Synergies and Pokupo. How do we work and where does Ethereum work?


    Hello, talented and enterprising!

    Perhaps you have ever heard of the Pokupo Trading Platform, maybe not - it doesn’t matter, it's not really about it, but about the concept of synergistic organizations in it. Here I started talking about these organizations, now I’ll continue about what are our requirements for new colleagues in the team, how we are engaged in their search, and in general, how we try to work in a synergistic paradigm.

    We ourselves have chosen the difficult path of turquoise organizations , now we are suffering and we will tell you about it.

    Features of work in Pokupo

    1. There are no positions in the company, but there are roles that are not assigned to a specific colleague and can be transferred to anyone. Of course, there are specific roles - static - like legal or accounting, but in general the company has a simple principle - everyone chooses / creates the role that is interesting to him and useful for unification.

    So, for example, we have the role of a librarian, since the person himself wanted to do this business. The role of the Tracker Keeper wanders from colleague to colleague. The most problematic role is Sold. But here the problem is not even the role, but in general the concept of a turquoise organization within the framework of a commercial organization. We decide. There are achievements here.

    2. We don’t have managers, bosses or boss from the word “absolutely” (the boss said :)), but there are leaders in our professional circle. The boss’s position is called the role of captain, historically, of course, this is my role, but I have repeatedly handed the helms to my colleagues, and I’m sure that our ship will not sink, even if it suddenly gets me washed off the bridge.

    3. All colleagues see the income, expense and profit of the association in real time. I think this is important, because everyone knows what income will be paid to him for the month.

    4. The concept of wages is absent, instead of it is personal income, which depends on the overall profitability of the project, the decision of the team, the request of the colleague himself, as well as the amount of work performed.

    5. A year ago, we completely abandoned the office, everyone works remotely on an agreed schedule. The schedule is very flexible. Since we made the choice in favor of working with the head, and not 12 hours a day.

    It is important to build relationships on complete trust, excluding unnecessary control. We have the aforementioned tool for recording working hours and tasks - it is quite enough for monitoring, first of all, for self-monitoring. To cheat is not beneficial to anyone. For what? We do not have a punishment system. Even in case of misconduct, failure to meet a deadline - a constructive dialogue is the main condition for achieving mutual understanding. A person serving a room solely for the sake of money can be seen right away - words and actions diverge (this is a general idea, so far no such thing has been observed in our company - wood - knock-knock-knock - should help). A person who focuses not only on income, but also on results, acts differently. If, by some miracle, a frank shiver is going to take shape, then sooner or later it will manifest itself and is voluntarily eliminated.

    6. For the success of the common cause, each full-time colleague is personally responsible. And if someone kicks the bulldozer procrastinate, any colleague can and should report this at the meeting to bring motivation to the norm.

    This month, for example, there were two such problems. The designer’s workload on third-party projects made him more relaxed about his regular income. After switching to hourly pay, he again returned to the cage.

    Also, the copywriter suddenly completely lost his power in writing texts - they talked, he said that texts in the field of blockchain and ecommerce are not his, all that he could, he gave out, and is now reviewing his roles. Given the legal education, he can concentrate on this in the company, can reduce his working day and, accordingly, income, or offer some other useful role. It all depends on him and his degree of interest in the project and immersion in the project.

    Stages of joining a team

    How do colleagues become so?

    1. To begin with, one of the colleagues suggests expanding the staff to delegate old roles or new ones that have arisen in the current circumstances and taking into account the development potential.
    2. Everyone is looking for surrounded by candidates for interns, now, of course, this is a rare case with us, since we could try everyone we could;)
    3. A seeker of new colleagues (there is such a role, at the moment mine) places an advertisement for a vacancy on work sites and social networks.
    4. Responses to a vacancy are analyzed for completeness of data, activity in a social network, and other factors. The goal is to remove irrelevant responses. 50-60% of those who wish are eliminated on this filter.
    5. Those who stayed are sent a large application form. At first glance, not all issues seem adequate in it (attitudes to politics and the President, religion and favorite colors), but for the second stage of filtering, they are all important. One of the five candidates passes the questionnaire.
    6. After passing, the seeker sets up an online meeting with the candidate. The main point is to get acquainted live and understand how a person lives, what plans for life he has. Here is the dropout again. One of the three refuses himself, the second rejection receives from us.
    7. There remains a candidate who is invited to the team and eventually receives the role of trainee. This means access to the main channels of corporate slack chat, the task tracker and the main organizational documents.
    8. The intern gets acquainted with the team, three versions of the Most Important Document (SVD) and slack.
    9. Then he receives a test task either from colleagues, or sets the task and deadlines himself (which is best). The main thing is that the task should be measurable, real and without props. It is carried out on a voluntary basis, by the decision of colleagues, remuneration can sometimes be paid, but usually it is a test of the pen and the acquisition of new experience. The stage of dating takes 1-2 weeks.
    10. Colleagues demonstrate the results of completed tasks at the weekly rally. Basic questions need to be answered: What is the result? What has been done / not done to achieve it? Plans and suggestions? According to the results of a couple of weeks, the intern either becomes a non-staff colleague, or mutual gratitude and separation.
    11. First, the work of a non-staff colleague is paid for the tasks performed. The term of this format is 1-2 months, the goal is to adapt and demonstrate the effectiveness of the roles performed. Often, such an approval stage is skipped.
    12. The next level is the freelancer level. Those. a non-staff colleague works at an hourly rate, which is agreed with the team. The goal here is to learn how to work independently in a team and bring the number of effective working hours to normal. Some colleagues work like that, since their roles are not completely loaded (the same example with the designer).
    13. If a colleague is effective outside the state, he has the right to go to the main state with a guaranteed monthly income, which he tells the team about. The team approves a colleague, he gets full access (admin rights) to the tracker and communication channels.
    14. After successful interaction for 1 year, each full-time employee can become a co-owner of the company, namely, earn a share in the association through the labor contribution system. The share gives the right to receive part of the company's profits, as well as the opportunity to participate in the adoption of key decisions in the association.
    15. And further on increasing. If you have been working for more than 5 years, a colleague is entitled to sell the stake to other colleagues.
    16. A 10-year experience provides for the status of an honorary colleague, which allows both to sell a share and to receive passive income from it, even if you leave the association.

    This system has only recently gained the right to life. But clause 14 is already being implemented in practice , shares are issued on the basis of the Ethereum progressive blockchain platform. And the logic of the company’s functioning under the terms of paragraphs 15 and 16 is implemented in the form of smart contracts so that there is no possibility of subjective influence, and also that the whole process be transparent and independent.

    That's all. We are happy for people who are creative, open, inclined towards development, if it is you - welcome to our Telegram chat .


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    And what color company do you work for?

    • 12.5% red (impulsive) 1
    • 12.5% amber (brown - conformist) 1
    • 25% orange (competitive) 2
    • 25% green (pluralistic) 2
    • 25% turquoise (evolutionary) 2

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