Announcement Rambler.iOS # 9


    "Even now, your enemies are eagerly watching Rambler.iOS videos"
    Motivation for Harvard students

    After a long break, we hasten to announce the spring meeting of Rambler.iOS # 9, which will be held on May 25 in our office at Danilovskaya Manufactory.

    The heroes of this issue will be:

    • Denis Batvinkin with the report “ Life without memory ”. In his report, Denis will talk about what out of memory error is, analyze the causes of this error and show useful tools to deal with it.

      Talk talk: GitHub

    • Sergey Krapivensky will talk about static code analyzers , how to use them, what problems they solve, how to implement them in the usual development cycle.

      Talk talk: GitHub

    • Samvel Majlumyan will consider Swift as a server development tool and compare it with popular platforms. The issues of microservice architecture, problems and best practices in backend development will be touched.

      Talk talk: GitHub

    Traditionally, in between reports, a mini-game will be held. To make it as interesting as possible, now we accept cool questions from you . If you want to become a member and boast of your erudition, then send your question related to iOS-development or development in general to . The only requirement is that the question must have a definite answer, which can be reached logically.

    You can also participate in Tech Talks and discuss with experts from RAMBLER & Co, Mail.Ru, Yandex topics such as React Native vs Native, ObjC vs Swift, and the secret question from Ash Furrow .

    And, of course, as always in our program:

    • Afterparty, where you can continue to communicate with speakers and other conference participants.
    • Lottery of software licenses from our partners, as well as RAMBLER & Co souvenirs.
    • Live Broadcast - Follow the news on our Twitter and in the group on Facebook .

    Registration required: Timepad

 May 25, picking guests at 18:30

 Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 9, p. 1, business center “Danilovskaya Manufactory”, building “Rows of Soldatenkov”, 55.698686, 37.624554

    Pass Map:


    A detailed route can be found on our website .



    Information Partners:
    Weekly Digest MBLTDEV from e-Legion
    Telegram Channel iOS Good Reads
    iOS Development Course

    PS In the meantime, you are looking forward to our mitap, watch the video from our past meetings or the video from the section "Mobile Application Performance" from the conference of our partners HighLoad ++ 2016.

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