The electronic queue system in the banking business

View of the expert in IT development of the Technologies of the Future company Marina Moskaleva on the functionality of the electronic queue system in the banking business.

A lot has been said about the undeniable benefits of introducing IT into the financial sector and the incredible transformations that can result from modernizing banking after the introduction of technological innovations, so let's get down to business without further ado.

The beginning of time

At first glance, the configuration of the queue management system for bank branches is standard. Its main hardware components:

  • registration terminal for the visitor to select the required service and receive a ticket with a number;

  • general information board displaying all customer numbers called to the operators of one service area;

  • a board at the employee’s workplace, which indicates the number of the client called directly to this bank employee;

  • The visitor call console is most often implemented in software as an application installed on the operator’s computer. Also an important point for banks, if the security policy prohibits installing third-party software directly on a computer, the operator’s console can be installed on a tablet connected to the operator’s workplace

But under a fairly simple hardware configuration hides serious software features that automate the maintenance process.

12 system functionalities relevant for banks

Specialization of jobs. The essence of this function is that the client who selects the necessary service will be sent to a specific bank employee who specializes in this particular issue. Specialization of jobs implies the ability to use the principle of priority in the distribution of client flow. If we consider in practice, then we can give the simplest example. Imagine that the main service of window No. 1 is the payment of utility bills (high priority). Accordingly, first of all, customers who want to pay for utilities will be called to service window No. 1. At the same time, if necessary, for the same service window, you can add a top-up service (assigning it a low priority). Then, in the absence of customers to pay utility bills, Clients with the second priority service will be called to window No. 1. Similarly, you can add other services by setting the priority value in numerical terms.

Routing services. Consistent automatic client routing to multiple windows, if necessary to receive the service. For example, opening a deposit requires signing an agreement with the operator, then depositing money into the cashier, then returning to the operator to receive documents. After registering the client for the deposit opening service, he will be called to the window operator involved in the paperwork. The routing principle assumes that after performing his functions, the bank employee does not need to choose which window to send the client to next, he simply clicks the “By Route” button, and the system itself calls the bank visitor to all the windows corresponding to the route specified for this service .

Putting aside customer service.A situation may arise when a customer who is already called for service is required to fill out some documents, for example, a loan application or a money transfer form. In this case, the operator has the opportunity to postpone customer service for 5, 10 minutes or any other time, and in the resulting gap to serve the next person in turn. After the time for which the call of the first visitor has been postponed, the system will call him to the same operator automatically.

Select multiple services.If a client needs to carry out several banking operations during one visit to the department, there is a possibility to select all the required services at once and register them with one coupon number. In this case, the client will be called to the service, the operator of which will be released first, and then, to the extent possible, to all the others. Two points should be noted here. First, while one service is being provided, the system blocks this client number for calling on other issues, that is, the client cannot be called simultaneously in two windows. The second, the visitor, called up for one banking operation, does not lose his turn for other services, the system will embed his number in the queue exactly at the ordinal place that he had at the time of registration.

Customer Priority.Certain categories of VIP-clients in the system can be given the priority of service (for example, Gold and Platinum card holders). The system will automatically put such visitors at the top of the queue for the selected service. Identification can be done by reading a bank card, in which case the registration terminal must be equipped with a card reader. In addition, card identification can be done by entering its number using the virtual keyboard or using biometric technologies.

Pre-entry.A client can make an appointment in advance using the bank’s website or a mobile application and approach the department at a convenient time for him. Pre-recording is activated on the registration terminal by entering a unique code or scanning a bar code.

SMS alert. If, when choosing a service on the terminal, the predicted waiting time for the service exceeds the specified value (for example, 1 hour), the client will be asked to enter a phone number for additional SMS informing of the format “Your number ... will be called after 15 minutes. Please go to the ward. ” In addition, it is possible to read the QR code from the received coupon and use your smartphone to track your turn online. This will allow the client not to sit for a long time in the waiting area.

Multilingualism.For international banks, as well as for branches located in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which have their own national language, you can use the multilingual interface of the system. When registering at the terminal or by appointment, first of all, the client is asked to choose a language. It is in this language that the names of the services, the text of the printed coupon, the text of SMS messages will be displayed, and a voice call to the service will be voiced.

Advertising opportunities.On the main bulletin board, in addition to displaying the called numbers, you can show commercials or give announcements in a creeping line format. In addition to advertising on a bulletin board, it is possible to display advertising banners on the terminal itself. For example, when you select the main section "Loans", the client falls into the submenu of operations related to this section, which will display information about special offers on loans. Also, advertising information in text form can be printed on a coupon, here it will depend on the service chosen by the client.

Collection of statistics. The queue management system has great capabilities for collecting and visualizing statistical information about the customer service process. Reports are generated in Excel format in tabular and graphical form. From them you can get data:

  • the number of customers served for each service, each operator, and in the aggregate throughout the department;
  • average service time and wait;
  • the number of customers with waiting times in excess of the norm;
  • pre-registration lists and other indicators

Statistical reports in automatic mode according to a given schedule are sent to the email of the person in charge.

Centralization.For banks that have an extensive branch network, it is important to use a centralization module that allows you to manage the settings of the queue management system in each branch from the central office. The centralization module allows the exchange of data (updating the list of services, commercials, text of running lines, exchange rates, statistical information about the service, as well as the queue management system software) in automatic mode according to the schedule or manually. An additional operational monitoring module allows you to track information about the service process in the departments online, including the allocation of excess of critical indicators of the service process and data from CCTV cameras.

Quality control.Often the queue management system is supplemented by a module for assessing the quality of service. Quality assessment can be carried out using a keypad (point assessment) or in expanded form by filling out a questionnaire on a tablet. The quality assessment module also allows you to get service statistics in various sections. For scoring by time periods and operators, for questioning on any of the questions on the questionnaire (for example, by gender, age or income).

And these are just the main functions of the system. In fact, the potential for realizing the possibilities is almost unlimited. Having experience of working with customers from various business fields, we can confidently say that we practically consider any requests that come to us in private and often come up with some non-standard solutions that allow us to use the system to the maximum extent possible.

From brand new

The queue management system software is constantly being improved and finalized in accordance with market requirements and customer requests. Some of the latest improvements applicable to the banking sector:

QR code. Remote viewing of a bulletin board. The printed coupon with the queue number contains a generated QR code that allows you to track the status of the queue using a smartphone. The client, reading this QR-code by any mobile application for its recognition, receives a link, clicking on which displays a page with data on called numbers of customers. These data are similar to those displayed on the information panel in the department. Thus, the presence of the client directly in the visibility range of the scoreboard becomes unnecessary.

Exchange rate fixing.We created the possibility of fixing the course at the time of printing the coupon. The fixed rate displayed on the ticket will be displayed in the interface of the operator’s console in relation to the customer number. Data on exchange rates are imported from the banking information system in automatic mode. This service may be necessary if the exchange rate is updated in the middle of the working day, in order to avoid situations when one is in the queue at the time of customer registration and the other is at the time of service.

Turnout mode.For banks, it is important to correctly determine not only the waiting time, but also the customer service time. If the waiting time is fixed quite accurately (the period from the moment of registration to the moment of a call for service), then the service time was not taken into account correctly before. Prior to the implementation of improvements, this indicator was considered as the period from the moment the client was called until the confirmation of the end of the service. In offices with a large number of operators and a complex configuration of the waiting area, the visitor can not always immediately find out where the window into which he was called is located. A certain amount of time is spent on the search, which should not be taken into account as service time. To solve this problem, we created the ability to set a certain value of the average value of the time it takes for the client to reach the window.

Workplace without operator.It happens that a potential client does not come to the department to carry out a financial transaction, but in order to get professional advice. To provide such a service, a full-fledged operator’s workplace is not required, a consultation can be held in a meeting room or simply at a separate table in the waiting area. Such a workplace is present in the queue management system, which calls the client there, and any free consultant can become the operator. The fact of the provision of services by this particular consultant is recorded in the system either by the reception hall administrator or by the department head. This opportunity is also in demand if counseling is carried out by a specialist who is not a member of the bank’s office. For instance,

Delayed visit. If a client arrives at a bank branch at the time of peak loading and sees a large number of people waiting, he can use the option of pre-registration for the current day when choosing a service on the terminal. For example, indicate the time of the visit in an hour or two. In this case, he can be sure that before the specified time his number will not be called.

Accessible environment.The implementation of the state program “Accessible Environment” has not spared the queue management system. Increasingly, solutions for people with disabilities are being introduced into the system software and hardware. This is the display of the service selection interface in contrasting color schemes, the magnifier screen mode, voice notification with a built-in induction loop, additional buttons on the terminal with Braille, voice menu, variable terminal height and other features.

Integration with ACS.The queue management system can integrate with the access control and management system if there are service areas, access to which should be limited, for example, deposit boxes. Confirmation of access permission can be carried out by scanning a bar code on a coupon with a customer number (call confirmation), and also using biometric technologies (identity confirmation).

Biometric Technologies Biometrics technologies are used to identify VIP clients at the time of their registration at the queue terminal to confirm the priority of service. For this, the terminal is additionally equipped with a camera for face recognition or a fingerprint scanner.

Also, similar technologies are used in the case of integration of the queue management system with ACS to confirm identity when accessing special storage facilities. In this case, not only identification can be used from a face or fingerprint, but voice recognition or scanning of the iris.

It should be noted that no client’s personal data is stored in the database of the queue management system, all identification information is transmitted directly to the banking information system, from which only confirmation of the priority of this client comes.

That is, as we can see, the potential for the development and implementation of the latest technologies is massive. It all depends on the specific needs of the people with whom we work. And to use the standard set of system functions or to puzzle over and create something new, this is a matter of the desire to develop your business and the desire to make it as effective as possible.

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