New Year's post of good

    For everyone who behaved well this year and not only, we have prepared a pleasant surprise. Any publisher makes money on advertising - whether it's a TV, radio, newspaper or website. The more interesting the content and the more active the readers, the more advertisers want to advertise. And the more active the advanced audience is trying to switch / scroll through / disable this advertisement using scripts and other ad blocks. It turns out to be a conflict: publishers are loved for their quality site and hated for advertising. As they say, I love to hate you.

    Understanding this whole situation, you have repeatedly asked us to make it possible to disable advertising on our projects for a fee. We thought, thought, asked our colleagues how they were, then thought again, and decided ... to make this option free. Therefore, the time has come when our business has ceased to depend on banners and we can afford to turn off display advertising for 48 thousand users.

    The shutdown option is located in the profile settings (section " Miscellaneous ") and is available to all full users with karma ⩾1. If karma goes down, the setting becomes unavailable, and by the way, there is nothing to worry about. We continue to monitor advertising and, in principle, do not work with aggressive formats such as video, pop-ups, flops and other clickbait.

    Happy New Year! We wish you good luck, successful development of professional skills and positive karma not only on Habré, but also in real life. We thank everyone who made a useful contribution to the development of the community in the past year and we hope that in the new year your contribution will be even greater.

    We declare the post of good. Plus.

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