You just need to “take and do”: a new podcast about editorial projects and media careers

    This is a podcast with those who write, edit, take photos, videos and manage the creation of content. Today we have prepared for you a text version of the sixth edition.

    His guest, Ivan Sourvillo ( Sourvillo ), is a journalist, editor, and publisher of authoring email. We are talking about personal projects of Ivan, career and creative insights.

    In the photo: Ivan Sourvillo - journalist, editor and publisher of the author's email-mailing

    alinatestova : Ivan, hello. I'll start right away with "uncomfortable" questions. Can you call a blogger? How do you call yourself a blogger or editor?

    Ivan: Recently, I have often been called a journalist. I also call myself that, but with caution. I can be called a blogger, given the newsletter. More precisely, the "mailing blogger."

    A: A new kind of blogger: "mailing blogger." Speaking of the blog and newsletter . People follow you, they read you. What are you writing about? What topics are you talking about?

    And: I have no idea. Readers write to me with complaints like: "I want to tell about your newsletter, but I do not know what it is about." This is a personal newsletter about everything.

    I selected a number of rubrics, for example: books that I read ; films that looked ; there are still things like a scooter review andthoughts of negotiation .

    A: Given the variety of topics, please tell me what people are catching? What are they interested in? Is it a matter of submission, style, topicality? In something else?

    And: I conducted a survey. Most vote for sincerity. In my opinion, I am not completely sincere, because I don’t tell a lot about it. Apparently, we have different evaluation criteria.

    A: People just want to touch the world of a journalist, blogger, editor. To understand what is happening in the life of such a person. Understand what he lives and how he talks about it.

    Q: Yes, to some extent it is. I got the illusion that I am benefiting people: throwing interesting links, interviewing. People write it is cool.

    BUT:I will definitely ask about the interview. Tell me, please, is it possible to say that your newsletter and your texts are the stories of a person with whom people associate themselves with? You say: "useful links, reviews, descriptions." People think: “In the place of this blogger, I could be. He studies things that fall into my pain and interest. ”

    And: I would not advise anyone to be me. Too much of existential horror in me. There is always a big gap between our self-perception and how others see us. No one has written to me yet that he would like to be in my place.

    Honestly, I do not know if there is such a thing among subscribers or not.

    A: Then tell me, please, how did you come to this project? It is to the mailing list and blog. What preceded this? Imagine that there is a person who also wants to write and tell something. What do you advise him?

    And: I'll start with the first question. I always say that a talking hat sat on me and said: "This is yours." Seriously, it all started in the tenth grade. I sat in a boring geography lesson and thought about why I didn’t like school. Sketched points on the topic.

    And: From these points came an article in the publication “Mel” . This article scolded half of the Russian-language Facebook. The other half said that at school is not so bad.

    A: I think I read this article.

    And: For sure. But this is my first major success. Before that I blogged. It was a spontaneous decision. I had thoughts like: “Well, yes, it would be fun to have a blog.” Since I'm lazy, I haven't started a blog for a long time.

    Once I just figured it all out for the night: I sat down at the computer at 9 pm, and at 3 in the morning I already had my first blog post. It was all spontaneous. I did not know what I was going to tell, who would read me, why all this. I still do not know.

    After the blog posting appeared. I read the newsletter of the English-speaking author and thought that you can start mine. At that time there were no personal mailings or there were few of them.

    At first I did a mailing in MailChimp, but the service blocked me after the first letter. I switched to another service and started sending emails. The first mailings were terrible. I recently reread them and thought: "What the hell!".

    On the issue of advice. I always advise the simplest: take and do. If you are too lazy to deal with hosting and domain name registration, you can simply start a blog on Medium and write there. In the end, you can write on Facebook , Instagram .

    Mailing harder. Mailing needs to be carried out with the help of any service, to figure out how it works. Come up with a form to collect addresses. Although it is also not very difficult. You can quietly set everything up in one and a half or two hours.

    A: Your personal experience shows that you can choose any subject. The main thing to do is ... how? With some interesting feed? Give your thoughts? To provoke the reader, as in the article on "Mele"? What should be the salt for people to be interested in?

    I: It seems to me that you need to write about what you like and like. Because a blog or newsletter is a lesson for 5–10 years or longer. Therefore, if you write about things that are not interesting for you, you will “bend over”. I always write about what I like and like myself. From this, apparently, flows the sincerity about which we spoke.

    Therefore, the main recipe is to do what you like. And that's all.

    A: Suppose a person decided to choose three rubrics and just write about it. Then the person is interested in something else and creates a fourth rubric. It turns out that you would advise him to write about this and about this, because now the person has the drive. If a person feels the need to write about something, then it has the right to life?

    And: It works with me. Recently edited your site. I reviewed the list of my projects, removed some, crossed out some. Hobbies are gone, well and good.

    A: Tell me, please, taking into account the free approach to the work on the project, what is your day like? I often ask this question, and always get different answers.

    Q: Usually my day consists of several meetings in different parts of Moscow. I move around the city on my scooter. At the same time, passers-by (as I have been told several times) it seems that they are being carried by a kamikaze and ... it does not explode, which is already good.

    I wake up around 8 in the morning. Next meeting until the evening. I really want to start running, but for this I need to wake up at 6 o'clock. I do not have enough moral strength to do it. I'm lazy.

    A: Speaking of meetings, I can not ask questions about the interview. Is this a natural continuation of your blog and newsletter? Or do you perceive the interview as a completely new project? Tell me about it. How did it start?

    How did you come to think that now is the time to do interviewing?

    And: There is a long story and a short one. What to tell?

    A: Long, of course.

    And: It all started at the end of 2017. I sat and thought about plans for 2018. I realized that the plans are the same as for 2017: work, try to sleep, write a blog, do a newsletter, and so on. I thought it was not quite right. I need more specific goals.

    At that time I was still studying at HSE. They gave me an assignment to interview. Coincidentally, Galina Timchenko came to St. Petersburg with her course. I decided to interview her. Approached her after the course as a "shaking chicken."

    She had no idea who I was. We recently talked to her, but she never admitted why she agreed to an interview.

    I decided that asking about Medusa services is not interesting. Everyone is asking about it. I decided to ask about what Galina Timchenko lacks in life. She answered very sincerely. I can not say what she was talking about, because the interview was educational and was not published anywhere.

    After I returned from St. Petersburg to Moscow, I realized that I like to interview. Decided to try again. I realized that the idea of ​​asking questions about the personal is unusual.

    My good friend and colleague Alexander Plyuschev, an Echo of Moscow journalist, helped me a lot. He recommended me to people: Eugene Feldman, Igor Mann and others.

    After the recommendations, I came to Yevgeny Feldman, and we talked with him. The first interview was released. The project began to develop. I myself wrote to people on Facebook, negotiated an interview.

    A: Tell me, please, when you took the first interviews, how did you explain to people where it would go, and what would it be in the end for the product?

    And: I came to the first people already with the recommendation of Sasha Ivyov. Therefore, people treated me kindly. I do not remember what I said. In my opinion, I said to Evgeny Feldman that I was launching a new project, and he will be the first to be interviewed there.

    A: We have found a success formula for beginning editors.

    I: Yes, come to Sasha I for the contacts. Just kidding

    A: The first interlocutor must say: "I will have a new cool project." And then go on the thumb. Tell me, please, if we talk about the development of this topic with an interview, how do you see the project in the future? Where does this lead you?

    Q: This is a very cool question, because I myself think about it. Over the past week and a half, people I respect have told me that the project is cool. These people noted that my questions and interview style were interesting and understandable.

    I was advised to make the project even deeper. I still do not understand how to do it, and I stand at a crossroads. But I will continue to release the interview further.

    In addition, I am interviewing for various publications . But if we are talking about my project, then the strategy is as follows: I release the interview as well as I did before, and think about what, how and where to develop. Perhaps everything needs to be left as is. Empty it will be a "monument".

    A: Yourself.

    AND:Well, no, not me. I do not want to do the project "a monument to myself." The idea is this: after two hundred years, one of my interlocutors becomes famous. A researcher finds my interview, reads, and thinks: “Oh, great that someone took an interview.”

    Such a conceited thing.

    I understand that my role in the interview is very small. Basically, the success of the interview - the merit of the interlocutor. It seems to me that a journalist in an interview should always be short.

    A: On the other hand, it is very important to “pull” something out of a person, which he was not asked before, as you say. It turns out that your project is about something private, closed. About the fact that a person has, but he, as a public person, does not always show.

    It seems to me that your example should inspire many. In the sense that this is not some kind of story from the series “I worked in corporation X, then I had connections, and we decided to create a new media.” The story turns out sincere.

    A: Finally, my tiny blitz: the text was a success if ...

    And: ... you then see flaws in it.

    A: Cool, thanks!

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