Community programming

    When interacting with each other, all people, one way or another, influence each other, form each other, change the characteristic behavior of those with whom they are in contact. One person alone can cause very small changes (for example, you can begin to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing and thus slightly affect the time of other people on the way), and very large changes, modifying the typical life of billions of people (for example, using the invention mathematics or the internet). Consider in this article, what are the basic rules and laws of the programming society, that is, changes in its behavior.

    History of man

    From the point of view of physics, society is qualitatively an exactly the same dynamic system as any other. For example, as a power station or as an excavator. And just like for a power station or an excavator, for society there is its own control technology (that is, a set of specific actions leading to the desired change in the system parameters).

    To understand how a power plant is managed, it is necessary to study what parts it consists of and what patterns in the behavior of these parts when working separately and when working all of them together. It is necessary to study how the turbine works, how the boiler works and so on. In the case of society, everything is absolutely the same. The parts that make up society are people, so consider a person in more detail.

    Before a man appeared, the ancestors of man passed a very long and continuous evolutionary path from the first RNA molecules to the worm, then to the fish, then to a creature similar to a lizard, then to a creature similar to a mouse, then to a primate, and further on to the apes and already to the person.

    It was a constant struggle for survival, constant competition with other species. In this case, the main thing in which the ancient creatures competed with each other was the perfection of the body for these specific environmental conditions. In ancient times, the competition of ideas was only born. A good body was the main tool for survival, since the brains then were physically all creatures too small and too stupid to compete with ideas. But gradually the computational power of the brains of many animals grew, since it gave an evolutionary advantage and already for some, the most developed animals, competition with the help of ideas, and not just bodies, began to become an increasingly important factor for survival.

    The ancestors of man were the first of the animals to fully and vividly show the full power of the evolution of ideas, and all the advantages that the evolution of ideas gives in comparison with the evolution of bodies. Having far from being the most formidable and powerful body, our ancestors all the time became the prey of predators, equipped with large claws and fangs. And only the processes occurring under the cranium, their thoughts and ideas, eventually made man the invincible king of animals, who have already won in competition with other animals so undeniable that now nobody seriously thinks about the evolutionary struggle with animals. This has long lost its relevance.

    However, evolution did not stop for a second. After the start of domination over all other animals, people continued to compete, but only with each other. Instinct to compete lies in the foundations of living beings and let many of us are usually not threatened with death from bad weather, hunger or a predator, but the desire for an evolutionary struggle remains and now this type of evolution can be called the evolution of ideas or the evolution of information. That is, man had an almost complete transition from the evolution of bodies to the evolution of information. The evolution of information is a much faster evolution than the evolution of bodies, since in order to change the behavior due to new ideas, it is not necessary to change several generations of creatures. In this case, both evolutionary selection and the consolidation of successful traits occur much faster.

    Basic principles of human work

    From the point of view of science, since man consists of the same atoms as the rest of the universe, it is possible in principle to distinguish it from inanimate nature only by the level of complexity of the structure. With the development of biology, neurophysiology, artificial intelligence, it became increasingly clear that the person is in fact the most complex biorobot. A person has a self-learning neural network in his head, which receives data from various sensors - eye, nose, tongue and others. The neural network is self-taught under the influence of the whole surrounding space (kindergarten, school, prison, war, 10 years as a factory fitter, drinking in the evenings, and so on, absolutely everything that occurs in life)

    Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of a person

    In this case, it is possible to draw an analogy between a computer and a person. The body is similar to the physical part of a computer (hardware), and the result of self-learning in the course of life is similar (software) to the operating system, drivers, and other programs installed on the computer.

    Human programming. (Education, propaganda training and the like)

    Characteristic behavior is determined by both innate and acquired qualities. Just as there are system requirements for installing certain programs on a computer, the innate characteristics of a person must be those that are necessary for the ability to perceive one or another idea or to physically do one or another action. Otherwise, the new information (program) will either not “establish itself” at all, or it will malfunction or, at least, much worse than on a person with the necessary characteristics.

    Interesting differences from a computer are that, first, a person installs programs for himself, analyzing the surrounding space, and secondly, programs installed on a person, unlike a computer, can physically change its characteristics. The most similar analogy for self-programming is a self-learning neural network, and the analogy for physical change under the influence of programs is the FPGA chips, which can be programmed to change the structure of the processor. The body (including the brain), receiving information, can be modified for certain tasks within wide limits. However, it is not necessary to think that the information flow can modify a person to any state. There are also limitations in the modification of information related to innate qualities. For example, if you look at Leonel Messi, it was as if he was born to play football, and Einstein to play physics. Many people train and practice no less diligently, and maybe even more, but they cannot achieve the same result. There are certain congenital predispositions.

    How important is the quantity and quality of programs installed per person?

    The most obvious example of how important the incoming information flow is is the case of Mowgli children who grew up with animals without contact with people. In the animated film, Mowgli behaved very decently, was a hero, even then he immediately caught on in the company of people. But this is a cartoon, but in reality it’s not at all like that. In reality, if one does not influence the information flow on a person from the very moment of birth, then there is no doubt that he originated from animals. Such a person grows up not even a savage, but simply a real animal. He is not that he cannot immediately take root, being suddenly in the company of people, but even after a certain age, he loses the ability to change the structure of the brain in such a way as to master speech and writing.

    Fig. 2. Man without the necessary software

    Fig. 3. The case when all the necessary software package was installed correctly.

    As another example, you can give a split Korea to North and South. Biologically, the people in both Koreas are the same, but they are programmed in different ways and therefore have different characteristic behavior.

    From all of this we can draw conclusions: even though a person has certain innate predispositions, for any activity, but due to the plasticity of the body (including the brain), the information flow that affects the person and forms the structure of his neural network plays a huge role in behavior and abilities and the rest of the body.

    Dependence on the age of the complexity of installing and uninstalling programs

    There is a dependence on the age of a person's ability to change under the influence of information. It looks like this:

    Fig. 4. The ease of changing the working code of an average person depending on age

    On average, the ability to change with the arrival of the same amount of new information decreases with age. This is due to the fact that it is easier for the brain to create neural connections from scratch than to first destroy the old ones and create new ones in their place, because the worldview is gradually becoming more complex and more difficult to integrate new information into it, and the development of the brain itself implies fast learning early life In the wild, it was necessary from birth to learn elementary things as quickly as possible in order to be able to survive. Then it became not so important to study. Therefore, with age, chemical processes in the brain slow down and to teach an old man to become much more difficult than a young one.


    In society, people do a variety of things. Each is basically something different. Someone is engineering, someone is football, someone is driving cars and so on. In this case, the engineer does not prohibit playing football or driving a car, but of course the engineer is unlikely to play football as well as a professional footballer and drive a car as well as a professional driver. A football player and driver, for example, do not understand at all in engineering. Thus, each of the people has a set of different skills. Each of the skills of an individual person masters with a different degree of perfection, but considering any one specific skill, inequality always arises between people because of differences in both innate and acquired qualities.

    For the overwhelming majority of human activities, it is possible to construct statistical graphs of the probability distribution of a person in society who has a certain level of perfection of any skill.

    Fig. 5. Graphs of the probability density of finding in a society a given number of people with a given level of mastery of the skill, for example, the skill of playing football. Case A –futbol is more developed in society, case B is less developed

    As seen in fig. 5, the distribution graph is bell-shaped. In zone 6, that is, the zone with the highest skill level, there are professionals. There are very few of them (small area under the distribution curve). In zone 5, there are lovers, in zone 4, people who seem to know how, but worse than amateurs, in zone 3, those who do not know how well, in zone 2, they know very little and in zone 1 either do not know how or are physically unable to master any skill. Depending on the popularity of the skill in society, the top of the bell may move as well towards the professionals as well as towards amateurs. It can also change the number of people who have not mastered the skill at all (they are at the origin of the coordinates on the chart).

    In zone 1, with the worst skill level, the schedule runs into zero, that is, the total lack of skill. A person who is at the zero point on the chart cannot do anything at all. For example, is in a coma and is not able to play football. And in the zone where the professionals are located, the schedule rests on the maximum of what a person is capable of. The limit, which is due to the structure of the people most adapted to this skill in society.

    But how can people have strong differences in body structure from birth, because all people belong to the same biological species?

    If you look at how the concept of a species is defined in biology, you can find out that in order to be one species with someone, you need to be able to have offspring with representatives of the species and be similar to them. But to be similar, it does not mean to be the same. Congenital differences of individuals within a species may well be present and, moreover, may be very strong, and still individuals will be considered one species.

    Thus, in the most perfect modern societies, all people are provided with equal rights, but at the same time equal opportunities for all cannot be purely biologically. There are two main reasons for this: firstly, there is a variation in the characteristics of people from birth and secondly, there is a different environment on everyone.

    The possibility of programming the whole society

    Consider the human programming process. Immediately after birth, the basic software package is installed by people in its immediate environment. Basically, these are parents, or people acting as parents. They form the initial skills and set the initial reaction to the world around us. At the same time, the influence on the child of information from the outside world is minimal. Programming is carried out mainly within the nearest environment (usually within the family). Programming immediately after the birth of information coming from outside the immediate environment, is possible only indirectly, by programming adults in the immediate environment.

    So, in the period immediately after birth, programming from outside the nearest environment is almost impossible. Then the influence of information from the outside gradually increases. Then comes the peak of ease of programming from the outside, because at this moment the brain is still quite young, and the influence of the nearest environment has already weakened (that is, independence has increased). Then the ease of programming from the outside decreases, since with age the ease of programming generally decreases the figure. 2. Thus, the graph of the ease of programming a person with information from outside his immediate environment is approximately as follows:

    Fig. 6. Graph of ease of programming information from outside the immediate environment

    Management of the company

    Fortunately, we are all human beings and for this, consciously or unconsciously, we are just as controlled by other people as we are. Thus, a complex system of mutual influence of all people on each other is formed. What can be said for sure is that even though all people influence each other, some of them have more influence (that is, management capabilities), while others have less influence. Someone is a professional in this, and to someone it is not even interesting, or it simply does not work out either consciously or unconsciously.

    As we have already found out, for almost any skill there is a distribution according to the level of its development. The skill of managing a society or the skill of a programmer of a society is no exception, it is also possible to construct a distribution for it, as well as for the skill of playing football or the skill of driving a car.

    Fig. 7. Graphs of the probability density to find in a society a given number of people with a given degree of influence on the rest. Case A - more people are involved in management, Case B - less The

    specific form of distribution depends on many factors, but it looks something like fig. 7. In zone 1 there are people in a state of coma, small children, mentally or mentally ill, etc., whose thoughts have almost no influence on society. At the other end of the schedule in zone 6, on the contrary, the most influential people are the government, the army, finance, production, science, art, etc., who basically set the trend for the rest of society (main programmers). According to this graph, it is clear that most likely you are somewhere between two extremes.

    Distribution B is shifted and deformed relative to A to the right. That is, case B is when a small number of people have an overwhelming influence (for example, dictatorship or monarchy), and case A is democracy (the power of the people or as seen on schedule, from a fundamental point of view, just the power of a larger number of people).

    Also rice. 7. can be interpreted as follows: in order to be as influential as possible, it is necessary to have influence on as many influential people as possible.

    What questions does the above theory answer?

    Question: Is it possible that in a society all people have the same influence on each other?

    Answer:Being a social programmer is a skill, like any other, and all people have different levels of training for this skill and different data from birth. Therefore, the case when all representatives of society almost equally influence each other is possible only with a small number of people, for example, a company of 2, 3 friends. With the increase in the number of people in society due to the emerging variation in such a characteristic as the ability to be influential, inevitably there is a distribution of influence. Therefore, such models as anarchy or communism can be implemented without reservations only in a society with specially sorted (similar) influential people. The likelihood that people will sort themselves out as needed under anarchy increases as the number of people in the sample decreases. And almost such a case is realized,

    The theory of managing a society consisting of a large number of people must necessarily take into account the variation in influence in order to be workable.

    Question: How to quickly and effectively modify the typical activities of the company?

    Answer: It is necessary to influence the information flow on people who are older in the zone near the peak of ease of programming from outside their immediate environment (Fig. 6).

    At the same time, a number of antiviruses are installed for each person, which reject the installation of certain information. Everyone is blocking different information. For example, an antivirus that could be installed when studying physics blocks information from fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, and so on. The fortunetellers, in turn, block information about the scientific approach and so on. Therefore, when the information flow influences the right age group, it is necessary to understand which information is blocked by antiviruses, and which is easily installed on people and, based on this, select information flow.

    Fig. 8. Human programming scheme

    Some of the information is blocked by the antivirus. The part that passed through the antivirus is adapted, distorted by a person under his world view and installed on his system. Some of the information is forgotten all the time, deleted, and this person needs a constant feed by the information flow.

    Then, you need to find ways to disseminate information for the right group of people. Since people who do not see your information cannot, under its influence, deliver themselves the necessary program, in order to modify the whole society, it is necessary to influence as many people as possible. At the same time, since different groups of people have different antiviruses, then the channels for disseminating information and the information itself for each group should be different.

    Fig. 9. Installation of information on the society

    . 9 shows that the first person rejected the first part of the information, the second person the second part, and the third did not reject anything.

    All of this at the moment is either accidentally or specifically used in such applied tasks as programming people to buy a new product, programming to send for a military operation with a new country, or to promote a new president. In general, it is used whenever the typical behavior of a large number of people is modified.

    Question: Why do families or groups of people moving from their society to a society with a completely different information flow keep the firmware of the society from which they moved?

    Answer:Re-flashing such a group of people is hampered by the fact that most of the software package is installed on a person by his immediate environment in the first years of life. At the same time, in some varieties of people (for example, Gypsy camps), by default, immediately after birth, a number of very powerful antiviruses are installed, which block most of the information coming from outside the immediate environment. Reinsertion of adult representatives is difficult, as with the same series of antiviruses as well as brain degradation with increasing age, which follows from fig. 6


    Knowledge of the fundamental principles of the modification of society can help avoid disasters associated with his incorrect work, help to create political theories that do not contradict the laws of logic and biology, to help an individual to advance his skills or develop his business in society.

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