UX Cinema - Emotions. Feelings. Interview
We are faced with the task of improving the products of the bank, taking into account user experience. You can solve this problem by testing the entire application, and write a report on several hundred pages with recommendations for correction. In time, this work will take about 3-4 months (nightmare, Agile and weekly sprints in shock). This format does not work (not only we tried it, remember all those reports that your company has from an agency that conducted an independent audit, or even usability testing). By the time the report is ready, its value will drop by 30%, and when at least one of the teams is free and can begin to work on the proposed recommendations, the relevance will be even lower.
We can’t physically work with each of several dozen teams, otherwise we’ll either be torn apart, or the teams will stand in an eternal long line, which also does not please us. We always try to conduct testing with users and involve the whole team in the process. Unfortunately, this is not always possible for objective reasons.
This does not contribute to enhancing the culture and understanding within teams of who the users are. And yes, posters on the walls, CJM, Persons, etc. also did not work much and did not help us. And we decided that it was time to get out of the shadow of the test room and one-time appearances.
What can involve the maximum number of people, and even so that it is possible to trust the information received? We have accumulated a lot of materials from usability tests and interviews. Why not share it with everyone in the form of a movie or series? AnnaVoshkarina
and I decided not to make selections of answers to the same questions, but to completely show each question and the answers of each respondent. For the pilot show, we chose one topic and two questions that were asked by several respondents during the experiment. The result was a 35-minute video, by accident.
Waiting for the evening of the premiere was scary. We did not know how many people would come, whether anyone would come (despite having food), how colleagues would react to the format, whether they would be interested. In general, we experienced a lot of stress almost like starting a movie for rent.
During the show, as in a real movie theater, we are forbidden audio and video. The film is broadcast only once in one office.
Useful observations:
- A 30-minute timing is ideal for this format.
- Popcorn, a large screen and darkness rule. It turned out to create an atmosphere as close to the movie theater as possible. Maybe next time we’ll add more tickets.
- They remembered best of all the first and especially last respondent. Put the brightest and most important things at the beginning and at the end of the video.
The most biased colleague will never believe anything - neither user quotes, nor video. After all, we always cut out only part of the quote. You cannot convince such a colleague alone, but the whole team can, if not convince, at least influence him.
It was difficult to stop us, so we decided to collect more feedback from our colleagues after showing them a movie with feedback from users.
- I liked the idea of receiving feedback from the client in the form of a survey recorded on video, since we (methodologists and other team members) do not work directly with the client every day, we don’t hear the live voice of the client. The video made it possible to hear completely unexpected opinions about banking services and communications with the client. Such video sessions (on various topics) allow you not to stare at the little things, but try to think about the client's needs more widely.
I think it would be fun to make this format: customers are asked the same question, and then different answers follow in a row.
Elmira, methodologist
- I liked the format (such informal communication). I would ask more questions and more specific questions about Mobile. Interesting view from customers. Useful for us as a whole and for developers; this is what you can take into service.
Nikolay, methodologist
- I like it! Especially Alexander. I would subscribe to his youtube channel. And it is better to make him the face of Alfa Bank for 2018.
Anton, android developer
- Useful feedback from users, you can catch what you really are losing sight of. Project useful information on the interfaces that I will do in the future. I want to see negative reviews, solid negative :) Colleagues will help, because without feedback you won’t make an excellent application.As you can see, by and large, everyone was satisfied. The developers and not only received feedback from users in a format that allowed for 35 minutes to convey the main Wishlist and minuses to the maximum available circle of people.
Vika, designer
And we are already satisfied that the idea itself worked. A new series of plans will be released in early March. In the following posts we will tell you about the continuation of the experiment.
Do you do UX testing? How then bring to the developers all the pros and cons of their solutions collected from users?