Google Romance Romance
My googlewave, googlewave,
Webtrinol googlewave When will
you send an invite?
How do you behave in IE?
My googlewave, googlewave,
Webtrinol googlewave
Thousands of geeks, like me,
test you Not closed eyes,
Drowning in tears?
My Google, Google,
Webtrinol Google
Visit all countries,
In villages and cities:
Wikipedia and chat
And combine jimail!
My googlewave, googlewave,
Webtrinol googlewave
( crosspost in I'm a poet )
Webtrinol googlewave When will
you send an invite?
How do you behave in IE?
My googlewave, googlewave,
Webtrinol googlewave
Thousands of geeks, like me,
test you Not closed eyes,
Drowning in tears?
My Google, Google,
Webtrinol Google
Visit all countries,
In villages and cities:
Wikipedia and chat
And combine jimail!
My googlewave, googlewave,
Webtrinol googlewave
( crosspost in I'm a poet )