What can stop the bad guy with a drone? Of course, a good guy with a drone

    The number of UAVs is surpassing now - aircraft such as quadrocopters have long been publicly available, thanks to their relatively low price and their prevalence. In some countries, flying copters in certain places is simply prohibited. Nevertheless, these prohibitions are observed very reluctantly. And the Japanese, for example, decided to fight offenders.

    You can, of course, use just such a thing to fight. Or even shoot UAVs that appear in unauthorized places. But in the first case, the gun is far from the most effective tool for such a fight. And in the second, you can get a punishment for a firearm inside or outside the city. In general, you need something else. The Japanese came up with. They decided that to combat offending quadrocopters, it was worth using ... quadrocopters.

    Moreover, quadrocopters are not simple, but equipped with a network. Yes, a real network , which is planned to catch "illegal immigrants". How would this happen? Like this:

    Tokyo Police will use the DJI Spreading Wings 900 with a 3 * 2 meter network. When the rogue quadrocopter appears in the wrong place, the police launch their own device and catch the intruder. So far, however, it is not entirely clear at what speed law enforcement officers are able to react to the appearance of someone else's drone over, for example, a factory or a nuclear power plant (and there have already been such examples).

    Only one drone will be involved in the pilot project. Testing time is about a month. If all goes well, then the police will have an air fleet of 10 security drones by February.

    By the way, this is not the first such project. The first were the French, who launched their own anticopter, like this:


    This aircraft can not only shoot down intruders, but also determine the location of the pilot. After that, the UAV searches for the hidden pilot, takes a picture and warns the police, the closest post. Probably a couple of such cases - and "spies" will sharply decrease.

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