“Everybody sometimes wants to look at the cat”: talking about content marketing in the GLPH podcast
This is a podcast with those who write, edit, shoot photos, videos and manage content creation. Today we have prepared for you a text version of the fourth issue.
His guest - Olga Golovanova - Executive Director, author of special projects and creativity in BigPikcha.ru . We talked about content marketing, editorial “kitchen”, the delivery of native advertising and the experience of preparing thematic special projects for BigPikcha.ru:
In the photo: Olga Golovanova, executive director, author of special projects and creativity in BigPikcha.ru
alinatestova : Olga, please tell me how you came to BigPikcha. What tasks did you face then and what tasks are you solving now?
Olga: I came to the position of editor-translator in 2015. Then I had been looking for a normal office job for three months, because before that I had been involved in freelancing a lot - I worked as a photographer - without experience, with an old camera - I went and somehow I took pictures.
I thought: "Lord, I can no longer, let me in some office."
A: But that's another story altogether.
A: It turned out, yes. This is completely different. BigPikcha has nothing to do with office work, but I'm happy that it happened.
Then I saw a vacancy in the group “Jobs for good people,” wrote: “Guys, here is my resume, I'm cool, I can do almost anything.” They answered: "Yes, come." I was interviewed, was one of the first - there was a large set of editors.
She wrote the usual editorial posts. After a month and a half, I just got bored and I said: “Let me advertise, please, I can't.” And the guys said: “Listen, you are doing quite well, let us be engaged in our work with native advertising?”.
I said, "Come on, yes."
Since then, a lot has changed, because I have always had a little. I always wanted more: more posts, more difficult projects. Let me, I will help to do the specialists, let me help to write more native advertising. Well, at some point, Seryozha [Baryshnikov] came and said: “Let’s be the main one”. I say: "You are stunned?". Only in other words. He said that he could help me and everything will be fine.
Now to what I started with, everything else has been added to the editorial posts. I participate in all processes: in sales, in creativity, in editorial business a little, although we have girls there who are already conscious and independent. Especially you can not fit.
Roughly speaking, I do almost everything.
A: In fact, from freelancing you came to a manager in a media company in just two years.
Tell me, please, how do you work with BigPikcha with content? How often do you release materials? Do you have an internal philosophy on how to properly pack and present information so that it is interesting and in tune with your readers?
A: Yes, there is a philosophy. It is very simple. We are not concerned with politics, never at all. Even if it is a supertrafic news. We do not touch the "dill".
And I will not say what a precise definition of a “dill” is, you just see an informational occasion and understand that this is a frank HYIP on someone else’s grief. We do not take it. Some scandalous things, such as stories with Shurygin ... Fu. Excuse me.
A: Suppose a new person comes to you to the editorial position.
How do you teach him to the internal philosophy, teach to distinguish the very informational channels and topics from those that you do not take? Is it developed in the process of communication or, in principle, people who share your philosophy, come to you and go to work?
A: Even at the interview stage, it becomes clear whether a person will be able to share our philosophy or not. In addition to the fact that the test task is sent to the editor, we always really want to talk with him personally. A person can write a stunning and perfect text, but he will come, you will begin to communicate with him and you will understand that he will not fit. It will be difficult for him to communicate with people or it will be difficult for him to work in our format. It will be difficult for him.
Understanding of editorial policy is developed over time. I do not remember such cases, but it seems to me that there was no such thing that a man would come and understand everything immediately.
People come, they explain how to work in the admin panel. Then they begin to propose topics themselves. Over time, when they understand which topics are eliminated and which are taken, they begin to feel more at ease and offer something that will go well and look good. This is such an experience, the story of one and a half to three months.
A: It turns out that your work goes in a team and you work closely with each other. Do you have guys who live in other countries and cities?
A: We follow the principle of interaction with developers. They have something to do with content when it comes to special projects, and help.
It is for the editors that we recently began to follow very closely and try to take the guys only to the staff. The only thing is that we have an editor, Jeanne, who periodically returns to us. She lives in America, and I saw her once in a lifetime.
This is our only teleworker.
A: Does your content creation philosophy involve working together and communicating?
ABOUT:Yes. We guys can work from home. This is normally perceived. Just when you periodically appear in the office and communicate with people with whom you work and with Baryshnikov, for whom you work, it is easier. You understand that you go to work not only in order to gain experience or money, but also for the sake of other people. I had it like this.
A: How many people in BigPikcha now work with content and editorial tasks? If it is “not under the NDA” [non-disclosure agreement - non-disclosure agreement].
A: If I do not mess up, ten people work with content and advertising.
A: And this is 24 materials per day. Really serious volume.
How is the day of the “spherical editor in a vacuum” built in BigPikcha? Is it office work from 9 to 5? Or, as you said, can a person combine work from home and office work? Or is it some kind of crazy adventure, when you have to leave the office in the middle of the day for some things, and then come?
A: “Spherical editor” begins the morning with the messages of Serezha Baryshnikov: “Look, here it happened. Look, still here and here. ” Baryshnikov - crazy lark.
So it starts around five in the morning. You wake up, and you almost have an informational picture of the day before your eyes. Then people watch the news themselves.
Something can be done from home, arrive at the office by ten-eleven and continue working. They leave at five or six o'clock, during which time they manage to make two or three more news.
If something extraordinary happens - someone was born or someone very famous and beloved by many, unfortunately, passed away - there may be after-hour work. As always, we have an editorial chat - they write there: “Guys, born, died — let's.” Someone picks up the topic and does. Very simple scheme.
A: Do editors just create content or are there those who combine other tasks, do something else and develop in a “hybrid” state?
ABOUT:We didn’t have one that you have a range of tasks, and you don’t have to go for it. Everything comes purely from the desire of a person to do something else, to develop - not that this should happen ideally. The editor is engaged in the production of news in the usual way, but if he wants to write something adware, impose a longrid or write a newsletter once a week - yes, please. Go, no problem.
A: Are you preparing a content plan with the exception of the picture of the day that Baryshnikov gives in the morning? Some kind of content plan for a longer-term period, when you give approximate points for a week or a month.
ABOUT:We have a schedule. It contains important events and topics that will definitely be interesting. We are trying to adapt to it, but basically these are event things. Something happened - they wrote. There was a trend on the Internet - they wrote.
A: You are directly working in the "non-stop" mode, always on. Since you are constantly monitoring the situation, you have collected the necessary amount of materials.
Tell me, please, you are doing special projects and native advertising. Is there any difference for you between special projects and nativka? If so, which one? Because for many it is - plus or minus the same thing or one smoothly flows into another.
A: One flows into another. I think so. Special projects are part of native advertising. It just so happened that for some reason it is easier to call a post a “nativka”, and a special project is a special project.
In a conceptual sense, the difference between special projects and nativka is the complexity of execution.
A: Is special project more than one text? Could it be some kind of "package"?
A: Yes. This may be a different story. The series of posts can not quite be called a special project in our paradigm. A special project is a complicated mechanic.
When you have a non-linear quest that integrates on the landing page. Landing must still have information about the brand. Not easy, for example: "Buy a conditional Espumizan." Although we do not work with “pharma”, this is me for example. Something that brings additional information to the reader or helps him solve the problem. Fasting is also a useful story, but it is smaller, faster in production and cheaper.
BUT:More about native advertising I want to ask a couple of questions. Tell me, please, what is your recipe for native advertising? What things should or should not be there, so that it does not irritate the readers? Because people understand that this is the content of a company that pays money for it, wants to promote and advertise.
Therefore, to native advertising is always a dual attitude. Someone says: "Foo, jeans." For some, this is a normal text and something useful. How do you find a middle ground and do what is interesting for both companies and people?
A: The most important thing is to start with the fact that the task is not to hide that this is an advertisement. There is no task to write the text so that no one guesses that we are selling something. Must guess that we are selling something. And most importantly - readers should see this as a benefit to themselves.
Our main recipe for native advertising is to find the pain the product solves and to tell about it. Tell what it is. Build an association for the reader and propose a solution. We will never write: "This is the best, buy soon, right now." Not. We say: "There is a service that will solve your pain, take it, at least try."
Without "pairing".
A: I saw on Facebook a wonderful phrase: “Special projects, nativka and, please, creative.” Tell me about it - what are your examples?
A: It is necessary to understand that I came to this area of work without having a special education. I finished journalism, but I did not learn advertising and did not complete fashion courses on creativity and everything else. At some point I looked around me and understood that any idea that goes beyond the framework starts to be considered as a creative.
For example: “Let's take Urgant, put balls on him and launch into the sky. It will hang with an advertising banner. ” What? Sometimes you just want to clutch at the head - what you do, why you do it, how it solves your problems and the tasks of the brand is not very clear.
I understand that any creative should go into the scheme of work. This does not just mean that you need to come up with something incredible and give it in some strange format.
A: Your task as a person who is engaged in creative work is to shift the creative component to understandable and measurable rails.
A: Yes. And explain the mechanics by which it will work. I do not know, it turns out not 100%, it happens only in a fairy tale, but I and we all strive for it.
A: Since we are talking about traffic and performance. How do you measure, did the material go in or did not go, did it work out or didn’t? What metrics do you use?
A: We have our own internal monitor, and we use Google Analytics. We view statistics LiveInternet, Yandex. Metric. It all starts with an internal monitor. It has its own scorecard for views, clicks on advertising links, and time to read the material. We all take this into account.
There is, say, a brand that delivers healthy food. 95% that he will go well. Everybody loves to eat, now everyone has little time - the target audience is wide. You just need to literally push the person, tell him a little that a new product has appeared, offer a promotional code, and everything will go well.
There are services that are pending. Suppose a person reads about auto-concierge service. He will not run to buy it immediately, even if he has a car, and he drives to the car-care center three times a month. He will not run to buy it. Perhaps he will read our article, note to himself that there is such a very good service, and about a month later, when the situation comes, that there will be a need - he will go and order the service.
We always look at the number of views. Although it is already less interested in anyone. And the number of clicks on sponsored links, if this is a story about lead collection.

In the photo: Olga Golovanova, Executive Director, author of special projects and creativity in BigPikcha.ru
Suppose you come to us online tour booking service, they need email addresses to update the database or hold a competition - two thousand addresses. If we collected these two thousand to them - the project was effective. Not collected - do not calm down until we collect.
A: Do you define targets based on the needs of the client and the current task?
A: First of all.
A: Sergey Baryshnikov sometimes talks about the theory of evergreen content - “repacking” of content, when certain topics periodically appear again.
How often do you - if it is not a secret - repackage the content and how to make the old topic interesting again? What themes can be repeated?
A: Evergreen content really is. As a rule, content that will always go well is content that allows a person to either learn something new, despite the fact that the topic is old enough, or to smile and cheer yourself up.
It seems to me that such content will always be beautiful photo projects. They will not die. Until a certain moment, all kinds of memes, seals and funny gifs will remain the evergreen content. Not because people at one point became stupefied by informational noise around.
Everyone just sometimes wants to relax their brains, not to think about work, but to look at the cat. This is now happening less frequently, and these topics do not collect as much traffic as in 2014–2015, but everyone sometimes wants to look at the cat and be touched.
BUT:This should be the title of our today's podcast: "Everyone should look at a cat from time to time."
A: Yes, sometimes you just want to relax.
A: Our last block is the traditional blitz. Quick questions. The editor is able to ...
A: Everything.
A: The cool text is ...
O: The one that you want to reread.
His guest - Olga Golovanova - Executive Director, author of special projects and creativity in BigPikcha.ru . We talked about content marketing, editorial “kitchen”, the delivery of native advertising and the experience of preparing thematic special projects for BigPikcha.ru:

alinatestova : Olga, please tell me how you came to BigPikcha. What tasks did you face then and what tasks are you solving now?
Olga: I came to the position of editor-translator in 2015. Then I had been looking for a normal office job for three months, because before that I had been involved in freelancing a lot - I worked as a photographer - without experience, with an old camera - I went and somehow I took pictures.
I thought: "Lord, I can no longer, let me in some office."
A: But that's another story altogether.
A: It turned out, yes. This is completely different. BigPikcha has nothing to do with office work, but I'm happy that it happened.
Then I saw a vacancy in the group “Jobs for good people,” wrote: “Guys, here is my resume, I'm cool, I can do almost anything.” They answered: "Yes, come." I was interviewed, was one of the first - there was a large set of editors.
After the interview, I say to Sergey Baryshnikov [the founder of BigPikcha - an interview in Habré ]: “Listen, Seryozh, I read that you have no bureaucracy, but I have a seven-hour filming tomorrow. If suddenly you want me to leave tomorrow, I won't be able to. ”
He says: “Thank you, of course, but I have fifteen more interviews. If anything, do not worry, shoot tomorrow. But, most likely, I'll call you tomorrow. " He called me, and a day later I went to work as an editor.
She wrote the usual editorial posts. After a month and a half, I just got bored and I said: “Let me advertise, please, I can't.” And the guys said: “Listen, you are doing quite well, let us be engaged in our work with native advertising?”.
I said, "Come on, yes."
Since then, a lot has changed, because I have always had a little. I always wanted more: more posts, more difficult projects. Let me, I will help to do the specialists, let me help to write more native advertising. Well, at some point, Seryozha [Baryshnikov] came and said: “Let’s be the main one”. I say: "You are stunned?". Only in other words. He said that he could help me and everything will be fine.
Now to what I started with, everything else has been added to the editorial posts. I participate in all processes: in sales, in creativity, in editorial business a little, although we have girls there who are already conscious and independent. Especially you can not fit.
Roughly speaking, I do almost everything.
A: In fact, from freelancing you came to a manager in a media company in just two years.
Tell me, please, how do you work with BigPikcha with content? How often do you release materials? Do you have an internal philosophy on how to properly pack and present information so that it is interesting and in tune with your readers?
A: Yes, there is a philosophy. It is very simple. We are not concerned with politics, never at all. Even if it is a supertrafic news. We do not touch the "dill".
And I will not say what a precise definition of a “dill” is, you just see an informational occasion and understand that this is a frank HYIP on someone else’s grief. We do not take it. Some scandalous things, such as stories with Shurygin ... Fu. Excuse me.
Last year we try to position ourselves as news “which we deserve”. News that helps to relax, to be distracted and to understand that in the world, perhaps, not all is dark, but there are some interesting things outside your apartment or office, in other countries and other cities. Such a format. 24 posts per day, without politics and without “dill”.
A: Suppose a new person comes to you to the editorial position.
How do you teach him to the internal philosophy, teach to distinguish the very informational channels and topics from those that you do not take? Is it developed in the process of communication or, in principle, people who share your philosophy, come to you and go to work?
A: Even at the interview stage, it becomes clear whether a person will be able to share our philosophy or not. In addition to the fact that the test task is sent to the editor, we always really want to talk with him personally. A person can write a stunning and perfect text, but he will come, you will begin to communicate with him and you will understand that he will not fit. It will be difficult for him to communicate with people or it will be difficult for him to work in our format. It will be difficult for him.
Understanding of editorial policy is developed over time. I do not remember such cases, but it seems to me that there was no such thing that a man would come and understand everything immediately.
People come, they explain how to work in the admin panel. Then they begin to propose topics themselves. Over time, when they understand which topics are eliminated and which are taken, they begin to feel more at ease and offer something that will go well and look good. This is such an experience, the story of one and a half to three months.
A: It turns out that your work goes in a team and you work closely with each other. Do you have guys who live in other countries and cities?
A: We follow the principle of interaction with developers. They have something to do with content when it comes to special projects, and help.
It is for the editors that we recently began to follow very closely and try to take the guys only to the staff. The only thing is that we have an editor, Jeanne, who periodically returns to us. She lives in America, and I saw her once in a lifetime.
This is our only teleworker.
A: Does your content creation philosophy involve working together and communicating?
ABOUT:Yes. We guys can work from home. This is normally perceived. Just when you periodically appear in the office and communicate with people with whom you work and with Baryshnikov, for whom you work, it is easier. You understand that you go to work not only in order to gain experience or money, but also for the sake of other people. I had it like this.
A: How many people in BigPikcha now work with content and editorial tasks? If it is “not under the NDA” [non-disclosure agreement - non-disclosure agreement].
A: If I do not mess up, ten people work with content and advertising.
A: And this is 24 materials per day. Really serious volume.
How is the day of the “spherical editor in a vacuum” built in BigPikcha? Is it office work from 9 to 5? Or, as you said, can a person combine work from home and office work? Or is it some kind of crazy adventure, when you have to leave the office in the middle of the day for some things, and then come?
A: “Spherical editor” begins the morning with the messages of Serezha Baryshnikov: “Look, here it happened. Look, still here and here. ” Baryshnikov - crazy lark.
So it starts around five in the morning. You wake up, and you almost have an informational picture of the day before your eyes. Then people watch the news themselves.
Something can be done from home, arrive at the office by ten-eleven and continue working. They leave at five or six o'clock, during which time they manage to make two or three more news.
If something extraordinary happens - someone was born or someone very famous and beloved by many, unfortunately, passed away - there may be after-hour work. As always, we have an editorial chat - they write there: “Guys, born, died — let's.” Someone picks up the topic and does. Very simple scheme.
A: Do editors just create content or are there those who combine other tasks, do something else and develop in a “hybrid” state?
ABOUT:We didn’t have one that you have a range of tasks, and you don’t have to go for it. Everything comes purely from the desire of a person to do something else, to develop - not that this should happen ideally. The editor is engaged in the production of news in the usual way, but if he wants to write something adware, impose a longrid or write a newsletter once a week - yes, please. Go, no problem.
A: Are you preparing a content plan with the exception of the picture of the day that Baryshnikov gives in the morning? Some kind of content plan for a longer-term period, when you give approximate points for a week or a month.
ABOUT:We have a schedule. It contains important events and topics that will definitely be interesting. We are trying to adapt to it, but basically these are event things. Something happened - they wrote. There was a trend on the Internet - they wrote.
A: You are directly working in the "non-stop" mode, always on. Since you are constantly monitoring the situation, you have collected the necessary amount of materials.
Tell me, please, you are doing special projects and native advertising. Is there any difference for you between special projects and nativka? If so, which one? Because for many it is - plus or minus the same thing or one smoothly flows into another.
A: One flows into another. I think so. Special projects are part of native advertising. It just so happened that for some reason it is easier to call a post a “nativka”, and a special project is a special project.
Although both formats are promotional materials. We try to write it this way (both the special project and the usual native post) so that it is not a formal reply or a useless selling story. In every advertisement we try to solve the problem of man.
In a conceptual sense, the difference between special projects and nativka is the complexity of execution.
A: Is special project more than one text? Could it be some kind of "package"?
A: Yes. This may be a different story. The series of posts can not quite be called a special project in our paradigm. A special project is a complicated mechanic.
When you have a non-linear quest that integrates on the landing page. Landing must still have information about the brand. Not easy, for example: "Buy a conditional Espumizan." Although we do not work with “pharma”, this is me for example. Something that brings additional information to the reader or helps him solve the problem. Fasting is also a useful story, but it is smaller, faster in production and cheaper.
BUT:More about native advertising I want to ask a couple of questions. Tell me, please, what is your recipe for native advertising? What things should or should not be there, so that it does not irritate the readers? Because people understand that this is the content of a company that pays money for it, wants to promote and advertise.
Therefore, to native advertising is always a dual attitude. Someone says: "Foo, jeans." For some, this is a normal text and something useful. How do you find a middle ground and do what is interesting for both companies and people?
A: The most important thing is to start with the fact that the task is not to hide that this is an advertisement. There is no task to write the text so that no one guesses that we are selling something. Must guess that we are selling something. And most importantly - readers should see this as a benefit to themselves.
Our main recipe for native advertising is to find the pain the product solves and to tell about it. Tell what it is. Build an association for the reader and propose a solution. We will never write: "This is the best, buy soon, right now." Not. We say: "There is a service that will solve your pain, take it, at least try."
Without "pairing".
A: I saw on Facebook a wonderful phrase: “Special projects, nativka and, please, creative.” Tell me about it - what are your examples?
A: It is necessary to understand that I came to this area of work without having a special education. I finished journalism, but I did not learn advertising and did not complete fashion courses on creativity and everything else. At some point I looked around me and understood that any idea that goes beyond the framework starts to be considered as a creative.
For example: “Let's take Urgant, put balls on him and launch into the sky. It will hang with an advertising banner. ” What? Sometimes you just want to clutch at the head - what you do, why you do it, how it solves your problems and the tasks of the brand is not very clear.
I understand that any creative should go into the scheme of work. This does not just mean that you need to come up with something incredible and give it in some strange format.
It should be a working scheme that brings traffic and sales. Not only to us, but to the person who works with us and orders advertising from us. Creativity should work on the goal - views, traffic and sales, and not just be a cool idea.
A: Your task as a person who is engaged in creative work is to shift the creative component to understandable and measurable rails.
A: Yes. And explain the mechanics by which it will work. I do not know, it turns out not 100%, it happens only in a fairy tale, but I and we all strive for it.
A: Since we are talking about traffic and performance. How do you measure, did the material go in or did not go, did it work out or didn’t? What metrics do you use?
A: We have our own internal monitor, and we use Google Analytics. We view statistics LiveInternet, Yandex. Metric. It all starts with an internal monitor. It has its own scorecard for views, clicks on advertising links, and time to read the material. We all take this into account.
There is, say, a brand that delivers healthy food. 95% that he will go well. Everybody loves to eat, now everyone has little time - the target audience is wide. You just need to literally push the person, tell him a little that a new product has appeared, offer a promotional code, and everything will go well.
There are services that are pending. Suppose a person reads about auto-concierge service. He will not run to buy it immediately, even if he has a car, and he drives to the car-care center three times a month. He will not run to buy it. Perhaps he will read our article, note to himself that there is such a very good service, and about a month later, when the situation comes, that there will be a need - he will go and order the service.
We always look at the number of views. Although it is already less interested in anyone. And the number of clicks on sponsored links, if this is a story about lead collection.

In the photo: Olga Golovanova, Executive Director, author of special projects and creativity in BigPikcha.ru
Suppose you come to us online tour booking service, they need email addresses to update the database or hold a competition - two thousand addresses. If we collected these two thousand to them - the project was effective. Not collected - do not calm down until we collect.
A: Do you define targets based on the needs of the client and the current task?
A: First of all.
A: Sergey Baryshnikov sometimes talks about the theory of evergreen content - “repacking” of content, when certain topics periodically appear again.
How often do you - if it is not a secret - repackage the content and how to make the old topic interesting again? What themes can be repeated?
A: Evergreen content really is. As a rule, content that will always go well is content that allows a person to either learn something new, despite the fact that the topic is old enough, or to smile and cheer yourself up.
It seems to me that such content will always be beautiful photo projects. They will not die. Until a certain moment, all kinds of memes, seals and funny gifs will remain the evergreen content. Not because people at one point became stupefied by informational noise around.
Everyone just sometimes wants to relax their brains, not to think about work, but to look at the cat. This is now happening less frequently, and these topics do not collect as much traffic as in 2014–2015, but everyone sometimes wants to look at the cat and be touched.
BUT:This should be the title of our today's podcast: "Everyone should look at a cat from time to time."
A: Yes, sometimes you just want to relax.
A: Our last block is the traditional blitz. Quick questions. The editor is able to ...
A: Everything.
A: The cool text is ...
O: The one that you want to reread.
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