Launched North Korea satellite tumbles in orbit
First satellite successfully launched into orbit
The North American Aerospace Defense Command officially confirmed the fact that North Korea launched its satellite into orbit. The launch of the Gwanmyonson-4 space satellite was carried out on February 6 using the Eunha-3 launch vehicle. The US military added that the satellite is tumbling in orbit.
This is the second North Korean satellite, whose launch into orbit has been confirmed by other countries. The DPRK claims that there are four in total, but no one other than Korea has confirmed the presence of two other satellites in orbit. The previous satellite, Gwanmyonson-3 (Bright Star), was launched into orbit in 2012.
According to the Korean authorities, the satellites are engaged in monitoring the weather, mapping the distribution of minerals and forests, and collecting other data necessary for agricultural needs.
It is doubtful, however, that the satellites will be able to perform these functions - their behavior in orbit is unstable, and not a single enthusiast or employee of the space research organization has been able to receive any signals from these satellites.
The international community condemns North Korea's launching of missiles on the basis that it regards these launches as weapons tests - the Eunha-3 missile is a civilian modification of the Taphodon-2 intercontinental ballistic missile. However, the Korean leadership ignores the prohibitions and indignation of other countries, including the protest notes emanating from China.