The blind player passed Ocarina of Time for five years

Original author: Chris Kerr
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A blind video game enthusiast passed The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in five years, using only soundtrack in the game to orient himself in the vast Hyrule world.

Terry Garrett started his long-running gaming odyssey in May 2011 to prove that he can play not only two-dimensional, but also three-dimensional games (he previously completed the passage of Abe's Oddysee ).

Thanks to well-placed stereo speakers, Garrett was able to navigate in the environment and overcome all the obstacles of the game, including the infamous Water Temple.

Tips from viewers, his own knowledge of the game, and a save system built into the emulated version of Ocarinafinally let Garrett defeat Ganon on January 2, 2016.

You can watch the final bout in the video above, or see all the passing on the Garrett channel on YouTube .

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