Save File Me - free client-side backup service
Every administrator knows how important it is to make daily backups.
For me, the “perfect” backup service is:
I decided to create such a service , and this is what I got:
After downloading the client, you can immediately begin to save the necessary files. The service is completely anonymous and does not require any registration.
Under the "hood" at this moment the client creates unique keys for the account and to encrypt files. And the file itself is encrypted and uploaded to the server:
Recovering a file is as easy as downloading:
You can save a folder with files by transferring data via stdin:
Look at the list of files already uploaded:
By default, the client “collapses” versions of the file, but you can see all versions:
Each version is assigned a unique identifier. You can restore a specific version by specifying an identifier:
To export an account to another server, just copy the initialization string with the account export command :
Free service allows you to store files up to 3 days, after which they are automatically deleted. This is usually sufficient when backing up to disaster recovery on a daily basis or simply when migrating data to another server. Annual subscription extends the storage period of files up to 30 days for $ 0.99 per month (including VAT).
I hope the Save File Me service will be useful to you, as well as me.
For me, the “perfect” backup service is:
- No registration, binding to the postal address, etc.
- The ability to create independent accounts for each project
- Client-side encryption, including file name
- Storage of unlimited "versions" of files
- Open source client so that you can trust encryption
- One binary file, without dependencies, so that it is convenient to deploy
- If possible for free :)
I decided to create such a service , and this is what I got:
After downloading the client, you can immediately begin to save the necessary files. The service is completely anonymous and does not require any registration.
Under the "hood" at this moment the client creates unique keys for the account and to encrypt files. And the file itself is encrypted and uploaded to the server:
savefileme put <имя файла>
Active subscription until 2021-01-20T17:08:16Z.
put: <имя файла>: 8.1MiB (1.2MiB/s) done
Recovering a file is as easy as downloading:
savefileme get <имя файла>
get: <имя файла>: 2KiB (41.2KiB/s) done
You can save a folder with files by transferring data via stdin:
tar cz <папка> | savefileme put --stdin folder.tar.gz
Active subscription until 2021-01-20T17:08:16Z.
put: folder.tar.gz: 8.1MiB (1.1MiB/s) done
Look at the list of files already uploaded:
savefileme ls
total 1
id size updated datetime name (#files)
64 8539136 2019-01-21T14:13:05Z <имя файла> (<количество версий>)
By default, the client “collapses” versions of the file, but you can see all versions:
savefileme ls -a
total 6
id size updated datetime name
44 8539136 2019-01-19T07:49:53Z <имя файла>
45 8539136 2019-01-19T12:18:50Z <имя файла>
46 8539136 2019-01-20T16:17:42Z <имя файла>
47 8539136 2019-01-20T16:24:31Z <имя файла>
48 8539136 2019-01-20T16:31:25Z <имя файла>
49 8539136 2019-01-20T16:39:19Z <имя файла>
Each version is assigned a unique identifier. You can restore a specific version by specifying an identifier:
savefileme get --id 46
get: <имя файла>: 2KiB (38KiB/s) done
To export an account to another server, just copy the initialization string with the account export command :
savefileme account export
savefileme account import --secret <немного секретных ключей>
Free service allows you to store files up to 3 days, after which they are automatically deleted. This is usually sufficient when backing up to disaster recovery on a daily basis or simply when migrating data to another server. Annual subscription extends the storage period of files up to 30 days for $ 0.99 per month (including VAT).
I hope the Save File Me service will be useful to you, as well as me.