Notes phytochemist. Green Banana, or Do not forget to feed the microbiota

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As it has happened since the days of a hungry student youth, I often bought myself bananas for the rest of my money, and not chips or buckwheat. The reasons for this can probably be many, from "bananas are cheaper than potatoes in Belarus", to "bananas, like chocolate, contribute to brain activity." But the fact remains. If persimmon is a seasonal fruit, then a banana is such a thing that accompanies us throughout life all the time. How not to repay a debt and not to drop a note. In addition, about my mini-survey among my acquaintances, one of the main fruits, which with a probability of 99% will be on almost every New Year's table, is also a banana. But the right banana still need to find ...

In general, for "warming up" I offer a rapid test. What do you think, which of the bananas in the picture has the maximum healing effect according to Chinese researchers? To get started, simply select and memorize the number under the picture you like.

Well, for the answer - traditionally, under the cat.

Even in recent times here and there we could meet stray actorspreachers who had an undeniable, " banana argument " in their zagashnik, against any atheist. The key element of this argument was such a picture, invented by Comrade Raymond "Ray" Comfort aka Banana Man - a creationist, Christian (Protestant) writer, street preacher and video producer.

Under the spoiler - translation (with comments, could not resist :)
  1. Банан обладает формой, удобной для захвата человеческой рукой (скорее всего имелось ввиду, что количество ребер на боках банана совпадает с количеством сочленений между фалангами захватывающих пальцев)
  2. Банан имеет не скользкую поверхность (нууу...)
  3. Банан имеет внешние индикаторы готовности содержимого к употреблению: зеленый — слишком рано, желтый — то, что нужно, черный — слишком поздно (а вот не все так просто, читай статью далее)
  4. Банан имеет "открывашку" для снятия кожуры (я открываю с заостренного конца, но тут сколько людей столько и мнений)
  5. Банан обладает перфорированной "упаковкой-кожурой" (нууу...)
  6. Банан обладает биоразлагаемой "упаковкой-кожурой" (согласен)
  7. Банан обладает формой, подогнанной под размеры человеческого рта (???)
  8. Банан заострен сверху для того чтобы его можно было легче есть (???)
  9. Банан приятен для вкусовых рецепторов (особенно дикий :) )
  10. Банан искривлен вдоль лица, чтобы сделать весь процесс поедания более эргономичным (есть такой креативный (более чем) немецкий художник Карл Фридрих Ленце который изобрёл машину, выпрямляющую бананы, и отбоя нет от желающих купить эту машину :) )

I do not know about you, but I, without further thought about divine providence (mentally thanking the unknown agro-selectors and geneticists), like the proposed description of the strengths of the banana. Therefore, today about him. We will consider the medicinal components later, because now, when there are only a few days left before the New Year, it is much more important to choose the right banana. For with what you will celebrate the New Year, in order to spend it.

So what's up with the gas?

Periodically, I hear about people who buy bananas, the phrase that they say "they are treated with some kind of gas," which means that you are not mine - it is all the same harmful. In fact, this fallacy absolutely has no fundamental basis. To prove this, you have to talk about plant hormones. Let's start from afar.

One of the key points in the banana phenomenon is its degree of maturity. Since this factor affects the taste characteristics. Bananas that are exported are collected in green "starch" and, without noticeable changes in their condition, are quietly transported around the world in refrigerators at a temperature of + 13-15 ° C (56.3 and 59.0 ° F). At lower temperatures, bananas turn black due to the destruction of the cell walls (which can be observed by holding them in a refrigerator at 4 ° C), although inside the fruit remains unchanged. By the way, they are in such a state for quite a long time, until they rot ("never reaching maturity"). Some national cuisines (Jamaican, for example) use such green bananas as foodstuffs with a high starch content, therefore, many suppliers offer "bananas without gas" to the market, i.e. those over which the procedure of aeration is not carried out. But we love yellow and sweet bananas, and for this you need to start the mechanism of forced ripening. This is done already in the country of destination, in special gassing chambers (ripening). For processing, bananas from relatively cool storage rooms are transferred to a thermally insulated gassing chamber, where at first bananas warm up to + 18–20 ° C, and then the chamber is filled with so-called. "Banana gas" - a mixture of nitrogen (95%) and ethylene (5%). For processing, bananas from relatively cool storage rooms are transferred to a thermally insulated gassing chamber, where at first bananas warm up to + 18–20 ° C, and then the chamber is filled with so-called. "Banana gas" - a mixture of nitrogen (95%) and ethylene (5%). For processing, bananas from relatively cool storage rooms are transferred to a thermally insulated gassing chamber, where at first bananas warm up to + 18–20 ° C, and then the chamber is filled with so-called. "Banana gas" - a mixture of nitrogen (95%) and ethylene (5%).

Daily exposure in a gas atmosphere starts the ripening process, and after storage in a normal atmosphere for three to seven days, bananas are ready for sale. The degree of ripeness of bananas is controlled by the parameters of aeration and the duration of storage in the warehouse. The picture, in fact, shows instructions for the camera ripening camera (degrees in Fahrenheit, if someone wants to make such a camera at home, translated using the formula (Fahrenheit - 32): 1.8 = Celsius).

By the way, a characteristic sign of an unripe banana (besides color) is pronounced longitudinal edges (edges) on fruits; ripe banana has an almost circular cross-section, with no pronounced edges.

The main component in this whole procedure is ethylene gas. Many probably have heard / seen about plant growth stimulants (for example, about auxins or gibberellins) with the help of which everyone is able to grow his miracle fruit at home. This includes ethylene gas, for it is the simplest representative of plant hormones (yes, plants also have their own hormones ).

Phytohormones - low molecular weight organic substances produced by plants and having regulatory functions. They act in very low concentrations, cause various physiological and morphological changes in parts of plants that are sensitive to their action.

They are not afraid of ethylene, since all plants synthesize it, with the exception of algae, as well as mushrooms and some bacteria. The rate of formation of ethylene in plant tissues averages 5-50 nl / h (g wet weight), and the content is 0.1-2.0 nl / g wet weight. A lot of ethylene accumulates in the falling leaves and flowers, in the nodes of the shoots. Ripening fruits are particularly high in ethylene. For example, in apples, its concentration reaches 2500 nl / g wet weight. Like other phytohormones, ethylene controls many processes in plants, many of which are induced by stress (flooding, cooling or high temperatures, pathogens, drought). That is why often ethylene is also called stress hormone.

The main and only source of ethylene in plants is the amino acid methionine, and plants have a special mechanism for the constant replenishment of the reserves of this sulfur-containing amino acid (the so-called Yang cycle, during which the CH 3 -S group remaining from methionine after the synthesis of 1-aminocyclopropane 1-carboxylic acid (ACC - the immediate precursor of ethylene), is again used to form it. When the fruit ripens, the enzymes of ethylene synthesis are activated - ACC synthase and ACC oxidase and as a result of all these processes Erzhanov ethylene in tissues is constantly increasing.

One of the characteristic features of some fruits that ripen faster when processed with ethylene is the increased respiration before ripening, called menopausal . In such fetuses, increased respiration is followed by a sharp activation of ethylene synthesis. This process is carried out in an autocatalytic mode, since it has been established that the processing of fruits with ethylene activates its synthesis and causes an even greater increase in the content of this hormone in the tissues during ripening. Examples of climacteric fruits are apples, pears, plums, bananas, avocados, mangoes, peaches, tomatoes. If in the process of ripening the intensity of respiration in the tissues does not change, such fruits are called non-climacteric. These include citrus fruits, grapes, cherries, pineapples, strawberries and some others. This effect can be checked if ripe fruit is placed in a closed container for unripe fruits. The ethylene released from the ripe fruit will be enough to speed up the ripening process in unripe fruits. At the same time the rate of ripening increases several times. Ethylene will have a similar effect on cut flowers and houseplants. Therefore, if you do not want the roses to quickly grow old and wither - never leave them indoors next to ripe vegetables and fruits.

Special mention deserves the mechanism of ripening (it is the same for all fruits, not only for a banana). For a plant, ripening means the willingness of seeds and fruits to spread. During the ripening of fruits with the help of various enzymes, cell wall elements are split (pectinase ~ and pectinesterase ~~ dissolve cell walls and soften the fruit), the hydrolysis of starch (amylase turns starch into oligosaccharides), the disappearance of organic acids and phenolic compounds, including tannins (hydrolase, for example, hydrolyzes chlorophyll, due to which the skin begins to fade) and the accumulation of sugars. Ethylene, as mentioned earlier, accelerates these processes, so "behind the eyes" is also called the ripening hormone.

Sometimes, by the way, it is necessary to slow down the effect of ethylene, for example, in order to preserve a ripe fruit for a longer time. For such purposes, use another gas - methylcyclopropene , which inhibits the production of ethylene and blocks its action.

The mechanism of inhibition by methylcyclopropene in two pictures

In the case of apples, the increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the storages is triggered.

Green or black?

The maturation mechanism was considered, I think it is worthwhile to dwell in detail on utility. Which banana is healthier, blackened or green? Immediately a few key points

  1. The nutritional value is about the same for any banana, i.e. Unripe Banana = Ripe Banana = Overripe Banana.
  2. Any banana is good. With the change of his degree of maturity, his taste and aroma changes mainly
  3. Any bananas (both green and yellow) contain the same number of trace elements.

But everything else, these are special cases, one way or another connected with the process of maturation (see the picture above with the processes proceeding herewith). Let's start with the benefits of overripe ("black" / "brown") bananas.

First, the brown banana will have the maximum amount of antioxidants (of the most diverse classes, I’ll stop on this in subsequent articles), due to the fact that high-molecular-weight natural polymers are almost completely broken down by enzymes into shorter, but at the same time sufficiently biologically active fragments.

Secondly, in the process of ripening, a banana acquires maximum digestibility, due to the complete hydrolysis of polysaccharides (like starch) into the simplest easily digestible sugars. Overripe bananas are easier to digest and will be ideal for those people who have problems with digestion.

And thirdly. The answer to the test at the beginning of the article. Among the bananas presented at the KDPV , the number 8 with a black speck has the greatest healing effect. By the way, it is thanks to them that this effect manifests itself. The fact is that Chinese researchers found in the black spots on the peel of overripe banana a particular biologically active compound - a homodimeric fructose-binding lectin . For a better understanding, I quote Russian Wikipedia:

Lectins (from lat. Legere - to collect) - proteins and glycoproteins that have the ability to bind residues of carbohydrates on the cell surface in a highly specific manner. Lectins are often involved in cell recognition, for example, some pathogenic microorganisms use lectins to attach to the cells of the affected organism.

In fact, these are incredible compounds, because each lectin binds to "its" carbohydrate residue as specifically as an antibody binds to an antigen, or an enzyme to a substrate. In the above article, the authors predict for "banana lectin" the role of an accessible anti-HIV drug, which has, among other things, immunomodulating and antitumor activity. So, next time, think, is it worth it to throw such a "spotted" banana.

Now turn to the green bananas, starchy and immature. In the first place, such bananas will be acceptable for people who do not like the sweet taste and those who suffer from diabetes, as in green bananas the minimum amount of sugars. Green bananas have a lower glycemic index than their yellowed peers.

And most importantly, green bananas contain a large number of so-called. " resistant " or indigestible starch, which is needed for our little friends. To explain what's what, let me have a small "microbiological" retreat.


Space is inside us, we are made of stellar matter, we are the way the cosmos knows itself.
Karl Sagan

If you ask an ordinary person what the intestinal microflora is and what its role is in a person’s life, you can hear about these answers: “digests food”, “fights diarrhea”, “absorbs vitamins”, “it dies from antibiotics, and for recovery you need to drink yogurt "and a couple more sets of answers that are at different distances from the truth. I am also a sinner and until a certain point I was not very interested in the issues of the intestinal microflora. Until the moment when a group of initiative comrades didn’t come to me with a proposal to watch one of the contests announced by InnoCentive(the task was to find a non-invasive express method for assessing intestinal microflora). Already from the first articles I clearly understood that the task of the competition was too tough for me, because the world opened before me, not even the world, but the whole Universe that lives inside each of us. In essence, the microflora or microbiota of the human intestine is a balanced (in a healthy person) evolutionary civilization (yes, that’s what it is) of microorganisms living in their own ecosystem, forming microbial associations, having their own ecological niches, relationships, symbiosis, predators, parasites, etc.

Remark from childhood

Сразу вспоминается один из любимых мультфильмов детства — японский сериал "Необыкновенная схватка (Wonder Beat Scramble)", про ученых, которые научились уменьшать людей и посылать их внутрь человеческого тела сражаться с заболеваниями (вирусы и бактерии представлены в виде инвазивных "пришельцев". Рабочая группа называлась команда "Белый пегас" и перемещалась внутри организма человека на корабле "Вандербит". Нормальный такой мультфильм, описывающий прототип медицинского наноробота :)

The composition of the microbiota of each person is unique and genetically determined. Therefore, the "cast" of the microbiota will be as unique as the fingerprint, or the shape / imprint of the ears recently described on Habré .So, clearly, for what purpose InnoCentive announced its competition.To date, more than 5,000 species of microorganisms have been identified that peacefully coexist among themselves in the human intestine, and 90% of them cannot be cultivated under laboratory conditions (= it is impossible to choose the composition of the nutrient medium, etc., etc.). Here you have the confirmation of the fact of the value of each individual, which together with the genetically compatible microorganisms living inside it represents a single “superorganism” (read Metabolomics of a superorganism ).

Despite the fact that "man is the crown of creation", it is microorganisms that are a key element of the above-mentioned superorganism, if only because the metabolism inside it is provided by the well-organized work of enzymes encoded not only by the genome of man, but by the genomes of all microorganisms. The importance of human interaction with the inhabitants of the "dark depths" is due to the fact that there is not a single function of the body that it would not influence in one way or another (there is a lack of evidence). The entire intestinal microflora (and this is about 2.5–3 kg of bacteria in a healthy person) is a huge repository of genetic information (microbial, plasmid and chromosomal genes) that maintains the stability of microbial communities and the exchange of genetic material with human cells.

As a result of living together, microorganisms acquire receptors and other antigens of the host cells (made "invisible" to the immune system), which determines the stability of the individual microflora of each person. In its role in maintaining the normal functioning of the human body, the intestinal microbiome is not inferior to any vital organ (!). It is not surprising that violations of its composition can lead to significant deviations in the state of human health (for example, obesity , exhaustion , scattered attention ). Even on gene expression , there is influence.

Today we can safely say that the intestine is the first organ of the body's immune system (it contains 80% of all immunoglobulins and 106 lymphocytes in 1 gram of lymphoid tissue). In addition, the microflora has many other local and system functions:

... energy supply of the epithelium, regulation of body heat exchange, maintenance of ionic homeostasis, regulation of intestinal motility, participation in regulation, differentiation and regeneration of epithelial tissues, provision of cytoprotection, elimination of endo- and exogenous toxins, destruction of mutagens, formation of signal molecules, including neurotransmitters, stimulation of humoral and cellular immunity to form immunoglobulins, inhibiting the growth of pathogens, capturing and excreting viruses, providing gluconeogetic substrates eza lipogenesis and metabolism of proteins involved in the recirculation of bile acids, steroids and other macromolecules, regulation of the gas composition of the cavities, the synthesis and delivery of the body B vitamins, pantothenic acid, activation of medicinal compounds (drug) ...

In general, if you dream up develop a themeand suppose that with some kind of volitional effort we can “talk with this civilization” - they can easily turn us into any superhero of American comics. In the meantime, we just live side by side, without touching each other, sometimes fighting “positionally”, nothing more ...

Back to our bananas starches

After the story about the microcosm of the intestinal microflora, it will be clearer why resistant starch is so important, and, accordingly, why it is possible, and even you need to eat green bananas. By the way, people who were born before the 70s can safely say that "he was born at a time when all the starch was the same." Then it was believed that any starch is completely digested in the digestion process. And with the advent of complex methods for studying the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body, it was found that some types of starchsuddenlymove undigested to the large intestine. After all, it was once known from school chemistry lessons that starch digestion begins in the oral cavity under the action of the enzyme alpha-amylase saliva (the so-called salivary a-amylase). In the stomach, this enzyme suspends its action due to the acidic environment, but the main place of starch digestion and absorption of glucose formed is the small intestine, where the so-called pancreas enters. pancreatic a-amylase.

It is with the beginning of the enzymatic hydrolysis of starch in the small intestine that an increase in the blood sugar content after a meal begins to be detected. Everything would be fine, but it was in the 70s-80s of the last century that it was found that not all starch breaks up in the small intestine to glucose.(I wonder if this item is covered in modern textbooks). The non-digestible part of starch, which is not hydrolyzed in the small intestine (and therefore does not affect the caloric content and insulin level ), was isolated and called “non-digestible” or “resistant” (from Lat. Resistere - resist) starch.

Resistant starch (RK) is non-digestible starch enzyme that reaches the large intestine where it is consumed (note - read, the main type of "fuel" for those who make us superorganism) or fermented by bacteria of the large intestine (intestinal microbiota). Not only resistant starch, but also non-starch polysaccharide fibers, oligosaccharides and some simple sugars possess similar properties.

Currently, it is believed that there are three types of starch: quickly digestible starch, slowly digestible starch and resistant indigestible (including, thanks totacit consent andsupported by the European Commission). In turn, resistant indigestible can be divided into 4 separate classes. See the description in the table below:

Type of starchDescriptionExamples
RS1Physically inaccessible, non-digestibleFully or partially crushed grains (in seeds, legumes, unprocessed whole grain cereals). Amylolytic enzymes do not have access to starch in intact plant cells (grain), since there are no enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract that can decompose the components of plant cell walls. This starch along with fragments of plant tissue enters the intestine.
RS2Non gelatinized starch granules with dense packagingRaw potato starch, green bananas, high amylose corn starch
RS3Retrograde starch (spontaneously or artificially precipitated from starch paste in the form of water-insoluble semi-crystalline structures)As a result of retrogradation, more thermostable structures form amylose, not amylopectin. The amount of resistant starch increases with increasing amylose content in starch (cooked and chilled potatoes, bread, cold rice, oatmeal, chilled pasta, crackers and pudding)
RS4Chemically or physically modified starchEsterified, esterified from crosslinked starches (used in processed foods). Do not exist in a natural, natural form.

In general, the scheme of starch metabolism (both stable and unstable) can be presented in this form:

Fermentation of resistant starch leads to the formation of short-chain fatty acids (acetic-acetate, propionic-propionate, butyrate-oil), small amounts of gases (carbon dioxide, methane, etc., see NB), as well as an increase in bacterial cell mass. The resulting acids are rapidly absorbed by the walls of the colon, and then metabolized in its epithelial cells (and then in the liver and / or other tissues). Butyric acid is the most important energy source for colonocytes - colon mucous cells. In addition, biologically active substances produced by microorganisms that are sensitive to the content of this substance in the intestine, in turn, have a beneficial effect on metabolism and cell growth; reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and urea in the blood, and even prevents a number of factors

Interestingly, for the reasons mentioned earlier (resistance to hydrolysis in the small intestine, etc.), in 2016 the US Food and Drug Administration released a document confirming the fact that resistant starch(note - with a high content of amylose, ie corn, for example) may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

NB Well, the traditional fly in the ointment, for objectivity. Since resistant starch is in many ways reminiscent of various dietary fibers, it is close to them in terms of physiological effect, therefore, it acts as a weak laxative and, when consumed in large quantities, can lead to flatulence. So that an inexperienced reader would not think "what is this resistant starch better than some fibers for improving digestion , which are actively sold in health food stores, etc." I would say that it is better even if only in the process of fermentation of resistant starch much more butyrate is formed than in the case of other types of dietary fiber. Maybe that's why the permissible daily dose of resistant starch in adults can reach45 grams, which exceeds the total recommended intake of plant fiber (the very “dietary fiber”) by 25–38 grams per day.

On this, the theoretical course of the young fighter is completed. It remains to consolidate the skills in practice.

Practicing on the ground. Instructions for finding a banana

Somehow being in a permanent search for information about the usefulness of plant materials, I came across a forum so-called. "raw foodists".

Raw food (rarely raw food) is a food system in which the use of any kind of food that has undergone heat treatment (cooking, frying, baking, steaming, etc.) is completely excluded.

I came across it because I was sure that no one else would be able to share useful observations about plant foods than those who use it as is.
There, I came across rather critical statements from the user el Inka , the “Russian Ecuadorian” about the bananas sold in our hypermarkets and markets. It all boiled down to the fact that:

... If a farmer is small, well, there are 20-40 hectares of land under palm trees, then he is not rich, and he has enough money only for urea, this is the main fertilizer for a banana palm tree. And strong large farms are full of chemicals, there, besides urea, spraying with terrible poisons (not so much against insects as against birds) and all sorts of growth accelerators are practiced, and the land between the palm trees is filled with an abomination against weeds. By the way, a commercial banana that travels overseas to you is the most primitive and most unappetizing kind of bananas. It is grown for transportation, it is completely unnatural, I almost never bought such here. There are far more interesting varieties. For example makeno (with a hint of fresh hay), Maduro (if ripe, then sweetie), orito (wildly sweet), dedito (small and with an unusual heady aroma), Byrd (hard as an apple, and not sweet, but in a ripe state is also funny), as well as black bananas (a rarity), red (wild, I ate them in jugles, there are overgrown), and a lot of other varieties. To you it will never be lucky, not transportable. However, regardless of the species, if wild - class, if farmer - take care of the liver ...

What to do in this situation? And that's what.
In pursuit of tasty and healthy food, which tricks people don’t go. And they are trying to buy from farmers, and carry out tests on their own, etc. etc. Moreover, very few people know about such a thing as a PLU code. Namely, it is, in fact, the easiest and most affordable way to initially check the quality of fruit, berry and vegetable products. I think many have seen stickers on bananas. They saw it and with a high degree of probability they tried to remove and throw it as soon as possible without even reading it. And here in vain. For there you can find quite important information, especially for fans of "food without GMOs", "organic food" well, etc. So, the " PLU code" is nothing more than a price look up code- price search code, which is a set of numbers. This kit is standardized to the requirements of the International Federation of Product Standards (IFPS). The figures uniquely identify the products purchased by the wholesale departments of supermarkets. Codes are used for a long time, since 1990 more than 1400 have already been assigned to them . The PLU-coding of vegetables and fruits is promoted by the Global Coalition of Fruit and Vegetable Producers , created in 2001 (what a name! I immediately remembered Chippolino). Although PLU coding is also used for nuts and herbs.

Introduced such a label was to simplify the life of the buyer. Since different varieties of the same product often look the same, but “not equally useful,” plus the whole difference in prices, the differences between “organic” and “NOT organic products”, etc. etc.
The labeling system adopted is described in the document . The rules are simple:

1) The PLU code consists of only four digits (and begins with the number 3 or 4), this indicates that the products were grown using the “traditional” method (intensive farming), using fertilizers and pesticides. The combination of numbers, as a rule, can suggest the type of fruit / vegetable and its variety (regardless of the place of cultivation). Those. PLU-tagged 4011 can be bananas from Mexico, Ecuador, and even from sunny Florida (USA). Under the link you can check what they sell you in the store.

banana description 4011

2) If the PLU consists of five digits, the first digit being “8”, this means that the vegetable or fruit has been genetically modified (that GMO ). A banana labeled “84011” or “8-4011” will be genetically modified. As practice shows, fruit such as melon, banana and papaya are most often exposed to GMOs.
UPD : But according to the latest release of IFPS :

Although the prefix '8' (83000 - 84999) was once reserved for products produced from GMOs, it was never used by manufacturers for products sold at retail. Therefore, it was decided to free up the range of PLU numbers for the usual identification of products. This will in no way affect the current use of the prefix '9' (93000-94999) and will continue to be used to designate organic products.

So, "we only have nine ..." :(

3) If the PLU consists of five digits, the first digit being “9”, this means that the product was grown in the old-fashioned way, as was done for thousands of years: manual weeding and no chemical fertilizers / pesticides. Now this method is called modern "organic"that, as a chemist, I admit, it hurts my eyes quite a lot.For example, the cleanest naturally grown banana will be labeled "94011" or "9-4011". This is the best option of all.

Most people try to choose fruits without stickers. But in fact, it is much safer to give preference to labeled products, because fruits brought from abroad must be labeled. In addition to the "degree of organicity", you can find out the variety (and even the color - suddenly the seller is cheating). And if there are no stickers, then with a high degree of probability, the fruit was "cleaned with caring hands" (here you have a reason to doubt the seller). By the way, the stickers are glued on special food glue, so it's okay if, having suddenly forgotten, the sticker gets into the digestive tract.

As a workshop, it was decided to walk on the way home through major hypermarkets on the eve of New Year's Eve and assess the range of fruits and their labeling. By the way, paying attention to fruit stickers is a rather exciting activity. Taking photographs is also interesting, by the way.

PLU-labeled fruits in limited quantities were found only in one hypermarket of the city-hero (in order not to advertise, after all, they don’t pay, I’ll give you a tip - "there is a track circuit next to"), as you can see, there was no place for their favorite bananas .. .

Deciphering the PLU codes of the fruit shown in the picture

Variety OroBlanco/Sweetie
Botanical Name Citrus paradisi
Commodity GRAPES
Variety White/Green Seedless
Botanical Name Vitis vinifera
Commodity GRAPES
Variety Red Globe
Botanical Name Vitis vinifera
Commodity PEARS
Variety Cepuna
Botanical Name Pyrus communis
AKA Migo
Сommodity APPLES
Variety Nicoter
Botanical Name Malus
Commodity APPLES
Variety Milwa
Botanical Name Malus pumila

In all other hypermarkets / "convenience stores" / kiosks, etc. in the worst case, there are no stickers at all. In the best - there are stickers, but "wrong". Moreover, in a wide range - and bright, and colorful, and New Year's theme for you, and Santa Claus with a red nose. Only here there are no PLU-cheeks ...

The story of the green banana is over. Happy New Year,% USERNAME%!
Let each habr-reader on the New Year's table have only the most __ (enter the necessary after reading the article) bananas, and only with the PLU-code starting with the number "9"!

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