more popular “relative”. If the domain manages to be bought, then the blocked resource will again be available to Russian users, Izvestia reports .

    True, bypassing the block in the Russian Federation in this case is not at all the main goal. “The locks do not bother us much, it’s much more important for us that users can mistakenly get into phishing sites that steal passwords,” a representative of the administration commented on the situation.

    This resource is currently owned by Dreamtorrents. In 2012, she received the rights to two trademarks in Russia - RuTracker and RuTrackerorg. In theory, a company may simply sue the domain, but so far has no plans to do so. “RuTracker is a registered trademark of us. Nevertheless, we are not going to sue for the domain, ”the press service said.

    The company needs the Russian domain in order not to mislead users who sometimes confuse the domain zone (rumor has it that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is also among such users ). Dreamtorrents cannot offer a lot of money for a ru-domain, but it can allocate a certain amount.

    The domain now belongs to the founder of this resource Oleg Volkov. He has already stated that he agrees to sell the domain name, but the proposed price has not yet suited him. “From 100 thousand rubles you can start a conversation. But so far I’m not eager to sell it, ”he commented on the situation.

    The tracker, which now works on a domain in the .ru zone, is not too popular, and the copyright holders have not yet filed lawsuits for a lifetime blocking of the site. Thus, if receives this domain, then Russian users will be able to easily access the torrent tracker inaccessible now from the Russian Federation. True, working on the new domain will be possible for a maximum of a month or two, said Anatoly Semenov, the Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Field of Intellectual Property. After that, the rightholders will block in the Russian Federation and this is a mirror by filing a lawsuit in the Moscow City Court.

    Let me remind you that earlier the administration of prepared100 new domains in case of loss of the main. Now the law does not spell out the concepts of “site mirror” and “copy site”, so the courts do not have the right to automatically block copies and mirrors of blocked resources. A recent precedent is the Moscow City Court’s refusal to make a decision to block mirrors and copies of Rutracker.

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