Live: frontend infrastructure

    Hello! My name is Roman Dvornov, I am Lead Engineer in the Frontend Architecture team in Avito. We are engaged in the creation and development of a technical frontend platform, so that other teams can quickly create interfaces and products. My colleagues and I have planned a series of online, in which we will discuss topical issues of developing the client side.

    December 11 on our YouTube channel will be the first live broadcast. Let's discuss the infrastructure of the frontend. Experts from Yandex, Tinkoff, Mail.Ru and Avito will participate in the discussion. Under the cut - sample questions that we plan to discuss (complete the list), and a link to the upcoming broadcast. Add a post to your bookmarks: after the meeting we will update it and post the video.

    Sample discussion questions

    Predicting the course of the discussion is always difficult. But the list of participants and the presenter foreshadow an interesting conversation. Let's try to talk about the technological stack, project architecture, modularity, dependency management, testing, assembly, deployment, automation, tuling, etc. In general, everything that projects encounter when they become large and serious products, and issues of control over the situation and increasing the efficiency of work on projects arise very sharply. We will also try to answer questions that can be asked during the broadcast. And on those that appear in the comments on this post.

    Online Members

    Moderator and moderator - Konstantin Burkalev


    System architect, IT for over 15 years. Author and presenter of podcasts about the development: SDCast & RadioJS . Member of various developer communities, such as MoscowJS, SymfoniacsMSK, Lua in Moscow, etc. During his professional activities, he visited enikeyshik, linux administrator, webmaster, developer in PHP, JS, Lua, PostgreSQL, Oracle. Oracle Certified Professional in databases and clusters. Now he works as a team leader and is engaged in security systems architecture.

    “In the context of infrastructure, I would like to discuss various processes and approaches to developing client applications, the importance of automating routine tasks and ease of use by developers, the topic of re-using existing developments within the company.”

    Roman Dvornov, Lead Engineer, Avito

    I have been working in web development since the beginning of the 2000s, with a focus on the frontend for over 12 years. I used to make large SPAs, now the range of tasks has become wider and often goes beyond the usual front end. I participate in Open Source, the author and maintener of a number of projects, such as basis.js, CSSTree, CSSO, rempl, Discovery, Jora and others. Researcher, architect, inventor of bicycles, evangelist of web standards, ideological inspirer, speaker ( some recordings of speeches ).

    We solve a lot of complex technical and organizational issues related to the development of the client part, due to the large code base and the number of teams involved in the process. Despite the specifics, similar problems are solved in any company. I would like to discuss how others cope with modern challenges, exchange experiences and ideas.

    Sergey Melyukov, Senior Engineer, Avito


    In the profession for ten years. In Avito, I made a great SPA for professional users, completely reworked the entire legacy assembly of Avito, updated the technical stack of the development of the frontend in the company (react, node, webpack). Interested in game devs.

    "I consider it important to discuss the issues of cutting the monolith and possession of the code in a large code base."

    Egor Kopylov, Head of the Yandex.Disk front end


    Engaged in web development for five years, doing Yandex.Disk and related projects. Interested in developing interfaces on all platforms.

    “In the context of infrastructure, I would like to discuss issues of common ownership of the code, what role do tests, architectures of modern web applications play in this. Ready to answer questions on any of the stated topics. "

    Andrey Marchenko, tech lead,


    In the profession for seven years, for the last three years, he has been developing the project and solving problems related to the architecture, infrastructure and performance of the project.

    “In recent years, the amount of logic on the front has greatly increased, and this has led to many new problems. It will be interesting for me to talk about topics: deploy, build, architecture of large projects, monoliths and what to do with it, monoreps, code ownership, monitoring, support and development of large code bases. And for my part I will tell about our experience in these topics. ”

    Stanislav Tugovikov, Head of Client Development for Mail,


    In the profession for 15 years, he began as a fullstack-developer, made websites for Rambler, Megafon, Disney. The last six years working in, was engaged in the front part of the Post and Clouds.

    “I will have something to say about monolith sawing, deployment and testing. All with reference to the specifics of a large project (the influence of Legacy, a huge load, a large number of features). ”

    Where and when to watch

    The discussion will take place on December 11 and will begin at 17:00 Moscow time. You can watch on the YouTube channel AvitoTech - here is the link to the broadcast, connect . If you have questions about the infrastructure of the frontend, ask in the comments. We will try to answer them during the discussion.


    Here is a recording online.

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