The best employers in IT 2018: the annual rating of "My Circle"


    In the middle of 2018, we, at My Circle, launched an assessment service for employers , through which everyone can find out what their employees think about the company as an employer. And today we are pleased to present the first annual rating of the companies "Best Employers in IT 2018, according to the version of" My Circle " . We want to make this rating a good tradition and issue annually.

    Since the launch of the service, about 5,000 employees have given their ratings to more than 900 companies. As a result, at the moment, 150 companies that collected opinions about themselves from 10 or more employees received a public assessment. It is these companies that became members of our current rating.

    Employees evaluate their employers for 12 qualities, for each of them they rate from 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (fully agree). From the evaluations of the employees, the average rating of each quality is calculated (as a weighted average), and from the quality ratings, the average rating of the company as a whole (as an arithmetic average). We compare these average scores of the company as a whole to build a rating. Read more about the rating system and the rules for their calculation.

    We also compare company ratings for each of 12 qualities, and if a company is in the top three in terms of this quality, we assign it the appropriate nomination.

    Companies in the ranking compete in 4 "weight" categories:

    • Huge companies (xbig) . For companies with more than 5,000 employees, the “normal” (middle median) is 3.6.
    • Big companies (big) . For companies from 1,000 to 5,000 employees - 4.2.
    • Medium-sized companies (medium) . For companies from 100 to 1000 employees - 4.5
    • Small companies (small) . For companies from 10 to 100 employees - 4.6.

    In each weight category, companies are listed first in the top 3 in the overall average rating among companies in their category. The following lists the companies that ranked in the top 3 by assessing specific qualities: here the total average ratings are no longer taken into account and are displayed only for sorting.

    Huge companies (xbig)

    • Companies numbering 5,000 employees.
    • The average mark in this weight category is 3.6.
    • 19 companies were evaluated.


    First place

    imageSKB Kontur - software development and online services for accounting and business.

    Detailed assessment
    4.411. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Social package
    4. Comfortable working conditions
    5. Professional growth
    6. Career growth
    7. Relations with colleagues
    8. Recognition of labor results
    9. Management literacy
    10. Relationship with top management
    11. The company does the world is better

    Second place

    imagePJSC Sovcombank is a reliable partner in the implementation of major socio-economic projects in Russia.

    Detailed assessment
    4.251. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Adequate salary
    4. Professional growth
    5. Career growth
    6. Relations with colleagues
    7. Recognition of labor results
    8. Management literacy
    9. Communication with top management

    Third place - break stereotypes about banking products, making them understandable and enjoyable.

    Detailed assessment
    4.231. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Adequate salary
    4. Social package
    5. Communication with top management
    6. The company makes the world better

    Companies ranked in the top 3 according to one of the qualities

    Yandex is the largest Russian search engine and portal.

    Detailed assessment
    4.221. Interesting tasks
    2. Professional growth
    3. Social package
    4. Comfortable working conditions
    5. The company makes the world better

    Luxoft - software development and innovative IT-solutions, technology consulting.

    Detailed assessment
    4.091. Adequate salary
    2. Career growth
    3. Relations with colleagues
    4. Recognition of labor results
    5. Management literacy

    Mail.Ru Group - development of communication and entertainment Internet services in Russia and the world.

    Detailed assessment
    4.081. Adequate salary
    2. Social package
    3. Comfortable working conditions

    EPAM is an international IT company, the largest global provider of software development services.

    Detailed assessment
    3.961. Professional growth
    2. Career growth

    Big companies (big)

    • Companies numbering 1,000 to 5,000 employees.
    • The average score in this weight category is 4.22.
    • 25 companies were evaluated.


    First place

    imageEqvanta Group of Companies - alternative finance and financial technologies.

    Detailed assessment
    4.751. Modern technologies
    2. Adequate salary
    3. Social package
    4. Professional growth
    5. Career growth
    6. Relations with colleagues
    7. Recognition of labor results
    8. Management literacy
    9. Communication with top management

    Second place

    imageGrid Dynamics - technological solutions for new generation eCommerce systems.

    Detailed assessment
    4.741. Modern technologies
    2. Adequate salary
    3. Social package
    4. Comfortable working conditions
    5. Professional growth
    6. Career growth
    7. Relations with colleagues
    8. Recognition of labor results
    9. Management literacy

    Third place

    imageDirect Credit - the creation of online and mobile services for banks and credit brokers.

    Detailed assessment
    4.711. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Adequate salary
    4. Comfortable working conditions
    5. Relationship with colleagues
    6. Recognition of labor results
    7. Management literacy
    8. Relationship with top management

    Companies ranked in the top 3 according to one of the qualities

    Point - a bank for entrepreneurs - a banking service for entrepreneurs.

    Detailed assessment
    4.671. Interesting tasks
    2. Career growth
    3. Relations with colleagues
    4. The company makes the world a better place

    QIWI is an integrated payment network that allows you to make payments via physical, Internet and mobile communication channels.

    Detailed assessment
    4.491. Comfortable working conditions
    2. Communication with top management

    Lamoda - software development and e-commerce projects in the CIS.

    Detailed assessment
    4.481. Interesting tasks
    2. The company makes the world better

    AVITO is an online service for placing announcements about goods, vacancies and resumes in the labor market, as well as services from individuals and companies.

    Detailed assessment
    4.40 1. Comfortable working conditions

    Hemmersbach - software development and innovative IT solutions.

    Detailed assessment
    4.391. Relations with colleagues
    2. Recognition of labor results

    CROC - software development and other IT solutions.

    Detailed assessment
    4.271. Social package
    2. Professional growth

    2GIS is an international mapping company.

    Detailed assessment
    4.22 1. The company makes the world better.

    Medium-sized companies (medium)

    • Companies numbering 100 to 1,000 employees.
    • The average score in this weight class is 4.5.
    • 54 companies were evaluated.


    First place

    imageDemis Group - an increase in customer sales through integrated Internet marketing solutions in a short time, with minimal cost.

    Detailed assessment
    4.981. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Adequate salary
    4. Career growth
    5. Relationship with colleagues
    6. Recognition of labor results
    7. Management literacy
    8. Communication with top management
    9. The company makes the world better

    Second place
    imagePROFI.RU - Russian recommendation platform.

    Detailed assessment
    4.881. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Social package
    4. Comfortable working conditions
    5. Career growth
    6. Relations with colleagues
    7. Recognition of labor results
    8. Communication with top management

    Third place
    imageWrike is a service for efficient collaboration.

    Detailed assessment
    4.821. Social package
    2. Comfortable working conditions

    Companies ranked in the top 3 according to one of the qualities

    AutoTransInfo is a leader in the information market of road haulage.

    Detailed assessment
    4.791. Modern technologies
    2. Social package
    3. Comfortable working conditions
    4. Professional growth
    5. Communication with top management
    6. The company makes the world better

    Sidenis - software development.

    Detailed assessment
    4.771. Adequate salary
    2. Social package
    3. Comfortable working conditions
    4. Professional growth

    Button - accounting outsourcing.

    Detailed assessment
    4.771. Management literacy
    2. Communication with top management
    3. Company makes the world better

    LC Group - software development in fintech industry.

    Detailed assessment
    4.771. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Adequate salary
    4. Recognition of labor results
    5. Management literacy

    JetBrains - software development tools.

    Detailed assessment
    4.761. Adequate salary
    2. Comfortable working conditions
    3. The company makes the world better

    Dodo Pizza is an international pizza chain.

    Detailed assessment
    4.741. Interesting tasks
    2. Professional growth

    Superjob - Russian Internet service for finding work and employees.

    Detailed assessment
    4.721. Modern technologies
    2. Comfortable working conditions
    3. Relations with colleagues
    4. The company makes the world better

    MoySklad is a cloud service for managing trade.

    Detailed assessment
    4.72 1. The company makes the world better.

    Alternativa Games - online games and applications development.

    Detailed assessment
    4.721. Interesting tasks
    2. Comfortable working conditions
    3. Relations with colleagues

    DocDoc - service to search for doctors.

    Detailed assessment
    4.70 1. The company makes the world better.

    DSSL - security systems.

    Detailed assessment
    4.691. Relations with colleagues
    2. The company makes the world better

    Badoo Development - social network dating.

    Detailed assessment
    4.62 1. Social package

    Innova - the edition of computer and mobile games, the development of web services.

    Detailed assessment
    4.621. Comfortable working conditions
    2. Professional growth

    REG.RU - domain registrar and hosting provider.

    Detailed assessment
    4.60 1. Recognition of the results of labor

    FunBox - software development for mobile operators.

    Detailed assessment
    4.57 1. Comfortable working conditions

    Haulmont - software development.

    Detailed assessment
    4.5 1. The company makes the world better.

    Breffi - services for the promotion of goods and services.

    Detailed assessment
    4.471. Relationship with colleagues
    2. Communication with top management

    Small companies (small)

    • Companies numbering from 10 to 100.
    • The average score in this weight class is 4.63.
    • 52 companies were evaluated.


    First place

    imageMobileUp - mobile application development.

    Detailed assessment
    4.991. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Adequate salary
    4. Social package
    5. Comfortable working conditions
    6. Professional growth
    7. Career growth
    8. Relationship with colleagues
    9. Recognition of labor results
    10. Management literacy
    11. Communication with top management

    Second place

    imageUnion Media Group - services for content monetization and distribution of video in social networks.

    Detailed assessment
    4.951. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Comfortable working conditions
    4. Professional growth
    5. Career growth
    6. Relations with colleagues
    7. Recognition of labor results
    8. Management literacy
    9. Relationship with top management
    10. The company makes the world better

    Third place

    imageDIS Group  - software development for working with data.

    Detailed assessment
    4.881. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Comfortable working conditions
    4. Career growth
    5. Relationship with colleagues
    6. Management literacy
    7. Communication with top management

    Companies ranked in the top 3 according to one of the qualities

    CompanyEvaluationNominations - sports site Runet.

    Detailed assessment
    4.871. Interesting tasks
    2. Professional growth
    3. Career growth
    4. Relationship with colleagues
    5. Recognition of labor results
    6. The company makes the world better

    RemoteAssembly - developer of web and mobile applications, servers and databases.

    Detailed assessment
    4.841. Interesting tasks
    2. Modern technologies
    3. Professional growth
    4. Relationship with colleagues
    5. Recognition of labor results
    6. Management literacy
    7. Relationship with top management

    Maxilect - software development.

    Detailed assessment
    4.811. Modern technologies
    2. Adequate salary
    3. Career growth
    4. Communication with top management

    Staply - development of services for automation and project management, business messenger.

    Detailed assessment
    4.811. Modern technologies
    2. Adequate salary
    3. Professional growth
    4. Recognition of labor results
    5. Relationship with top management

    Runexis - software development in the field of telecom.

    Detailed assessment
    4.81. Modern technologies
    2. Comfortable working conditions
    3. Relations with colleagues
    4. Communication with top management

    Radyushin and Company - the development of web services.

    Detailed assessment
    4.791. Modern technologies
    2. Social package
    3. Comfortable working conditions
    4. The company makes the world better

    Evil Martians - software development and online projects.

    Detailed assessment
    4.781. Social package
    2. Comfortable working conditions
    3. Professional growth

    Carrot quest - automation of marketing and communication with the client.

    Detailed assessment
    4.78 1. Communication with top management

    Makeomatic - software development.

    Detailed assessment
    4.771. Interesting tasks
    2. Career growth
    3. Professional growth
    4. Adequate salary
    5. Relationship with colleagues

    SquareGPS - geolocation software development.

    Detailed assessment
    4.761. Interesting tasks
    2. Adequate salary
    3. Comfortable working conditions
    4. Relations with colleagues
    5. The company makes the world better

    SoftPro - software development for the market of sports events.

    Detailed assessment
    4.731. Adequate salary
    2. Comfortable working conditions
    3. Relations with colleagues

    Acribia - software development in the field of information security.

    Detailed assessment
    4.73 1. Communication with top management

    Plumsail - business automation product development.

    Detailed assessment
    4.731. Professional growth
    2. Relationship with colleagues
    3. Recognition of labor results
    4. Communication with top management

    Heads and Hands - development of web services and mobile applications.

    Detailed assessment
    4.72 1. Relations with colleagues

    GoTech - software development for the auto insurance market, payment systems and auditing in the USA.

    Detailed assessment
    4.71 1. Adequate salary

    Dvigus is an online advertising agency.

    Detailed assessment
    4.71. Adequate salary
    2. Recognition of the results of labor
    3. The company makes the world better

    Flant - outsourcing services for DevOps-maintenance and system administration.

    Detailed assessment
    4.681. Career growth
    2. Relations with colleagues
    3. The company makes the world better

    Genotek - determination of genetic predispositions, diagnosis of hereditary diseases, scientific research.

    Detailed assessment
    4.681. Interesting tasks
    2. Professional growth
    3. Relationship with colleagues

    Icons8 - software development for designers.

    Detailed assessment
    4.66 1. Professional growth

    INCART - development of medical equipment.

    Detailed assessment
    4.661. Professional growth
    2. Relations with colleagues
    3. Communication with top management
    4. The company makes the world better

    BestDoctor - corporate medical care.

    Detailed assessment
    4.641. Relations with colleagues
    2. The company makes the world better

    JustWork - software development, Internet projects and mobile applications, consulting.

    Detailed assessment
    4.631. Relationship with colleagues
    2. Communication with top management

    HTML Academy - interactive online courses.

    Detailed assessment
    4.58 1. The company makes the world better.

    Finch - launch and development of high-loaded mobile and web applications.

    Detailed assessment
    4.401. Modern technologies
    2. Comfortable working conditions

    Voximplant is a JavaScript-based, cloud-based voice and video telephony platform.

    Detailed assessment
    4.401. Modern technologies
    2. The company makes the world better

    General view of the assessment

    Size matters

    Now let's take a look at the evaluations of employers as a whole: how a company's valuation depends on its size and type, as well as what qualities and in which companies are valued higher.

    The first thing we see: the bigger the company, the lower its average rating. Based on this pattern, we divide our rating into 4 weight categories.

    If we compare companies for individual qualities, we see the same picture: the larger the company, the lower its average rating for any of the 12 qualities. The only exception in terms of quality is the “Social Package”: for small companies, the average rating of this quality is not the highest, as for the other qualities.

    If in each weight category we place the qualities of the company from a higher grade to a lower grade, then we will see which qualities are rated higher and which ones are rated lower. Of the most common patterns, the following should be noted:

    • In all weight categories "Management Literacy", "Recognition of Labor Results" and "Adequacy of Wages" are among the four lowest rated qualities of the company. At the same time, “Relations with colleagues” and “Professional growth” are among the four most highly regarded qualities.
    • In all weight categories, except for huge companies, the four most highly regarded qualities also include “Comfortable working conditions”. And in all weight categories, except for small companies, - also “The company makes the world better”. In small and huge companies - also “Modern technologies”.
    • An interesting trend: “Communication with top management” is getting lower and lower, and “Social Package” is getting higher, with an increase in the size of the company, which is quite logical.

    Grocery and outsourcing companies

    If we consider separately from each other grocery and outsourcing companies, which we participate in the rating approximately equally, we can make the following observation:

    • For both types of companies, Relationships with Colleagues, Comfortable Working Conditions and Professional Growth are among the top four most appreciated qualities, and Management Literacy, Recognition of Labor Results, Wage Adequacy and Social Package are in the top four lowest rated.
    • At the same time, “The company makes the world better” gets into the top-four qualities in the grocery companies, and “Modern technologies” - in the outsourcing.

    The most important qualities of the applicant

    And what are the qualities of the employer applicants consider the most important? It turns out, for the majority, the most important qualities are “Adequacy of salary”, “Professional growth”, “Literacy of management” and “Interesting tasks”, and the least important ones - “Communication with top management”, “Company make the world better” and “Social package".

    It turns out that, in general, companies provide a quite good level of “Professional growth”, an average level of “Interesting tasks” and a rather low level of “Literacy of management” and “Adequacy of wages”.

    We thank everyone who has already used the employers assessment service. We hope you have gained valuable experience and made the appropriate conclusions. And if you have not yet assessed your employers, then come and participate: collecting assessments is open year round, 24 hours a day.

    Подробней о том, как устроена оценка и как участвовать

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