Big-eyed flies or choose a quadrocopter with a camera for $ 40

    Actual for October 2016.

    My last post, “ Choosing a $ 20 Nano Quadrocopter, ” sparked a keen interest in the community and prompted many people to learn drone piloting skills. And all this is due to the fact that drones are becoming more accessible and you no longer need to risk tens of thousands of rubles in order to send your brand new drone on the last journey to heaven .

    From experience, I can say that when you mastered the basics of piloting, I really want to see what your drone saw and of course to show this masterpiece to the whole world. In order for the whole world to notice a masterpiece, they came up with the Internet and social networks, but for the drone to talk about its adventures, they came up with video cameras. And for those who still do not fly very well, but already want to shoot, they came up with mini quadrocopters worth about ~ $ 40, and we will talk about them.

    The first flights of my Top Selling X6 in the center of the photos to them. Lumiere brothers .

    Given that my camera did not return to me, along with the quadrocopter, and a strong desire to see what the drone was shooting was left - I began to look for the most suitable option. In the end, I decided to combine the improvement of piloting skills and amateur video shooting. A mini quadrocopter, with a camera on board, should have helped me in this.

    I started my choice by sorting through the list of available models and their characteristics. The main requirements became - a small price and the presence of a camera on board. Here's what I chose from the whole variety:

    1. Hubsan X4 H107C - $ 49.99 , camera 0.3 MP

    2. Top Selling X6 - $ 41.00 , camera 0.3 MP

    3. Syma x5c - US $ 34.99, camera 2.0 megapixel

    4. Cheerson CX-30W - $ 29.54 , camera 0.3 megapixel

    5. SYMA x11c - $ 37.80 , camera 2.0 megapixels

    In the end, my choice fell on Top Selling x6, because it was not too big for flying indoors and not too small so that you can run it on the street. Its price is $ 20 cheaper than Symax11c, and you don’t have to wait for a special improvement in the quality of shooting from 2.0 MP. Plus he had screw protection, but even without protection his screws are small enough to exclude any injuries and damage to the surrounding property. A little later I checked it on my own fingers and other people's photos in the gallery. My assumptions came true.

    In order not to delay testing the selected drone, I turned to an old friend from Moscow State University who at one time helped me buy a DJI Phantom and it turned out that he had just been delivered a batch of brand new Top Selling x6 for a very reasonable price of 2790 rubles (~ $ 40.5 ) and on the same day I became the proud owner of a new drone!

    To test my drone indoors I went to the center of photography to them. Lumiere brothers . The administration has kindly agreed to provide a gallery full of people so that we fly a little. And by the way, thank them very much for such an opportunity - it was unforgettable!

    Photo: Nadezhda Tikkoeva

    It was the day when the stunning ProZavod exhibition was held, so we enjoyed not only flights, but also magnificent works on the topic of factories in Russia. By the way, this exhibition will work until March 15th.

    Photo: Nadezhda Tikkoyeva

    As for flights, I will not be original if I say that the quadrocopter is very smart. The ceiling, floor, walls and different angles were caught with a bang ...

    Photo: Nadezhda Tikkoeva

    But when you get used to the control, the flight becomes quite stable.

    Photo: Nadezhda Tikkoeva

    For this, it is important not to forget to conduct a fairly primitive calibration, which is done using 4 clear buttons. You need to use them if your copter pulls in one direction more strongly than in the other.

    Unfortunately, due to my carelessness, it was not possible to get video from the copter inside the gallery and the reason is that it does not support cards for recording more than 4GB in weight, and I naively stuffed 16 into it, but what is this test of the copter with the camera, without video from this camera? We go outside, look for a suitable card and take off.

    A 4GB MicroSD card was found and the first flights took place on the street, during which the copter fell several times in the snow, scared and interested several pedestrians, and finally disappeared on the roof of the store, next to which I flew.

    I had to organize rescue operations, which included a round-the-clock inspection of the store, choosing the most suitable place to get to the roof, and, finally, the successful implementation of this plan! It turned out that at the store he plunged into soft snow by 10 cm, but could not take off and fly back only because the battery cable was pulled over the propeller, like this:

    So I recommend that you remove the wire wires away.

    However, the copter did not capture all of these adventures, since I forgot to click on the small record enable button directly on the quadrocopter itself. When I finally figured it out, the copter was convenient enough for shooting. By pressing a button, you turn the recording on and off, and with a blue-red beacon it tells you about its condition and nothing more. And the video quality can be estimated by this video:

    I am completely satisfied with the choice of a copter for my needs. The flight time in reality turned out to be about 9 minutes, though this is given the small stops, then on the wall, then on the door. Hands gradually get used to control and much is being done already on the machine. Frequent “crashes” have not yet affected the copter in any way, which speaks of its sufficiently strong body and even falling into the snow went without consequences, although the microcircuits are not very protected. It’s also very nice that you can fly at home and indoors, it’s especially nice to fly now when there is dirt, rain and snow on the street.

    In general, for its $ 40, the quadrocopter is ideal and I am ready to recommend it to everyone who wants to learn how to fly or just play along with friends or children. Delight and emotions are provided!

    ps Since the copter itself in the gallery did not shoot, there was only a couple of external frames for 30 seconds of video:

    pps And how much joy the quadrocopter brought to the children who came to the gallery is impossible to describe. It doesn’t matter that they didn’t understand anything in our native language, but they joyfully shouted something in German. I also did not understand a word, emotionally we definitely understood each other, because quadrocopters are international.

    Photo: Nadezhda Tikkoeva

    ppps I recommend watching a video about how professionals work with Top Selling x6:


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