Be a security ninja: secret level

    Information security is one of the disciplines gaining enormous popularity in recent years. We decided to help everyone and organized a cycle of free webinars on information security. Today we publish videos of the final cycle of webinars on practical information security.


    The first part of the webinars on the main areas of information security is available here . In the second part of the webinars, we revealed the practical aspects of penetration testing. Initially, one webinar was planned, but the topic is quite extensive and interesting, so we decided to expand it into three webinars.

    Network Perimeter Attack

    At the webinar, we looked at how network perimeter attacks, practical cases and pentester tools occur.

    Onside attacks

    At the webinar, we covered topics for capturing a domain controller in a matter of minutes, gaining access to the processing of the bank, with minimal privileges in the system. A separate part of the webinar was devoted to the review of tools for conducting attacks.

    Web application attacks

    At the webinar, we looked at how to use the exploitation of web-based vulnerabilities to access critical data and attack the top management of the company. Disassembled tools to identify vulnerabilities, services to strengthen skills in testing for penetration of web applications.


    Speakers, they are super-experts of Jet Infosystems:

    • Anton Gavrilov, Senior Information Security Consultant;
    • Luka Safonov, Head of the Laboratory for Practical Security Analysis;
    • Georgy Starostin, expert of the Laboratory of practical security analysis.

    Moderators, they are the fairies of the Jet Infosystems marketing:

    • Sveta Borodina, Marketing Manager;
    • Galya Amosova, PR-manager.


    • Total: 8 webinars.
    • The total number of registrations for webinars: 7,318 registrations.
    • Number of webinar listeners: approximately 2,500 participants.
    • Number of hours spent preparing for webinars: 64 hours.
    • The number of letters on 227 letters.
    • Number of replies to letters: 226 replies.
    • Layout of webinars on Youtube: 8 videos.
    • Number of webinar views viewed on Youtube: 5,421 views.
    • The number of glasses of coffee drunk before and during preparation: 54 glasses and two beers .

    We would be grateful for your responses to a small survey on past webinars.

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