Inspace Forum 2016: panel discussions, participants, topics, key issues

March 3-4, Moscow will host the Inspace Forum , an international business forum and exhibition dedicated to the space industry. The forum will be held in the form of panel discussions in which well-known experts will discuss all aspects of the development of private space exploration in Russia.
During the first of these, “Big Roscosmos and the young private space program: friends or rivals?” Representatives from companies such as Roscosmos, MKK, Spacenet, Skolkovo, Dauria, Sovzond and others will discuss gradual transition of cosmonautics from state to private hands, the tasks that companies face in this process. They will search for a balance for the optimal development of astronautics in the new prevailing conditions.
Panel discussion “More missiles. More satellites »designed to illuminate the technological and industrial revolution that is happening in satellite manufacturing today. Experts from the companies Roskosmos, Cosmocourse,
Gazprom Space Systems, Lin Industrial, Dauria, Sputniks will discuss the creation of satellite systems in the tens and hundreds of spacecraft. Specialists will try to find ways to distribute national priorities and resources, allowing them to keep pace with the development of technologies and markets.
Participants in the panel discussion “How to make money in space?” Who will earn in space? ”will discuss areas related to the use of space solutions: a new wave of ambitious space Internet projects. Space remote sensing, integration of satellite navigation, with mobile communication technologies, information services, navigation solutions in closed spaces. Experts from companies such as “Record”, “Skolkovo”, I2BF, Grishin Robotics, Yaliny, “Skaneks” will answer the questions: how to find the optimal balance for the development of the market between the interests of the state and business in the new conditions? How to support the development of innovation in these areas?
A very interesting question will be raised in the framework of the discussion "Cosmonautics: how to light a dying fire?". They will talk about the decline in interest in outer space observed in recent years, as something magnificent and romantic. Fewer children want to learn the profession of an astronaut and less enters the corresponding universities. Specialists from Roscosmos, Cosmonautics News, Moscow Aviation Institute, Izvestia, the University of Mechanical Engineering and Moscow State University will discuss the search for ways to regain interest in the industry, highlight space projects that can bring maximum propaganda effect. They will also identify the tools that the state can use to achieve this goal.
At the end of the conference there will be a panel discussion “Russian Cosmonautics: Import Substitution for Subsistence Economy?” Or in the search for strategic partners? ”in which representatives of Roscosmos, Sovzond, Gonets, and
RKS companies will participate . They have to determine if Russia has chances in the current geopolitical situation to find new strategic partners in the space industry, to identify projects that will be the basis for such a space cooperation.
And the best news! The organizer of the event, the company Smile-Expo, makes its contribution to the development of Russian cosmonautics: it holds an event of such significance with a free entrance to the exhibition!